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Posts posted by somerecluse

  1. Mells House


    - One safezone on Napf (Just one, it's the trader near the spawns. Makes the game less of a headache without making it too easy)

    - No safezones on Taviana


    - NO AI (although we have supply drop missions, but they usually only have basic supplies with the rare chance of having something special.  They're basically low-level loot spawn 'heli crashes' with the rare chance of having something ridiculous, like safes, or satchel charges. Very rare though)

    - NO gear on spawn (except your standard coyote pack, bandage, and flashlight)

    - NORMAL amount of vehicles.

    - 4 hour day/night cycle

    - NO indestructable bases (wtf why is this a thing?!)

    - NO lift/tow


    Just standard Epoch, hosted by the devs.



    A lot of this just sounds terrible. I'll touch down on  a few points of why.


    Self blood bagging on most servers is reduced to about 4k HP on a 30 minute timer with a chance of failure AND infection. Some only allow in hospitals. It's also actually more balanced than just carrying bio meat everywhere and pounding 5 of them should you get close to death (and they are INSTANT with no animation) and just eating antibiotics. I used to do this in vanilla epoch. You can still do that sure with self BB but I'm just giving you an example of why self BB isn't as OP as you're thinking. It's quite balanced.


    I don't like safezones either but 90% of epoch players do because they go to the trader cities and waste 45 minutes leaving themselves exposed to being shot. So if you want people in your server you basically have to enable these in at least 1 of your trader cities.


    I play on a 4hour day/night server. Love it.


    I agree with no spawn loadouts.


    No AI (especially on maps like napf where even with 50 players you can go a long time without seeing one) is extremely boring. It creates interaction among players. Strangers will work together to do them. They also create PVP for those types. All around it's good....AS LONG AS they aren't loot pinatas.


    Also no indestructible bases is kind of silly as well. Since there's no reason they should be destructible so long as doors can be destroyed (This is how i've seen it on basically every server). This allows for raiding to still occur yet prevents people losing their entire base for no reason at all because a group of players had 45 minutes to waste on hammering down your base that took you a week to build. If you play on a server with no indestructible bases you either have the nicest playerbase ever, no playerbase, or you have other rules stopping people from destroying bases just for the sake of it.


    I'm also indifferent on the towing/lifting because it's pretty cool and I like using it to help people. It also adds a lot of different elements to gameplay. It is somewhat OP though in certain scenarios.

  2. The easier the server, the higher the population. It's pretty much always that way.


    Players talk about how hardcore they want things, yet the easiest servers with the most random shit are the most populated. Take a look at how populated the fully militarized servers are. The epoch ones are the same way. We tried the hardcore servers with no safe zones, destructible stuff, no ridiculous vehicles or weapons. It didn't gain much attention. Same reason BMRF died out. They weren't progressive. DayZ has been around a long time now....and though most probably haven't noticed, but it has power creep just like MMOs. People are less patient to wait for the car that they've already spent hundreds of hours driving in or the sniper rifle they normally always have. They always want something bigger and better. Which now days is meaning APCs, attack helis, rockets, and larger caliber weapons.


    People don't really stay long in our servers because they complain of PVP because it is heavily oriented towards it. Not that people spawn with loadouts or anything or have extra military all over (none actually). We don't have any rocket choppers and our highest armored vehicle is the m113 but it's unarmed. Our hero and bandit vendors also have exclusive items unique to only them. But it's panthera so it's smaller and all of it's regulars are DayZ/Arma vets who basically only PVP. There is no trash talking or griefing at all though and the playerbase is extremely mature. Trolls don't do well there and neither do newcomers unless they stay away from missions or high traffic areas.


    I have to say though the most unique thing about our server though is very active admins who are constantly listening to player feedback and fixing things. The admin log is also posted so if you ever suspect any foul play you can just go take a look for yourself to see what's happening. We take playerbase votes before making changes and we even recently swapped from Chernarus to Panthera based on the playerbase decision. Pretty rare to find a playerbase that is ok with a DB wipe. We also have JSRS and ACE_SM enabled which it seems like a lot of servers don't for no reason. If you've ever played with these it's hard to go back to normal vanilla shit sounds.


    You could try it out if you want good squad pvp. Not really a server for carebears although there are a lot of heroes if that's your thing...but even they like to PVP as long as it's against known bandits or initiated on first. www.fobneckbeard.me 


  3. I read somewhere about a hardcore server or an idea for a server that was setup so when you died, your locks and safe combinations would all change making the base only really relevant for your current life.  I can see how this would be kind of cool, but it would also make most people avoid conflicts with other players all together.


    And also leaves stuff all over the server that is locked and no one knows the combos to lol. Really terrible idea. Unless of course they made that type of storage a lot cheaper to buy and the old locked stuff just deleted or was removed so you had to replace combo locks and put down new safes.


    The main problem with spawning in your base is it is now a legit TDM game (instead of its psuedo tdm form now). Die...spawn in base...regear from your dead body while behind locked doors, continue PVP in a 100m radius infinitely since you will just keep spawning there right away. Takes away from being able to siege a base since once you remove it's inhabitants....instead of having time to take down a wall or door, they are right there again already shooting at you.

  4. Things I like:

    - Friendly community, but I don't want a server to be PVE. It gets dull and boring and is basically unenforceable.

    - Military loot spread out. I don't like it when a server owner drops 4 barracks down in Balota, 3 more at the NWAF, few at NEAF, and a couple here and couple there. Leave the areas that have some military loot with what they have and add in a few smaller spots in out of the way areas. Drop a military tent with some sandbag fortifications in the woods somewhere like it was an outpost. Add a firehall to a smaller town that doesn't have one or one of the "checkpoint" buildings. I don't like people being able to fill a truck with guns from one quick stop at the local barracks cluster. 

    - AI. I do like AI Missions especially if they are not horrible difficult but the rewards for them are also not insane. I did a mission on a server recently where we ended up killing 20+ AI but were completely geared at the end of it with DMRs for those that wanted them, Lapua for others, NVGs, Ghillie, and to top it all off a LAV vehicle. That thing was broken. I drove through everything with it. Tree? No problem. Brick wall about 1' thick? No problem. Didn't even take damage. Plus it's amphibious and had a large gun on top. You could literally slam other vehicles off the road destroying them and take no damage. It finally did lose it's tires... blowing up a Merlin by driving through it. Missions should be simple and offer simple rewards. I should have a chance of upgrading if I just spawned and grabbed the first gun I found, but I should not be able to reequip myself with the best gear in the game when I already have solid gear. 

    I also dislike dynamic AI. I get that "You never know when..." but it makes the other aspects of Epoch annoying. To get wood you need to have a hatchet or chainsaw. It seems like every single time I put my gun in my backpack AI would spawn about 300 meters away and make a B-Line for me. Trading in a couple guns I had found but didn't need would mean I would be empty handed moving back to my vehicle when the AI spotted me and opened fire. Now I have an SD pistol to fight off 3-4 AI and one has a sniper rifle of some sort. If you do but in roaming "Bandit" AI put in some roaming "Survivor" AI that doesn't shoot at people with high humanity and fights the Bandit AI. I've seen some epic gunfights take place when they meet and then you don't always know if it is a player or AI fighting. 

    - Traders. I do not like invulnerable traders. I do like knowing the community and knowing who I can trust around the traders and who I can't. It means a group can raid a trader area and try to catch someone there. I do, however, like more protected traders. I've seen some very nice setups where you don't have to be standing out in the open while trading but are still vulnerable. I think that makes for the best mix.

    -I dislike Self Bloodbag. It's rather useless in Epoch too. If you get wounded, bandage, and then fill your hunger & thirst you will regenerate blood. This means you still need to find someone and finish them off in a firefight but it isn't instant health boost back up to full. I know different blood bag scripts offer different drawbacks like infection(big deal), less blood(so you use 2), and slower transfusion(about the only one that matters), but it removes one of the few interactive parts of the game. 

    -Refuel. I like refuel scripts but I like them to shut down the vehicle. What would be a good idea for someone to code would be a new item called hand pump or something similar that lets you use a refuel script while near a fuel tank. Without it you can't use fuel tanks but with it it quickly refuels your vehicle while you stand still. 

    - I like plot poles. They make a person actually plan a little bit. Otherwise you simply slap up a cinderblock wall across a couple doors and then find yourself the stuff to make a locked door and you have your base. I like that you have to setup and hide the plot pole and protect it. I dislike the fact that if I die I have to reset it. It isn't so bad once your base is "done" or at least you have the basics in, but it is annoying when you die from a building mishap or with things only half done(another reason I hate roaming AI).

    - Vehicles. I prefer to have a ton of civilian. I don't like... Okay I like it, but I sigh at the same time... finding 2 really expensive aircraft in about an hour. Because if I am doing that it means everyone else is too and we are on our way to an inflated economy. I prefer that people get money from selling SUVs and the occasional armed chopper instead of several C130s each night. 

    - That brings me to economy. I like it to be simple. People should struggle to get everything they want but not always everything they need. You really only need 1-2 vehicles, a safe or two, a small base, complete "kit" and maybe a spare in your safes. Anything else is gravy. Getting to that point should take you a few weeks, not a couple evenings playing. I've been on servers where SOLO I have had a base set up with a safe in it in a day with an Armored SUV parked there and maybe a Little Bird or other chopper. On that server I did 3 missions. Each time I loaded all the expensive guns off the AI and loot boxes into the vehicle that was there and sold the guns and vehicle. By the time I was done I bought the SUV and safe and set up the safe. I then bought a plot pole and they had building supplies so I bought those in bulk. Had a base setup before I went to bed that night with H-Barrier and Metal panels circling it, a small cinder bunker with my safe and a storage shed, and a locked garage door. Then I got a Mozzie for disposable transport and I think the next day was when I saved up for a real chopper. I left that server since I was kinda already set and bored. 

    - Bases shouldn't be indestructible but the community should agree not to level each other's bases. I think the basic rule of thumb should be, "Don't be a dick." Breaking through a wall or door and raiding their horde of trail mix and Coke is one thing. Cracking the wall and using a hotwire kit on their vehicle then stealing it is one thing. Blowing up every vehicle in the base, burning their tents down, emptying out their storage sheds or flattening them, leaving them nothing but their safes... that's a dick move. Now, destroying all their ladders to the upper floors... that is a bit funny since they can simply build some more. 


    Do you play on the same server as me?! lol Literally all the same things I like other than plot poles.. But only because of the reason you mentioned them being tedious. It seems we could/do play in the same place judging by what we both like and that there aren't many servers with those things... One thing I forgot to mention that I love and hate going to servers that don't have it is ACE sound mod. Everything sounds so much better and terrifying and directional sound is a lot better. I don't know why some servers choose not to run this.... joined one populated server and asked admins if they ever thought of it. They replied it caused lag. -_- lol

  5. How is Maintaining tedious? You walk up to your plot pole and pay 2 10oz gold lol.

    Thats it. Its easy and with missions and such on my server people have been building bases just fine. My stop dont degrade till 15 days if not touched or used. So the people that dont get on often still have a chance.


    But each to there own :) There is so many servers out there, That there is something for everyone.


    truth be told I haven't played on a server that required plot poles since they added that (and it worked). Last time I used that function it only maintained the plot pole. Which I also dislike because arma can't code them to work well. If you didn't have to pick it up and put one back down or tag friendlies after deaths they would be fine. But that is also annoying so I just prefer not using them and like servers that don't require them.


    Plus I like building random things in LOTS of different places that aren't necessarily bases....so requiring plot poles for that stuff is annoying. Like I enjoy building a tollway over a road coming in or out of stary. Since our server has road building disabled I just build stairways going up and over it with a sandbag nest or some other cover on top. Little things like that. Placing tank traps and wire fencing in areas to mold the surroundings so that only I know it etc (not blocking off loot spots or griefing doors though)

  6. As a player you have to be able to give and take. You cant have one thing that conflicts with another.

    Not having a plot pole and maintenance would allow stuff to be built ANYWHERE and it will never degrade/despawn. So the database will be getting full and also means more and more stuff on the server which will bring down performance ALOT. So you cant have all that and than want good server performance. And you cant expect a admin to just teleport all over the map and delete stuff cause how will he/she know it don't belong to someone? Teleporting will cause lag/desync and they cant do it from the DB cause with there being no maintenance it wont show when its last been used. So not having those is a horrible idea for servers that want good performance.



    The server I play on does have all those things and the admins do remove things (there are multiples of them that are pretty much always around) that are no longer used. It has better FPS than virtually all other epoch servers I've played in besides 1 (which was an official server so very few extras).


    When someone reports something indestructible blocking of high value loot spawns, they clean it right up. No issues at all. It's in the rules but sometimes people don't read. 

    Also it's not that hard for them to tell when people haven't logged in or used their safes etc. I think they usually give them a little over a week before they remove unused structures. There are literally no abandoned structures on the server currently. Maintaining is just tedious and annoying. I don't want to spend all my play time gathering mats, protecting my stuff, replacing plot poles, AND maintaining it. Makes it feel too MMO grindy in that way and for solo players, small groups, or not super active ones it's a hassle if you still want to enjoy basebuilding and those things exist. On other servers I never built stuff because as a solo player it required far too much time and resources, taking away from what I love to do most - PVP. 

  7. Can I ask what servers you two play on? And to anyone else who replies here I'd be curious what servers you play on so I can see a sampling of what people really enjoy or consider good performance. 


    @Joeyy I totally agree with a simplified context menu. It's the little things like adding the interactive inv blood bag clicking that definitely helps. The server I play on has that too. It's so much better than the scroll wheel version and it's just a very tiny change every server could make and should.

  8. I'm curious what it is people look for in joining or staying in a server. It seems the most popular things are safe zones, indestructible bases, and AI missions. Do people ever look for any of the opposite things? Prefer no safe zones? Bases that can be destroyed? What about server performance? Literally every single server I've joined besides 2 I have around 10-15 fps in cities like cherno and about 20-25 everywhere else and in non epoch servers or the other 2 I mentioned I never go below 30. But in those servers they are not that populated... mostly because lack of scripts to keep performance up. 


    Do people prefer heavily militarized? I'm strictly speaking epoch btw. Do people enjoy 134 aircrafts and heavily armored ground vehicles? I find them to be a little OP. I ask because most of the highly populated servers have lots of these things but TERRIBLE performance and also very whiny immature player bases. This only refers to the high pop servers I've played in at least (pop 35+). I get in their public TS channels and it's profanity every other word and trash talking non stop and whining in side chat. Also they all have loot pinata AI that are a cakewalk. Like all of them. Very easy AI missions with insane rewards. Joined a server yesterday (that stays over 40 people) where a guy accumulated 100 briefcases by himself soloing missions all day. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?


    The type of servers I like running scripts I like tend to not have as many players. I would play in the bigger ones just because I love killing people but the performance issues and insane amount of terrible scripts or lack of GOOD addons (ACE sound mod) is a real turn off as well as the player bases. I enjoy pvp but it seemed most of the people who joined the servers I like did not enjoy it so much and eventually quit due to dying a lot. 


    Also how important are admins to you? A lot of those servers also have no really active admins or don't know how to handle their servers and perform updates or keep them running smoothly. I figured this kind of thing would be the most important. Theyre also rampant with ESP users etc because admins usually wont do some independent research or spectating to catch them and it's almost impossible to otherwise.   



    And since someone might ask. The things I prefer most are (in no particular order of important):

    Active Admins (that will do their own research/observing to catch scripters)

    No trader safe zones

    No OP vehicles (nothing that can be fired while manually piloting/driving besides the Pooks with m60s)

    Rules against completely dismantling bases or at least indestructible cinder besides doors

    Allowing bases to be built virtually anywhere 

    No plot pole requirement

    No maintenance requirement

    No TWS or hitscan weapons that can destroy any normal vehicle in less than 4-5 shots

    A healthy amount of vehicles that are commonly civilian. Preferably a good cleanup/respawning script to keep them near coasts instead of seeing 200 ladas/sedans/tube frames north of stary.

    Community that enjoys classy PVP

    Good server performance and no extremely huge mission file






    TLDR; What are the MOST important things to keep you in a server. And what makes you leave usually?

  9. The only thing I wish epoch had was faster (realistic) speed little birds and the ability to upgrade vehicles with visual armor and weapons. Like turn a regular truck into one with metal platings on it and different guns. Plus the regular vehicle upgrade stuff for speed etc.


    I just really want like a sedan with a turret on top of it and reinforced metal platings lol. Or a bus with chainsaws coming out the sides ;)


    Also weapon nest recipes that you need to get from documents....and maybe other rare unique things from documents. I really like having reasons to kill zeds. I'm also recently enjoying the hell out of wood ramps. I gathered a lot of them from zeds and have made some very interesting structures lol.


    Oh ya lower the weight on cooked fish. 50lbs for tuna? Wtf why/how would I eat the entire fish.



    Edit* Actually zombie missions would be really awesome. If they just had sooo many zombies in an open area where players couldnt run indoors or land a helicopter to hide under the rotors. And perhaps they had increased health or something. That would actually be fairly exciting. Double the amount of zed spawns per player from vanilla. So I think vanilla epoch is 30 per player? 60 zeds per player. lol Better bring some explosives! Oh ya I guess it would need to be fenced in so you couldn't just run them all over....

  10. It could use a couple police stations or military tents spread out a bit more. Too many cities are not worth entering and spending time looting. 


    The airfields have so many barracks and the rest of the map is mostly void of military spawns. Spread them around a bit. 

  11. the easiest way is to ram it with other vehicles until it explodes. on my epoch server I just go find an unlocked vehicle (any will do, but offroad types usually work better for more speed offroad) and ram it slowly until it explodes. by slowly i mean not full speed but not barely nudging it.... you can even blow up ospreys this way. (ive done it) if you use a ural or one of the bigger vehicles MTVR etc you might even get out of it without blowing up your ramming vehicle. It's also pretty safe to do as you won't completely explode on impact. it will give you time to get out of the vehicle before it explodes if it does.


    ive never been able to blow up a grounded aircraft with grenades or HEs but i've destroyed a lot with other vehicles. just dont ram it with anything expensive if you planned to sell it lol.

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