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problem with the mission WAI and BTR 90


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AI won't attack a vehicle if they think it can't be damaged with the weapons they're using. If you give them an AS50 or RPG, they'll open fire. On occasion, AI might glitch out and open fire anyways, but it doesn't tend to happen often.

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///Use the built in mission system (config file for mission system in mission folder)
ai_mission_sysyem = True;

/// clears all Weapons and Magazines off body on death
ai_clear_body = False;

/// Clears dead bodies after given time
ai_clean_dead = True;

/// Time (in seconds) after which a dead body will be cleaned up
cleanup_time = 1800;
/// Sets radius for AI patrols (call spawn_group)
ai_patrol_radius = 300;

/// Sets number of waypoints to add in patrol area (call spawn_group)
ai_patrol_radius_wp = 10;

/// Sets behavior of AI groups 
ai_combatmode = "RED";
ai_behaviour = "SAFE";

/// Turns on AI info sharing (Makes them very hard even on low skill settings)
ai_ahare_info = True;

/// Distance AI will let other enemies know of your position (currently only on kill) 
ai_share_distance = 300;

/// Gain humanity for killing an AI unit (True: is on. False: is off.) 
ai_humanity_gain = True;

/// Humanity added for AI kill 
ai_add_humanity = 50;

/// Adds bandit kill when killing an AI (True: on. False: off.)
ai_banditkills_gain = True;

/// Allows you to set a custom skill array for units. (True: will use these arrays. False: will use number in spawn array)
ai_custom_skills = False;

/// Custom skill array. Use 0 to use this with ai_custom_skills = True 
ai_custom_array1 = [

/// Custom skill array. Use 1 to use this with ai_custom_skills = True 
ai_custom_array2 = [

/// Custom skill array. Use 2 to use this with ai_custom_skills = True 
ai_custom_array3 = [

/// Arrays used in "Random" custom skill 
ai_skill_random = [ai_custom_array1,ai_custom_array2,ai_custom_array3];

/// Allows AI on static guns to have a loadout 
ai_static_useweapon = True;

/// Allows you to set custom array for AI on static weapons. (True: On False: Off) 
ai_static_skills = True;

/// Custom skill array. Use this with ai_static_skills = True;
ai_static_array = [

/// Gearset arrays for unit Loadouts ///

/// 0 ///
ai_gear0 = [

/// 1 ///
ai_gear1 = [

/// 2 ///
ai_gear2 = [

/// 3 ///
ai_gear3 = [

/// 4 ///
ai_gear4 = [

/// Gearsets to use if set to "Random" ///
ai_gear_random = [ai_gear0,ai_gear1,ai_gear2,ai_gear3,ai_gear4];

/// Weapon arrays for unit Loadouts ///
/// Format is ["Gun","Ammo"] ///

/// 0 ///
ai_wep0 = [

/// 1 ///
ai_wep1 = [

/// 2 ///
ai_wep2 = [

/// 3 ///
ai_wep3 = [ 

/// 4 ///
ai_wep4 = [

/// 5 ///
ai_wep5 = [

/// 6 ///
ai_wep6 = [

/// 7 ///
ai_wep7 = [

/// 8 ///
ai_wep8 = [

/// 9 ///
ai_wep9 = [ 

/// 10 ///
ai_wep10 = [

/// Arrays used in "Random" for weapons///
ai_wep_random = [ai_wep0,ai_wep1,ai_wep2,ai_wep3,ai_wep4,ai_wep5,ai_wep6,ai_wep7,ai_wep8,ai_wep9,ai_wep10];

/// Backpacks used when "" for random ///
ai_packs = [

/// Skins used when "" for random ///
ai_skin = [
WAIconfigloaded = True;

I've had the same problem myself with tanks and helis. You have to go into AIconfig.sqf this is what my file looks like. not you may have to go into your missions and add the wep classes to spawn.

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