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Craft bike/motor as fresh-spawn


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I've seen this in several threads but there's not really a clear guide on how to get these installed for Epoch (Spawn bike/motor with toolbox as fresh spawn)


Could anyone possibly please help me out with this? Because with the dynamical vehicle spawns; after a while it hardly doesn't spawn any vehicles at the coast ..


Would really appreciate some guidance on this :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't do that.


Pull variables.sqf mission side and modify the DZE_SafeVehicles array to add the bicycle class.


This will stop the killing.


You mean change from DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"]; to  DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1"]; ?


Or i miss understood

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You mean change from DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"]; to  DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1"]; ?


Or i miss understood



yes thats what he means - 


Don't do that.


Pull variables.sqf mission side and modify the DZE_SafeVehicles array to add the bicycle class.


This will stop the killing.


never even thought of that :-p nice find

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Also that's a very old pack.sqf version and allows anyone on the server to delete any object they look at when packing their bike.


I suggest using this version (credits to JoSchaap)

if (false) then { 
// player is in combat and cant pack his bike
    cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot re-pack your bike."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
	if (typeOf cursorTarget == "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" || typeOf cursorTarget == "Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1") then {
	// player is looking at a bike and the target has a bike classname
	// delete it first to avoid player changing to another target
		deletevehicle cursorTarget; 
		player removeAction s_player_deploybike2;
		player playActionNow "Medic";
		r_interrupt = false;
		player addWeapon "ItemToolbox";		
		_sfx = "repair";
		[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
		[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
		sleep 6;
		cutText [format["You have packed your bike and been given back your toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
		r_interrupt = false;
		player switchMove "";
		player playActionNow "stop";
	} else {
		// player is not looking at a bike, or target does not have a bike classname
		cutText [format["You have to be facing your bike to re-pack it!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
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