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Posts posted by justchil

  1. Setting up an A3 server to play with...

    Renamed BEServer.cfg and put my password in it. Added the path BattlEyePath = D:\A3\Config_A3\BattlEye to the EpochServer.ini

    When I start my server I see BattlEye initialization failed in the console and I can watch BEServer.dll disappear out of my BE folder. I am downloading the latest version off BE's website and copying it into the folder.

    Any ideas what would cause this?

  2. ATM theres about 10 ways to dupe on the current version, luckly not many people know them, most came with the last update



    Yep.  A lot more people know than you think.  I posted about another one on a dupe fix thread and the entire thread was deleted that had useful info on preventing several methods.

  3. On config.cfg, the setting localclient[] = {""}; make MinError zero to all clients on the same machine of the host! I believe i can now put the HC on china and make it spawn bots on USA.

    I have not used this setting by default because i was not able to figure out its purpose!

    Son of a Daughter Headless Clients on the way!

    How does it count a HC in China as localhost exactly?

  4. Thanks. Sorry, but right now I don't even have time to manage my server properly let alone this. What I can do is send you the code and answer questions about how it all works etc.. Happy for you to then maintain the HC branch. I actually don't think it would add much overhead to maintain both, and eventually I think you could get to this being a add-on module configured from the global condig file all under the single master branch.

    Would you mind sharing a bit of code with me? Pm is fine if you want.

    "I took Goobers server side HC detection routine and adapted and simplified for my needs. His code was better in that it could cope with multiple HCs however it did have some bugs. Since multiple HC is a very niche requirement I decided to re-write it slightly but with the ability to detect only a single HC. This is not a problem unless you plan to have over 200 AI (maybe more) and also would suggest you are running HCs from various machines (as you can only really run 1 per windows instance easily)."

    Is what I'm looking at. I had done this once before but I have lost everything from the last HC attempt.

  5. Server lag will do that, either sleep 2 wont be enough or it slowly turns into sleep ∞

    Still working on this. Actually haven't been working on it lol. With BE allowing RE's to come in we've had our hands full with script kiddies for a bit. People are happy they are working better than before. sleep 2 definitely helped I think overall it just needs a bit more attention to have it working close to perfect.

  6. I'm not sure.  I would think so but I died in 10-15 seconds and that number was .30


    Line 1067:  6:56:52 "PVP Event: YolkiPalki was killed by Boro {B.N.A} with weapon FN_FAL from 4.00375m (0.636963)"
    Line 1088:  6:57:53 "PVP Event: xMakkaraa was killed by Adramelech with weapon M4A3_CCO_EP1 from 99.4654m (1.54004)"
    Line 1129:  7:00:25 "PVP Event: Ivan was killed by Christopher Sissman with weapon m8_carbine from 166.796m (0.072998)"
    Line 1704:  7:17:37 "PVP Event: Aati was killed by hyzint with weapon M24_des_EP1 from 454.898m (12.376)"
    Line 1869:  7:23:25 "PVP Event: Zelioa was killed by George Smith with weapon M240_DZ from 4.80778m (3.29907)"
    Line 2094:  7:34:40 "PVP Event: Ivan was killed by hyzint with weapon huntingrifle from 397.262m (19.302)"
    Line 1055:  6:56:21 "Accidental Death: Zelioa died of natural causes! (1475.98)"
    Line 1141:  7:00:36 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (1731.06)"
    Line 1166:  7:01:35 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (1789.99)"
    Line 1238:  7:02:27 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (1841.14)"
    Line 1277:  7:03:11 "Accidental Death: sheep died of natural causes! (1885.83)"
    Line 1283:  7:03:33 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (1907.62)"
    Line 1310:  7:04:37 "Accidental Death: Zelioa died of natural causes! (1971.59)"
    Line 1516:  7:08:23 "Accidental Death: Zelioa died of natural causes! (73.4089)"
    Line 1647:  7:15:53 "Accidental Death: Ivan died of natural causes! (125.411)"
    Line 1649:  7:16:00 "Accidental Death: Ben died of natural causes! (2654.17)"
    Line 1670:  7:16:26 "Accidental Death: ihazcrayonz died of natural causes! (2679.95)"
    Line 1754:  7:20:42 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (2936.72)"
    Line 1779:  7:21:46 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (3000.04)"
    Line 1872:  7:23:26 "Accidental Death: hyzint died of natural causes! (3100.59)"
    Line 2067:  7:33:16 "Accidental Death: he-man died of natural causes! (2495.99)"
    Line 2155:  7:37:04 "Accidental Death: Zelioa died of natural causes! (3917.83)"
    Line 2235:  7:39:58 "Accidental Death: Zelioa died of natural causes! (36.377)"


    Not all of those but a good bit were PVP kills.  I'm not 100% sure the math is working on the logging but I'm checking... but it appears _lastHit is not getting subtracted from time although a few of them do seem that way.

  7. Defined in init.sqf instead of variables if that makes a difference.


    I made a var to do time - lasthit and added it to the logging so I can see what that number is when it doesn't work properly.


    I am curious as to what that number is when I get PVP logs of bullet hits but it being of natural causes.... may not even be useful if somehow defining those variables in init.sqf instead of variables.sqf causes my issue.

  8. Back from the dead and I'm still testing but people can get in the back ramp of a USEC and just start building in air.  I am checking a few things now to see if it works the "normal" way of building or if I've broken something.


    Tested yes works fine with normal building....  but people have figured out how to get around it using the ramp of the USEC.

  9. It's defined in variables.sqf  within my mission.  I'll try init.sqf.  Defining the others as false did fix the error.  Everyone just dies of natural causes now.



    21:54:57 "Accidental Death: Jhhassen died of natural causes!"
    21:54:58 "PVP Attack: B 1-1-F:1 (Jhhassen) REMOTE was hit by B 1-2-B:1 (dawson) REMOTE with FN_FAL from 51.7323m with 1.40945 dmg"
    21:54:59 "Player is Null FAILED: Exiting, player sync: <NULL-object>"
    21:54:59 Server: Object info 23:11 not found.
    21:54:59 "PVP Attack: B 1-1-F:1 (Jhhassen) REMOTE was hit by B 1-2-B:1 (dawson) REMOTE with FN_FAL from 40.4258m with 1.40696 dmg"
  10. I have one of my admins testing... she is using a m107 and it's triggering...


    } else {
    _message = format["%1 died of natural causes!",_victimName];
    _loc_message = format["Accidental Death: %1 died of natural causes!", _victimName];
    I haven't looked at the code enough myself... she's testing a non-one-shot gun now to see what happens.
    Happening with every weapon she tries D:
    Edit:  I see RPT error:
    18:47:41 Error in expression < of natural causes!", _victimName];
    if(DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then { [nil, nil, rs>
    18:47:41   Error position: <DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then { [nil, nil, rs>
    18:47:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_deathmsgglobal
    18:47:41 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDied.sqf, line 59
    18:47:41 "Accidental Death: Big Papi died of natural causes!"



    I just have DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true; defined in variables.  Maybe I need to add the other as false lol.

  11. FYI if you are using a mysql script to set damage on building parts to say 0.2 for maintaining... you will need to adjust your script / add a new query to take into account the plot pole no longer has a null/[] value in the inventory field.

    Otherwise you will have plot poles that do get maintained (damage removed) but the created/lastupdated date won't be updated so they will be removed in X days (whatever you have yours set to).

  12. No they will be removed when the mission times out.



    Yes, this is due to the fact that when a player is/gets inside the predefined area, the mission timer gets reset to prevent the mission timing out whenever a player is in the area. We have changed this behaviour in the upcoming version so the timer does not get reset and the mission despawns whenever the player leaves the area.

    Man this has become a pretty big priority for me or I may have to disable and wait until it's fixed/tweaked.



    My Lingor map which is still populating literally has probably 100-200 AI just hanging out at any given time. This is just a small example of one section of the map lol


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