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Posts posted by MasterBlaster

  1. Last time i checked dayZ doesn't exacly match up with reality.

    But anyways , a new problem , placed a bandit_annie skin into mtvr , MTVR dissapeared with everything in it , Anyone got any ideea why is this or whats from ?


    Been having the same issue. Cant figure it out for the life of me.

  2. @masterblaster and wattles - you pack my dayz_server files into a pbo and upload and you get req.auth hang?  that is very strange.  server from pack worked unless you edited it (needed for vehicle spawn to work).  i am familiar with req. auth and got around it with stuff on page 25, this is very very interesting.


    Yep used the file you posted, didnt touch it and packed it and uploaded. With the pbo from the custom pack everything works fine, just no matter what I try I cant get the fix for the vehicle spawn to work. Im guessing it has to be on the backend of dayz.st that is messing with something.

  3. here are my files:






    ps it would be easier to share if you had dropbox account (trust me) if interested here is the link to dropbox http://db.t/KQ60MZCh

    then let me know what your dropbox name is (i check this thread everyday) and ill add you so you can have them like is was on your computer. 


    credit for mods are in init.sqf and i would like to thank myself and the dayz community for help with the fixes, etc.  if it wasnt for all you guys... i would be doing something constructive ;)


    knockout is there and shows up on scroll but guy just kneels down/bends over and nothing.  problem could be in configuration.  let me know if you find a fix or whatever.


    Thanks for the files DBravo and everyone else for the help.


    I tried out your server pbo on my dayz.st server and still a no go for me (stuck at auth). Can anyone on Dayz.st confirm that the admin tools fix works for them?

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