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Has anyone been infected?

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I've read the part of the wiki that talks about being infected with interest. I was wondering if anyone here has become infected and came back? The way it is described in the wiki sounds interesting. I assume you actually have to be infected, like needing antibiotics, then die? Maybe I should eat some zed meat or other uncooked meat to get infected, then let the zedz kill me! :)

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I've read the part of the wiki that talks about being infected with interest. I was wondering if anyone here has become infected and came back? The way it is described in the wiki sounds interesting. I assume you actually have to be infected, like needing antibiotics, then die? Maybe I should eat some zed meat or other uncooked meat to get infected, then let the zedz kill me! :)

I have been infected. it's pretty cool the way you know if your infected or not is if your player starts coughing like getting a cold. Over time you can die from infected then re spawn as a zombie. Playing as a zombie is pretty cool plus they run really fast.

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Someone on our server got infected/killed a couple of weeks ago. She spawned as a zombie, much to our amusement....then proceeded to die again while infected and came back as a zombie again  :lol:

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There are quite a few ways you can become infected, you can be infected by eating raw meat, biomeat, getting too cold or being shot. Sometimes people get a bit confused as the infection from a shot can be instant but you die right away especially from a headshot or a 50cal so you're left thinking dafuq? :)

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Well, I became infected, was coughing, played a bit longer, then let myself be killed by a zed. During the respawn, it took a while, then gave me the "Oops, something went wrong" message, so I went back to the lobby and tried spawning in again, but I spawned as a survivor, not as a zed.

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