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Posts posted by Barrikade

  1. I know the Vilayercodecustom folder is my go to folder, but within that folder, I couldn't tell you where a script goes to make it work. For example, I thought I had this right... I added the fn_selfActions.sqf script into the vilayercodecustom\dayz_epoch\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\ and it doesnt work. I removed it and placed it in the vilayercodecustom\missions\dayz.chernarus\ and it still doesn't work.

    I've been using vilayer a while now

    The first folder you will want to go to for adding custom scripts is


    this is your base mission folder, (mission.pbo) scripts will be added here so players who join your server can download the content you add to your server.

    The second folder you will want to know about is


    this is your server folder, (server.pbo)

    some scripts will requuire adding lines to files in this folder or adding new folders in here

    Once you know where these folders are adding scripts will become quite straight forward. Just follow the instructions that come with the release.

    If you would like any help getting started setting up send me a pm.

  2. I will try it with the self action as you recommend as you did in your first post, I just didn't understand completely.
    I am at work right now but when I get home I will try and see where I get.



    Removed the


    from the object

    Added your code to fn_selfAction.sqf

    but still no dice.


  3. pls put code in codebrackets, it makes it a lot easier to look through ...


    that being said, im pretty sure private variables are case sensitve ... so change either




    to same as the other and it should work again ... however, this will select a random location from the 4 you put in the array (not sure if that was the intension?)


    also you might want to change the part in the bigining so its not adding the action every time you run the script 

  4. So close, i have tried your code and a few variations of and the closest i have got is teleporting to the same location over 5 tests

    I added the cutText and BLACK OUT so i know the script is running but now i'm not moving anywhere.

    On the object in game i have ..


    this addAction ["Teleport", "setpos.sqf"];


    and my setpos.sqf is ..


    _POS = [[5160.2446, 4824.1216, 0.02],[14433.098, 16839.963, 0.02],[18130.816, 2031.8955, 0.02],[16309.836, 18425.389, 0.02]] call bis_fnc_selectrandom;
    cutText ["Hold Tight","BLACK OUT"];
    sleep 1;
    cutText ["","WHITE IN"];
    player setPos _pos;

    First time i had it working i had forgot the [] around the co-ords it was working but only to first location

    After i added the [] it stopped working but the cutText etc are showing up.


    I'll play around with it some more when i get home from work tomorrow.

  5. @Barrikade

    as i said, go to the editor and find some suitable locations in the editor and add a comment to the units so you can see in the script, which positions goes where, when you done that write back and ill help you figure some nicer code for this ... i might alread have something halfdone you can use

  6. I've finaly got something off the ground, a very basic teleport code that teleports the player from one fixed location to another.

    I also added

    cut Text, BLACK OUT, and WHITE IN along with sleep 2 and its doing exactly what i wanted

    I'm just researching arrays now so I can give the player the option to teleport to location A, B or C



    thanks for that Halvhjearne i will take a closer look at your code


    after reading through it a couple of times i think its clicked i'll play around with it now,  thanks :D

    Yeah i'm getting old and things dont sink in as fast these days lol.

  7. I like the idea of the list of locations opening up, i was playing around with a couple of things earlier and  then i got sidetracked with angel cookies and started adding items to the traders lol

    Anyhow i like the sound of your idea here, i will come back to it tomorrow with a fresh pair of eyes and take another look.

    i've looked at so many guides about coding and editing today i'm in overload, so right now i'm hitting the hay, try and process some info

    Thanks for your help with this MassAsster :D

  8. Thanks for your input MassAsster, so this code would be for an item that a player actually carries around with them (the cookie) and deploys it wherever they want? but takes them to a fixed location? (the can)

    Am i reading that correctly ?

    All im looking to do is have the player move from one existing fixed location  to another, i have already created the model in the editor wich i can copy and paste to several points of interest around the map.


    Player walks up to the tp and the scroll menu opens with the option to teleport. I've found a couple of guides and taken some from each using attachto and/or setpos commands.


    Unless i'm looking at your code wrong, i'll try it out though on my test server to see what effects i get,  cheers :D

  9. Thanks for your reply/index.php?/user/10011-halvhjearne/" title=""> Halvhjearne

    I kind of understand what you are saying here but unfortunatley i do not have the experience to implement it practically

    Although, now you have told  me what i need to do i can start to research the different aspects and hopefully come to some form of conclusion.

    I am quite new to all this right now but i have started to learn a few things along the way.


    Just to get me started though, the selfaction.. would i be looking for a few lines of code to add to my fn_selfActions.sqf or would it be a block of code that is in there already that i can copy and paste to alter to suit my needs?

  10. Hi,

    is there a way to add a teleport system to my server?


    What I would like to do is add teleportation points that would teleport players to different areas of the map

    Maybe with a cost and text attached for example..


    "This unit will teleport you to bandit city one for 1 10oz gold bar, do you accept?"

    And a scroll wheel selection to give the player the chioce

    1-Take me there

    2-I'm staying put


    Or maybe just a simple box that I could create in the editor that the player walks into and comes out at the other end

    I'm thinking like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly (without the side effects lol)


    I've been working hard on map edits for my Napf server and i just want to add a little extra something and teleporting would be a great way to get players to these new areas

    I've seen reference to teleporting in similar context but no actual scripts, searching usually just comes up with admin tools

    Any help would be much appreciated.





  11. Thanks for the replies, I will try adding the code later and see where I get.

    I would really like to create a server from scratch but the time it would take for a noob like me seems daunting lol although I have a few days off work next week and no plans so maybe...

  12. Hi

    ive added a few lines to my init.sqf in my missions folder that were noted in recent changelogs.

    Running patch on Napf island


    DZE_GodModeBase = true;

    DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false;

    DZE_MissionLootTable = true;

    DZE_PlayerZed = false;


    so far ive had the chance to test the weight but im still getting overburdened what could i possiby be doing wrong?



  13. Hi MassAsster,

    Before i start, I am new to all this but i now feel like I am learning something,

    I've set up the server on my pc so i can learn. without spending money on hosting (its just for my son and myself to play on at the moment.)


    I downloaded your excellent pack about a week ago and have finally got it running well by following your very clear instructions.

    Now i'm pulling your pack apart and loading parts onto a new experimental test server set up so i can better understand the process...


    Anyway i've started off with Sarge A.I, its on and its running fine, what i have noticed on both this set up and my original set up  is that there are no bandit names.

    If i set my sights over a soldier it says Soldier or Rifleman etc in green, on other servers i've played on running Sarge AI i've noticed if i line up an A.I bandit it will say BANDIT in red.

    I've searched to see if its a script i should get but i can't find anything.

    I've been over and over the files but i'm missing any reference to it.

    If you could shed any light on this at all or just point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.

    So far ive tried..

    DZE_ForceNameTags = true;

    Commented out the entire tags .sqf .. then put it back.

    Searching through the entire Sarge pack for any hint of an answer

    Im stuck on this one and its driving me nuts lol.


    I also wanted to say thanks for an amazing pack, and thanks for sharing your knowledge with the community.

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