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Blasain King

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Posts posted by Blasain King

  1. We are having problems with safe zones that kick people without a message or anything for shooting in safe zones. This only happens to non admins and give them a gray screen with 0 warnings. Any help is appreciated. I am not the server host if you need more info just ask me and ill try to get you back the info for it ASAP.

  2. So for the dayz epoch server we are using the chernaurus map and cannot buy for anything if you have say 10 briefcases it will say you need 0 more briefcases instead of buying it also going into negatives. if you sell it takes your item but does not give the payment for it. The server has been locked for about one day now any help is nice. I am not the server owner but if you need more information just ask and ill try to get what you need. Host is dayz.st 


    any help is appreciated we just cant find where it is in this code, which is keeping from the server being opened to the players.


    - Sarge AI

    - Autorefuel

    - Lifting and Towing

    - Safe Zones

  3. We rolled up to the we backed up the bases so we wouldnt lose the data completely but when we updated the server not all of the walls were deleted but alot were missing leaving bases exposed. Any help is awesome just reply to this. im not the server owner but if you need more info just reply and ask me about it and ill try to get it from him. Thanks for any help.

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