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[updated 2/21/2018] SERVER ADMIN LAUNCHER WIP


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UPDATE 2/21/2018

Just wanted to show where I was with the launcher I have been working on. I have a friend Kevin Phillips that has bee helping me work on this project. 

Made a short video on youtube and wanted to share.

Click here to see the video on youtube.

Please let me know what you think.




----------------------------------------OLD POST BELOW-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope I am posting in correct location. If not please tell me where I can post.

What I am posting is possible because of many resources on the internet. A lot information was learned on http://stackoverflow.com/
Thank you to TheDuke for giving me one of his start bat files.
Thank you to all the unknown that contributed over the years on different sites.
This is something I have been working on for the last two weeks. It is still a work in progress.
What it is, simply an admin launcher. I found that if I deal with more than two server this helps a lot. Plus it was something to do lol. 
So here we go: FIRST MAKE A FOLDER CALLED SERVERS OR CALL IT WHAT EVER YOU WANT. the files we will be making will go into that folder
We will make a bat file for origins dayzoverwatch  dayz_epoch

First thing lets make that bat file.
If I were you I would use Notepad++  What a great program
Open a new doc and save as origins_opoch_Chernarus.bat or what ever name you want BUT IT MUST HAVE .bat at the end
Copy the following and paste it in the new file you just make called  origins_opoch_Chernarus.bat


EDITED ON 12/31/2016 01/17/2017

QUESTION:   .bat file is updated with password settings

Lets say I have a server. That server has a password. The password is dog

How would I add the password to the bat file?  

Right now if I try to join a server with a password it will say, you enter the wrong pass word.

Then I go to multiplayer and select the server and enter the password dog and I am in.

The .bat file is right below this



::Author: [ESLK]
@echo off
echo ===============================
echo Origins OverPoch Chernarus Server Join Batch
echo -------------------------------
echo Author: [ESLK]
echo ===============================
timeout 3

::Configuration| Edit these to the proper file paths ==============================================================================================================================================
::---> ===============================================================================================================================================
:: YOUR Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Directory
set arma2oapath=J:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
:: YOUR Arma 2 Directory
set arma2path=J:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2
:: Server IP    
set IP=
:: Server Port 
set PORT=2302
:: Required Mods [ Ex. @DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Namalsk ]
set MODS=@dayzorigins;@dayzoverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;

:: Required Password

::---> ===============================================================================================================================================

:: DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELLOW THIS LINE OR YOU WILL BREAK THIS FILE ==============================================================================================================================================

start ""  "%arma2oapath%\ArmA2OA_BE.exe" 0 0 -skipintro -mod=%MODS% -noSplash -noFilePatching -world=empty -password=%PASSWORD% -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% "-mod=%arma2path%;expansion;"




Now make a file and name it bat_test.hta or what ever you want. Copy and paste the following in it and save to the folder SERVERS


<!doctype html>

<title>TBsGaming Game Links</title>

<p><h3>Thug's Launcher Work in progress</h3></p>
<p><strong>Where gaming is fun</strong></p>
If you like gaming, come and play here<br />
We play all types of games<br /> Arma 2, Arma OA, Arma 3, Ark, ROK, and more
<p><a href="http://TBsGaming.com">TBsGaming Website Link</a></p>
<p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Thug's Email</a></p>
<hr /><!-- <hr /> makes a horizon line -->
<p><a href="E:/SERVERS/origins_opoch_Chernarus.bat">Origins Overwatch Epoch Chernarus</a></p>


What I did at this point was made a shortcut of the dat_test.hta to my desktop after that double chick it and it should work. Did for me. 

as you can see I left some of my information in so you could try it out.
OF COURSE THE LINE <p><a href="E:/BAT START FILES/origins_opoch_Chernarus.bat">Origins Overwatch Epoch Chernarus</a></p> points to where I have my folder

Like I said this is a work in progress. If you have anything you would like to  share, that would be great.


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