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Dayz Epoch Namalsk Blood suckers and EVR blowouts help



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Ok, Hopefully I can help you. This is what I did:


1. Open you init.sqf in your mission file and add


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\blowout\blowout_init.sqf";
​progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

also in your init.sqf you need:


ns_blowout = true;                        // Make this false for disabling random EVR discharges (blowout module)
ns_blowout_dayz = true;     // Leave this always true or it will create a very huuuge mess
ns_blow_delaymod = 0.74; 

Put it above:


// DZEdebug = true;

//Load in compiled functions

This should get your EVR Blowouts working. I have played around with a lot of files to do with cold breath, temperature, blowouts so I may have missed something.

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Thanks for everyones input on getting EVR blowouts working in epoch namalsk.


I am still struggling with getting blood suckers in


I've followed several threads and suggestions but no luck.


I have added the below to my init.sqf in mission folder

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";

dzn_ns_bloodsucker = true;		// Make this false for disabling bloodsucker spawn
dzn_ns_bloodsucker_den = 400;	// Spawn chance of bloodsuckers, max 400, ignore if 

i have added the below to building_spawnZombies.sqf, it was pulled from dayz code and moved to my mission.sqf

//Add bloodsuckers
	if ((_type == "Land_bspawn" || _type == "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed" || _type == "Land_fuelstation_w" || _type == "HeliCrash" || _type == "HeliCrash_No50s" || _type == "Land_aii_upper_part" || _type == "Land_Mil_Barracks_i") && dzn_ns_bloodsucker && ((random 400) < dzn_ns_bloodsucker_den)) then {
		_rnd = random 1;
		if (_rnd < 0.18562) then {
			//_content = "this addMagazine 'ItemBloodbag'";
		} else {
			//_content = "";
		"ns_bloodsucker" createUnit [[(_originalPos select 0) + (random 60), (_originalPos select 1) - (random 60), 0], group sefik, _content, 1, "CORPORAL"];
		diag_log "Condition met to create bloodsucker"; 

compiles.sqf in mission folder

building_spawnZombies =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\building_spawnZombies.sqf";

i added ns_mutants into my mission.sqm under addonsauto


while looking through ns_mutants i found a mutants spawning script which i am calling through my init.sqf. but no luck either

_logic = _this select 0;
_logic setPos [1000,10,0];

if (isServer) then {
  _fsm = [] execfsm "nst\ns_modules\mutants\fsms\Mutants_main.fsm";

i keep seeing references to this "nst" folder but cannot locate it.  i see references to it in the blowout script and the script seems to be fine.  id really like to get blood suckers working, anyone else had more luck?

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by adding the code below to one of the random missions that spawn ai, i can hear the bloodsucker but it is not decloaking.  closer....

"ns_bloodsucker" createUnit [_unitpos, _aiGroup, "_aiunit=this;",1,"CORPORAL"];

edit: bloodsuckers can be shot and killed, just not decloaking. 

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guess i will just keep talking to myself in here :p


the bloodsucker scripts for attack and follow are in  ns_modules.pbo. 


the scripts are called by cfgvehicles.hpp in config.bin in ns_mustants.pob.  i began merging them into the dayz_code config.bin but realized i would have to distribute this file to everyone that joined???  is there a simpler way of calling this code elsewhere??

class eventHandlers {
			init = "_this execVM ""\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\mut_follow.sqf""; _this execVM ""\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\zomb_sounds.sqf"";";
class ns_bloodsucker : NS_zombie1 {
		model = "\nst\NS_mutants\blood\bloodsucker.p3d";
		accuracy = 1000;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
		armor = 46;
		faction = MUT;
		camouflage = 0.01;	// how dificult to spot - bigger - better spotable
		zombieLoot = "bloodsucker";
		moves = "NS_CfgMoves_Bloodsucker";
		displayName = "Bloodsucker";
		vehicleClass = "NST_mut";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"invisible"};
		class eventHandlers {
			init = "_this execVM ""\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\blood_follow.sqf""; _this execVM ""\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\blood_sounds.sqf"";";
		class HitDamage {
			class Group0 {
				hitSounds[] = {{{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit01.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.2}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit02.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.2}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit03.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.2}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit01.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.1}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit02.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.1}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit03.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.1}, {{"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit04.ogg", 0.177828, 1, 120}, 0.1}};
				damageSounds[] = {{"body", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit01.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.25, 5, 6, 10}}, {"body", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit02.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.25, 5, 7.5, 10}}, {"body", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit03.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.25, 5, 6, 10}}, {"body", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit04.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.25, 5, 7.5, 10}}, {"hands", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit01.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.5, 0, 2.5, 5}}, {"hands", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit02.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.5, 0, 2.5, 5}}, {"legs", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit03.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.5, 0, 1, 2}}, {"legs", {"nst\ns_sounds\mutants\bloodsucker\Hit04.ogg", 0.056234, 1, 120, 0.5, 0, 1, 2}}};
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I believe you can throw all those .sqf files into your MPMissions folder (DayZ_Epoch_15.namalsk) and then just change the complies.sqf or init.sqf (forgot which off-hand) to the MPMissions Root.


I'm super new to a lot this; but it seems you can 'give people' the files my moving things over into the mission files as references?


For example; I think... when we added this (below) to our init.sqf it started getting our blowouts to work. (EVR) Maybe the same works for the Mutants? I still haven't attempted to check/tackle those though; we're just now in process of getting a server up and testing for our next Season of FactionZ on Namalsk. 


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\blowout\blowout_init.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
Instead of referring to \nst\ns_modules\etc...  you would just put \blahblah.sqf and it would look right there in the root of the missions folder.
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One thing I really want is to get the weather all cold and snowy. I played on epic-havoc's server and I really like how the cold made it feel like I always needed to be on my toe's. Someone probably posted it already but if not can someone give me a little tut on how to get this weather thing going?

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I believe you can throw all those .sqf files into your MPMissions folder (DayZ_Epoch_15.namalsk) and then just change the complies.sqf or init.sqf (forgot which off-hand) to the MPMissions Root.


I'm super new to a lot this; but it seems you can 'give people' the files my moving things over into the mission files as references?


For example; I think... when we added this (below) to our init.sqf it started getting our blowouts to work. (EVR) Maybe the same works for the Mutants? I still haven't attempted to check/tackle those though; we're just now in process of getting a server up and testing for our next Season of FactionZ on Namalsk. 


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\blowout\blowout_init.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
Instead of referring to \nst\ns_modules\etc...  you would just put \blahblah.sqf and it would look right there in the root of the missions folder.



thanks for the response.  i do have the above line in my init.sqf to get blowouts working.  i added the code below into my initi.sqf for the bloodsuckers but getting undefined variables errors and logging into the server kicks you back out to the lobby. 

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\init.sqf";

in an attemtp to resolve the undefined variables errors in  the server rpt, i added the code below to the end of my init.sqf

if (isNil _logic) then {
	_logic = _this select 0;

if (isNil ns_mut_leader) then {
      ns_mut_leader = _unit;

it resolved one of the errors but still receiving the below error for ns_mut_leader.  i havent found where this variable is defined in ns_modules but i see several lines of code passing different values into it.  i too am a noob still but ive never had problems following guides and tutorials and i like this challenge.  really wanna get blood suckers fully working.  any more help is greatly appreciated

15:54:47 Error in expression <FindPlaceRadius = 200;    _unit = ns_mut_leader;if (format ["%1", _unit]>
15:54:47   Error position: <ns_mut_leader;if (format ["%1", _unit]>
15:54:47   Error Undefined variable in expression: ns_mut_leader

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Welll this Disscusion is meesed up...

Anyways non of the instructions works:


in MGT reply information is not full, he says that I shoud add following line to my init.sqf but what is the point of that if in compiles file I have no link to blow out...


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Namalsk\compiles.sqf";




and when I try Mr.Pig solution on the second page, then when I`m trying to enter the server, it says that I need to download something in mission, in other words not working...


I would be very thankful if somebody could help! :)

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Mr. Pig's steps are for init.sqf.  you must also make an addition to the mission.sqm file


You must add a new Item to class Groups and increase the items value by one.  Keep in mind Items starts at value 0.  I have 0-3 class Groups so my items=4.  


so increase items by 1

	class Groups

add this class at the end of class Groups and before class Markers.  class Item3 could change if you already have an Item3

class Item3
            class Vehicles
                class Item0

Good luck!

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Bsmaff, how did you get this working? Can you provide a step by step as i would like to add this to my sever.


Sorry not prepared to release code for Bloodsuckers at present, your more than welcome to join my server and see them working.

But at present I believe I am the only server to offer fully working Bloodsuckers and not the fake bloodsuckers which don't despawn.

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