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Posts posted by ESFCrow

  1. Okay so this just happened and im just reporting it because its probably an easy fix.


    Anyway so foundations have an invisible wall or something because these people put up a trap at an airfield where there was foundation in the middle of the road and being in a skinny car I thought it was easy to clear, well apparently there's an invisible wall and the car explodes and there's 4 decked bodies at this persons front door.


    Try  with some sleep and couple of times to be sure.

    [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_unittype] spawn player_humanityMorph;
    player setVariable["bank",_bubank,true];
    player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
    player setVariable ["headShots", _money,true];
    sleep 0.2;
    player setVariable["bank",_bubank,true];
    player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
    player setVariable ["headShots", _money,true];
    sleep 3;
    player addMagazine _item;
    player setVariable["bank",_bubank,true];
    player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
    player setVariable ["headShots", _money,true];

    unfortunately this didn't work :( I guess ill just remove all skins from the server until stables out.

  3. Still getting an error. It is clothes related. Players can change clothes the first hour of uptime but usually after that the server crashes with this:


     2014-07-10 18:29:07 Database: [Error] Error 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<null> WHERE `CharacterID` = 1121' at line 1) in MySQLQuery SQL: 'UPDATE `character_data` SET `HeadshotsZ` = <null> WHERE `CharacterID` = 1121'


    This is what we put in to the player_wearclothes.sqf:


     player setVariable["HeadshotsZ",headshotsz,true];




    put this beneath private at the top of the file


    headshotsz = player getVariable ["HeadshotsZ", 0];




    any ideas?

  4. Theres an issue with the Hiveext file on our server,


    Our host said the reason our server crashes every once in awhile is because:


    Your server seems to be triggering an issue inside the HiveExt.ini file, which in turn causes ArmA to crash and restart itself.
    From the HiveExt.log:
    2014-07-08 22:01:22 Database: [Error] Error 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<null> WHERE `CharacterID` = 1063' at line 1) in MySQLQuery SQL: 'UPDATE `character_data` SET `HeadshotsZ` = <null> WHERE `CharacterID` = 1063'



    Im not really good at MySQL but does anyone here know that this might be?

  5. Hey everyone, when players go to use traders it takes awhile for the trader menu to show up, sometimes players cant get the menu to show up at all even doing it at different angles/zoomed/etc for some people it works, for others not so much and its becoming a problem. Any fixes?

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