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Posts posted by tehtrk

  1. Nice job again, Zupa. Something is messed up on my server, unfortunately. This doesn't work for me on my test server, and in testing it, I realized that not even my live server displays any of the existing progress messages. I don't see the usual character data and authentication messages. I have a feeling if I fix what's breaking or hiding those I will fix what's breaking or hiding these better loading messages. I'm not getting any errors in the server side or client RPT. Any hints for places to check would be appreciated.

  2. no lag that I know off, but the some of the cars (police mainly) lag the shit out of a server

    Thank you!! I was wondering why my 100 or so server-spawned police cars lagged out my server so badly. I had to revert that change within minutes due to the impact. Time to find another classname and put that back in!!

  3. Im seeing this on player_traderMenu.sqf

    _data execVM "gold\trade_items_buy.sqf";
    _data execVM "gold\trade_items_sell.sqf";

    But there arent any files with that name to be found.



    They exist man.


    No, they don't. Maybe they used to be included, but they are missing in every recent download I can find. I was wondering about this myself, as I was going to do some customizing near the two lines within player_traderMenu.sqf.


    They are never exec'd though because they require the condition below to evaluate to true. I suspect it's a placeholder for future functionality.

    if( 0 > 1 )then{

    The real functionality happens after the } else { condition that follows.

  4. I'm sorry, I may be a bit thick here, but am I supposed to follow (some of) zupa's install instructions? Post #1 made me think that the changes that I need to make are included and could be extracted with a diff of the unmodified (vbawol) server/mission files. This seems plausible against the dayz_server folder files, but I'm not seeing anywhere that the mission file changes are even being called. Zupa's instructions add "#includes" and the expected "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" lines, but I'm not seeing anything like that in the "mission" folder of this project.


    I think what I am doing is correct, I just need some clarification. Thanks.

  5. Since this project simply uses diag_log lines to cause the arma server binary to spit out hive "calls" that writer.pl listens for, you could conceivably add any call you wanted. This doesn't use any dll's that need to be modified, you can see all of the calls in the server dayz_server.pbo by unpacking and running the following command from your unpacked dayz_server directory:

    grep -IR "CHILD:" ./

    As an example, look at the calls for 201 (player sync).

    diag_log format["CHILD:201: ... 

    This can be seen in writer.pl in the list of calls, like so:

    201 => \&h_player_update,

    You would then find the appropriate section that handles that call in writer.pl, which in this instance is the subroutine starting with:

    sub h_player_update { ...

    One you understand how this works, you should be able to add any call you want. The hardest part is writing the handler subroutine. I considered attempting this very thing, but I'm having to jump ship and go to a Windows server sadly. I hope I've helped in some way by explaining this.


  6. Can someone please just outline a basic series of steps for this? I appreciate the OP's efforts in creating the videos, but I find videos very hard to follow as opposed to a simple list of steps required.


    I already have a very functional dedicated Epoch server, so I'm particularly interested in what is required for an existing Epoch server to switch to an Overpoch server. As far as I can tell, I would need to copy the Overwatch client files to my server, and add a few overwatch-specific traders to my server.


    Thanks for any assistance.

  7. Thanks for all of your work on this project. I certainly don't want to add to your workload a lot by this request, and if I do, just ignore it. Could you add the unpacked dayz_server.pbo and mission pbo's to the project on GitHub as well? This would allow us to see the changes between commit and submit pull requests for changes made to the files contained in the pbo's. Thanks again.

  8. I have been battling this for a while now as well. I also have the gender selection fixes and the default loadout moved out of writer.pl and into the mission files. One thing I have been doing is adding diag_log lines in the server's server_playerLogin.sqf, server_playerSync.sqf to see what functions are writing out the model variables.

    If you have a player change clothes, you should see a line in your dump.log starting with "CHILD:201:" which is a player update (sync). At the end of that log line, you should see the skin name, like this:


    if you just changed to the Rocker4_DZ skin, or


    if using the default skin. What I have been seeing is update lines ending in this:


    showing that the model variable is getting lost or zeroed. One place this can happen is @dayz_epoch_server/addons/dayz_server/compile/server_playerSync.sqf here:

    _currentModel = typeOf _character;

    _modelChk = _character getVariable ["model_CHK",""];

    if (_currentModel == _modelChk) then {

    _currentModel = "";

    } else {

    _currentModel = _currentModel;

    _character setVariable ["model_CHK",typeOf _character];


    Regarding backpacks and gear issues and safe issues, I recommend you all check out the commits, bug reports, and pull requests at https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch . We're working on a psuedo-fork of that, so there are fixes from that very actively developed project that also apply to this project.

  9. I'm working on support 1.63.125985 (Steam)







    Please, tell me if you happened to run without this error: "SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so" 


    I have read that that error is innocuous, but I'm not so sure. I have been fighting with this all day. I have finally been able to join my test server using DayZ Launcher, but even after adding the following lines to my cfgdayz/server.cfg:


    steamport = 2300;

    steamqueryport = 2301;


    I am still unable to get the server to show up in DayZ Launcher or the built-in Arma2 OA multiplayer browser, but at least I can join now.


    I also had to add a file named steam_appid.txt containing the string 33935  . I think this is the correct appid, but I could be wrong.

  10. +1 here, player sync not on github


    Since the files contained in the pbo are not tracked by git, we aren't able to see the changes to the code, including fixes like the one devd mentioned. It's unfortunate, but true. The use of tags and/or branches are sorely missed as well.


    Edit: From my own diff, it appears that he moved the following:

    diag_log format["CHILD:204:%1:", _playerUID];

    to the end of the file. Makes sense.

  11. I've been struggling to get this working for a few weeks now. I'm an experienced Linux and *BSD admin, but my unfamiliarity with Arma2, A2OA, DayZ, and Epoch has made this a challenge to say the least. I My biggest struggle was knowing what folders went where. I think having installed the game from Steam has made it even more difficult, too.
    Thanks to post 19 of this thread (Thank you so much!!!!), I believe I was able to get my folder structure setup correctly. At least I am able to start the server using epoch.sh and restarter.pl. Upon startup, though, I get lots of errors like this:

    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CA_Sounds_Baf'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAAir_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAAir_BAF_CH_47F'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF_Head'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CALanguageMissions_baf'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CATracked_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CAStructures_PMC'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CATracked_W_BAF' requires addon 'CATracked_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CATracked_W_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWeapons_PMC_AS50' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_D_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_D_BAF' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_W_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'dayz_server' requires addon 'dayz_code'
    Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedlargeweaponvariants\config.bin/CfgWeapons/BAF_AS50_scoped/
    Updating base class ->BAF_AS50_scoped, by ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedlargeweaponvariants\config.bin/CfgWeapons/BAF_AS50_TWS/
    Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CA_Sounds_Baf'
     6:34:48 Dedicated host created.
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Put.BAF_ied_v1_muzzle'.
    Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    Warning Message: No entry '.magazineReloadTime'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    Warning Message: No entry '.drySound'.
    Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    Warning Message: No entry '.soundContinuous'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    Warning Message: No entry '.reloadSound'.
    Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    Warning Message: No entry '.reloadMagazineSound'.
    Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    Warning Message: No entry '.soundBullet'.
    Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    Warning Message: No entry '.aiDispersionCoefX'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    Warning Message: No entry '.aiDispersionCoefY'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    Warning Message: No entry '.canLock'.

    and this makes me think I still have something out of place or missing:

    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CA_Sounds_Baf'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAAir_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAAir_BAF_CH_47F'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF_Head'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CALanguageMissions_baf'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CATracked_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CAStructures_PMC'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CATracked_W_BAF' requires addon 'CATracked_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CATracked_W_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWeapons_PMC_AS50' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_D_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_D_BAF' requires addon 'CAWeapons_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'CAWheeled_W_BAF' requires addon 'CACharacters_W_BAF'
    Warning Message: Addon 'dayz_server' requires addon 'dayz_code'

    Here's my a2oa server root contents:

    $ ls -l
    total 15536
    -rw-r--r-- 1 anonuser anonuser        5 Feb  5 19:54 2302.pid
    drwxrwxr-x 2 anonuser anonuser    12288 Feb  4 02:07 addons
    drwxrwxr-x 5 anonuser anonuser     4096 Jan 29 02:10 cache
    drwxrwxr-x 4 anonuser anonuser     4096 Feb  5 05:15 cfgdayz
    drwxrwxr-x 2 anonuser anonuser    12288 Feb  5 04:44 common
    drwxrwxr-x 3 anonuser anonuser     4096 Jan 29 02:10 @dayz_epoch_server
    drwxrwxr-x 2 anonuser anonuser     4096 Feb  2 07:01 dta
    -rw-r--r-- 1 anonuser anonuser    99185 Feb  5 19:54 dump.log
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser 15676336 Jan 29 02:10 epoch
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser      364 Jan 29 02:10 epoch.sh
    drwxrwxr-x 7 anonuser anonuser     4096 Feb  5 04:58 expansion
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser      351 Jan 29 02:10 install
    drwxr-xr-x 2 anonuser anonuser     4096 Feb  5 06:06 keys
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser     2342 Jan 29 02:10 restarter.pl
    -rw-r--r-- 1 anonuser anonuser      103 Feb  5 06:50 server.log
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser     9070 Feb  5 04:58 tolower
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser     3137 Jan 29 02:10 tolower.c
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 anonuser anonuser    37188 Jan 29 02:10 writer.pl

    And directory sizes:

    20K     ./cache/players/1
    32K     ./cache/players
    1.2M    ./cache/objects
    656K    ./cache/traders
    2.0M    ./cache
    2.3G    ./common
    8.3G    ./addons
    168K    ./cfgdayz/battleye
    12K     ./cfgdayz/users
    208K    ./cfgdayz
    1.5M    ./@dayz_epoch_server/addons
    1.5M    ./@dayz_epoch_server
    7.1M    ./dta
    980K    ./expansion/battleye
    404K    ./expansion/beta/dll
    1.7M    ./expansion/beta/expansion/addons
    6.8M    ./expansion/beta/expansion/dta
    8.5M    ./expansion/beta/expansion
    34M     ./expansion/beta
    4.2G    ./expansion/addons
    7.3M    ./expansion/dta
    12K     ./expansion/keys
    4.2G    ./expansion
    128K    ./keys
    15G     .
    hostname = "DayZ - Epoch Chernarus Linux DS";
    password = "";
    passwordAdmin = "changeme";
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
    logFile = "server.log";
    motd[] = {
            "DayZ Epoch Mod Linux server",
            "Admin: [email protected]"
    motdInterval = 5;
    maxPlayers = 100;
    kickDuplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 2;
    equalModRequired = 0;
    requiredBuild = 108074;
    voteMissionPlayers = 1;
    voteThreshold = 2;
    disableVoN = 0;
    vonCodecQuality = 10;
    persistent = 1;
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    BattlEye = 0;
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    class Missions
            class DayZ {
                    template = dayz_epoch_11.chernarus;
                    difficulty = "veteran";

    The problem I am seeing is that I join the server and sit there at a black screen that says "Wait for host". I am using a near stock server config while I get this set up and I haven't made any changes to basic.cfg, either. I have disabled battleye to rule that out as a problem. I noticed other Epoch servers are running a different build number (103718) then I (102451). I don't know if that's really an issue, though.


    I would appreciate any input or tips you guys can provide on why I cannot join my server. I sense that I am close to having this installed to the point where I can start configuring it.


    Edit: I think I'm missing the communityconfigurationproject_e* files, but here's a good example of what has caused confusion for me: on my desktop I see the same files in both C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\Addons and in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\expansion\addons .


    Edit2: Correction, the communityconfigurationproject_e* files are in place on the server in expansion/beta/expansion/addons.

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