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It isn't working properly just yet. I will probably rewrite it from the ground up. Can't find the exact issue with it. I know it won't execute for everyone, just the admin and remote executing it for all players didn't seem to work for some reason.


Alright. Would be a nice addition indeed. Real easy to host events with that.

Keep up the nice work!

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Couple of things I have found with doing testing.


1. While godmode is on, still get knocked out and killed by zeds. this includes AI missions from atleast WAI.

2. The building copy/paste feature removes the option to open doors with locks, cannot unlock safes and admin tools wont show the code, also stops plot poles from working.

3. ESP often does not work, doesn't always show players on the map and sometimes 1 player will show a different name to who they are.

4. Point to repair fixes the heli but if you scroll wheel and go to repair, it still shows damage, this i think is a matter of the heli still showing damage until restart, wont know that until our next restart.


I haven't encountered this yet, but will do some more extreme tests with it.

Will need to modify build manager then, but the main point is to be able to import and export bases.

ESP enhanced or player? Enhanced was upgraded recently.

Permanent repair seems to be broken. I don't know what happened, but after it stopped working. It is an issue on github and will be addressed before release.


Keep it coming bro.

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Alright. Would be a nice addition indeed. Real easy to host events with that.

Keep up the nice work!


I started ti for that and so if you help someone they can't be shot by mistake, making your job harder.



Im stuck on waiting for character on both stable and test branch, any ideas?.


Check your rpt for errors.

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I found I was having this issue when i first switched from epoch to overpoch.


I added dayz_antihack = 0; to my init.sqf and I was able to use the tp2me function again


Yeah it didn't work for me, and now I noticed that when I die, I can't even teleport myself. Ihave to disconnect and reconnect and I can teleport again. TP2ME is still not working.

I checked out the overwatch files and saw the anti teleport thing too. For some reason it did t disable it for me. I'll have to do some digging,

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it was defiantly the normal ESP not enhanced but will check if the enhanced works or has the same issue.


Here is an image it showing one persons name while scroll wheel shows another, and yes I did confirm they were correct.




Only other issue I have found so far is that some/all of the buildings you can add to the server need to have exceptions in the BE filters.

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for some reason mine wont work, I had battleye error but I just cleared the filters.. I also didnt bind the keys but now I have removed the // infront of the scroll and f1-f3 keys yet still got nothing after I reuploaded the PBO  any ideas? I've followed the readme like 10 times to make sure and went back to my vanilla pbo's to start with

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Couple of things I have found with doing testing.


1. While godmode is on, still get knocked out and killed by zeds. this includes AI missions from atleast WAI.

2. The building copy/paste feature removes the option to open doors with locks, cannot unlock safes and admin tools wont show the code, also stops plot poles from working.

3. ESP often does not work, doesn't always show players on the map and sometimes 1 player will show a different name to who they are.

4. Point to repair fixes the heli but if you scroll wheel and go to repair, it still shows damage, this i think is a matter of the heli still showing damage until restart, wont know that until our next restart.


Tested god mode in about every way I am able to and I have no issues (godmode cancels if you leave a trader zone with godmode)

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I've got a problem, my admin option is disappearing for some reason. It does that randomly and I can't access the function 'admin menu' anymore (it is not on my screen). However I can still use the shortkeys for teleporting etc... How can I fix this? 

Do you have any other mods that modify the scroll commands? Have you modified the tool? Either of these can potentially cause an issue.


for some reason mine wont work, I had battleye error but I just cleared the filters.. I also didnt bind the keys but now I have removed the // infront of the scroll and f1-f3 keys yet still got nothing after I reuploaded the PBO  any ideas? I've followed the readme like 10 times to make sure and went back to my vanilla pbo's to start with


Known issue with the macro keys. These are fixed for 1.9 It is an issue where the player loads before the keys do. Normally comes back if you relog because the character data is stored until you disconnect entirely.

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it was defiantly the normal ESP not enhanced but will check if the enhanced works or has the same issue.


Here is an image it showing one persons name while scroll wheel shows another, and yes I did confirm they were correct.


Only other issue I have found so far is that some/all of the buildings you can add to the server need to have exceptions in the BE filters.


Nekuan has experienced this kind of issue when using group manager. Are you using this?

Also would you provide all of your filters in a zip file for me? Your publicvariables.txt was different from the most recent files and I would like to look at them.

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Yes I experienced this.. issue. Since group managament esp is going completeley nuts, not showing some players who are in a group and showing wrong names for some players in my own group (both enhanced and player esp if im not mistaken)

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Something else I just noticed, when you use base building to put up say cinderblock wall, it does not allow the use of SnapTools. 


Is there a way to enable it? I figured it had something to do with spawning something in and not building it, if it cannot be fixed can "Admin fast build" be put back in?

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Something else I just noticed, when you use base building to put up say cinderblock wall, it does not allow the use of SnapTools. 


Is there a way to enable it? I figured it had something to do with spawning something in and not building it, if it cannot be fixed can "Admin fast build" be put back in?


Snap pro will be added in 1.9.1 when the next epoch update releases.

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I reported this issue with DZGM breaking ESP a few pages ago.

it's because these admintools esp uses groupicons, 

each player in dayz epoch is assigned to it's own group, once players start grouping up in dzgm, only the leader shows


i was able to modify the esp somewhat and got it to display the name of every player in the group, above the head of the leader. 

but nothing better than that unfortunately. so i have left dzgm off 2 of my servers as a result. 


I dont want to take it away from the guys that already have it, but i wont add it until i have a solution for it, especially not when one of the servers is regularly heavily populated and full of trouble makers.


in the official support thread for DZGM, ebay pasted this link




I assume this is probably for people using infi, I have not had any real success making it work with admin tools. 

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Been using the test branch and one err bug is when you delete a building created the loot from that building stays. Sometimes just loot suspended in the air. Another is spawned zeds don't attack they just stand there.

Also when spawning buildings is it possible to move it further away. Real hard to spawn something when its so close esp when it,s in the ground and you move it up it lifts you off the ground.love the tool just minor things.

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Yea ebay posted a fix for infistars esp but they're completely different


actually, that might not be the case. 


I just tested it out again, this time i've had some success. *if* my group management test works. i will post on how to make ebays solution work. 

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ok my testing is complete. with regards to ebays no group esp solution

yes it works, and it works with group management


all you need to do is copy the entire contents of this http://pastebin.com/durgw4iu


paste it into admintoolsmain.sqf


and then add a line like this

["Toggle NoGroup ESP", [0],  "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn adminESPicons"]], "1", "1"],

into one of the menus, 



if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) then { // Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Spawn Starter Vehicle",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript8,"StarterPack\spawnVeh.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["Toggle NoGroup ESP", [0],  "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn adminESPicons"]], "1", "1"],
		["Base Destruction Menu >>", [], "#USER:BaseDestructionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		

// attempting to add ebays no group esp to menu 
adminESPicons =
        xdistance = 2500;
        if (isNil "adminxtags") then
                adminxtags = 0;
                fn_esp =
                        if (isNil "BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n") then {BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = 2733;};
                        BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n cutRsc ["rscDynamicText", "PLAIN"];
                        BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n + 1;
                        _ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText") displayctrl 9999);
                        _ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
                        _unit = _this select 0;
                        while {(alive _unit) && ((player distance _unit) < xdistance) && (adminxtags == 1)} do
                                _pos = [(getPosATL _unit) select 0, (getPosATL _unit) select 1, ((getPosATL _unit) select 2) + 2];
                                _pos2D = worldToScreen _pos;
                                if (count _pos2D > 0) then
                                        _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
                                        _text = parseText format ["<t size='0.35' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 (%2m)</t>", name _unit, round (player distance _unit)];
                                        _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
                                        _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
                                uiSleep 0.01;
                        _ctrl ctrlShow false;
                        _ctrl ctrlEnable false;
        if (adminxtags == 0) then
                adminxtags = 1;
                hint "ESP Enabled";
                _a = [];
                while {adminxtags == 1} do
                        _count = count ((position player) nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], xdistance]);
                                if (((_x in _a) && !(alive _x)) or ((_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) > xdistance))) then {_a = _a - [_x];};
                                if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && (name _x != "") && !(_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) < xdistance)) then
                                        _a = _a + [_x];
                                        [_x] spawn fn_esp;
                                        uiSleep 1;
                        } forEach playableUnits;
                        waitUntil {_count != count ((position player) nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], xdistance])};
                adminxtags = 0;
                hint "ESP Disabled";
// no group ESP end

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Been using the test branch and one err bug is when you delete a building created the loot from that building stays. Sometimes just loot suspended in the air. Another is spawned zeds don't attack they just stand there.

Also when spawning buildings is it possible to move it further away. Real hard to spawn something when its so close esp when it,s in the ground and you move it up it lifts you off the ground.love the tool just minor things.


The delete tool was never really meant for deleting epoch buildings. This is an entire new idea I came up with for fun and interesting custom server events. I will need to look into this and see what I can do about it.

It is possible to move buildings farther away I was messing with the distance modifyer and chose the current distance for buildings so that the smaller ones weren't so far away from you. The only way to really do this well will be to change the distance modifyer for each object group and that will take some serious time and testing. Each item doesn't have its own distance so if you need the church 10m away instead of 2, the smaller objects will be at 10 as well. I plan on modifying this, but I don't want to hold up the release of 1.9 because of this experimental tool. My main goal is to get it operational, send it out, and refine it for 1.9.1

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