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Can someone help me fix BEC scheduled restarts please :)


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Hey guys :)

So today i decided to set-up BEC and the extended controls to my personal server..

It seems BEC is working great because i am getting my restart notifications and server messages but when my server turns of to restart it dont start back up :( 

Here are the contents of my used batch files and other things if someone could help why its not starting my server back up that would be epic ........................  :D 

My Start.bat

@ echo off
pushd %~dp0
cd /d %CD%
start /b "taki overpoch server" /min "DayZ_Overpoch_instance_1_Takistan.bat"
timeout 50000   - i changed this from 15 in case this was the problem :) 
cd "C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\instance_1_Overpoch\BattlEye\Bec"
start  "UEP BattlEye Extended Control" /min "BEC.exe" -f "Config.cfg"
taskkill /f /im cmd.exe


My Restart.bat

@ echo off
pushd %~dp0
cd /d %CD%
timeout 7
taskkill /f /im bec.exe
timeout 50000 - i changed this from 15 in case this was the problem :) 
start /b "taki overpoch server" /min "DayZ_Overpoch_instance_1_Takistan.bat"
timeout 50000 - i changed this from 15 in case this was the problem :) 
cd "C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\instance_1_Overpoch\BattlEye\Bec"
start  "UEP BattlEye Extended Control" /min "BEC.exe" -f "Config.cfg"
taskkill /f /im cmd.exe

And my simple little BEC config.cfg

IP =
Port = 2310
BePath = C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\instance_1_Overpoch\BattlEye\
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml
Ban = 3
ConsoleHeight    = 30
ConsoleWidth    = 60
Scheduler = Scheduler.xml
KickLobbyIdlers    = 400
ChatChannelFiles = True
Timeout = 60
#User = alfred
#Password = 123456

And my kind of big BEC scheduler.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<job id='0'>
    <cmd>say -1 Overpoch Takistan</cmd>

<job id='1'>
    <cmd>say -1 Server restarts at 3-6-9-12 am-pm</cmd>

<!-- 06:00 AM restart -->
<job id='2'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='3'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='4'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='5'>

<job id='6'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 06:00 AM restart -->

<!-- 09:00 AM restart -->
<job id='7'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='8'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='9'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='10'>

<job id='11'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 09:00 AM restart -->

<!-- 12:00 PM restart -->
<job id='12'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='13'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='14'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='15'>

<job id='16'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 12:00 PM restart -->

<!-- 03:00 PM restart -->
<job id='17'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='18'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='19'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='20'>

<job id='21'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 03:00 PM restart -->

<!-- 06:00 PM restart -->
<job id='22'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='23'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='24'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='25'>

<job id='26'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 06:00 PM restart -->

<!-- 09:00 PM restart -->
<job id='27'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='28'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='29'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='30'>

<job id='31'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 09:00 PM restart -->

<!-- 12:00 AM restart -->
<job id='32'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='33'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='34'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='35'>

<job id='36'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 12:00 AM restart -->

<!-- 03:00 AM restart -->
<job id='37'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id='38'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>

<job id='39'>
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id='40'>

<job id='41'>
    <cmd>C:\Users\freak\Desktop\taki overpoch server\restart.bat</cmd>
<!-- End 03:00 AM restart -->



Sorry for such a big post :-\ Did not know how to shorten :) 


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Do a .bat file called "Monitor" and paste this.  (change the paths for your server routes)

@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
set becpath="C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
cd /d %becpath%
start "BattleEye Extended Control" "BEC Control Epoch.bat"
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
start /wait "arma2" /min /high "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -cpuCount=2 -maxmem=2047 -exThreads=1 -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

******Now paste this .bat file in your server root.


Step 2:

Do a .bat file called "BEC Control Epoch" and  paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

taskkill /im Bec.exe
timeout 1

cd "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc

***Now paste this .bat file in ...\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec



Do a .bat file called "Premod_restart" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
echo Stopping server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start /wait  Premod_stop.bat
echo Backing up database
start /wait  Premod_backup.bat
echo Starting BEC
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo Starting server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start "arma2" /min "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
ping -n 5 >NUL

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root




Do a .bat file called "Premod_stop" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
taskkill /F /IM arma2oaserver.exe
taskkill /F /IM Bec.exe

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root


/// EDITING YOUR BEC`s Files ///


go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config and open whit Note++ your Shedule.xml

***Now u needs add this at every last shedule id job: <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd> (change for ur server paths)

This is my example:


<!-- 12:00 AM restart -->

<job id="0">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id="1">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minutes</cmd>

<job id="2">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id="3">

<job id="4">
    <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd>

<!-- End 12:00 AM restart -->


***Do the same for each job id group.



Now go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\  and open whit note++ your Config.cfg

Ip =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye    (Here put your Bec Path)
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml


Any doubt here you have my files...http://www.mediafire.com/download/6afp6inam56tfq2/autorestart.rar

Drop battleye folder into serverRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\

The others 3 .bat files must be in your serverRoot-

then change paths for all this files as i say above in "step by step":

Monitor.bat  // Premod_restart.bat  // BEC Control Epoch.bat // Scheduler.xml // Config.cfg

Once you do all it... just start your server with monitor.bat

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6 hours ago, juandayz said:




Do a .bat file called "Monitor" and paste this.  (change the paths for your server routes)

@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
set becpath="C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
cd /d %becpath%
start "BattleEye Extended Control" "BEC Control Epoch.bat"
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
start /wait "arma2" /min /high "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -cpuCount=2 -maxmem=2047 -exThreads=1 -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

******Now paste this .bat file in your server root.


Step 2:

Do a .bat file called "BEC Control Epoch" and  paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

taskkill /im Bec.exe
timeout 1

cd "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc

***Now paste this .bat file in ...\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec



Do a .bat file called "Premod_restart" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
echo Stopping server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start /wait  Premod_stop.bat
echo Backing up database
start /wait  Premod_backup.bat
echo Starting BEC
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo Starting server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start "arma2" /min "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
ping -n 5 >NUL

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root




Do a .bat file called "Premod_stop" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
taskkill /F /IM arma2oaserver.exe
taskkill /F /IM Bec.exe

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root


/// EDITING YOUR BEC`s Files ///


go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config and open whit Note++ your Shedule.xml

***Now u needs add this at every last shedule id job: <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd> (change for ur server paths)

This is my example:


<!-- 12:00 AM restart -->

<job id="0">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id="1">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minutes</cmd>

<job id="2">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id="3">

<job id="4">
    <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd>

<!-- End 12:00 AM restart -->


***Do the same for each job id group.



Now go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\  and open whit note++ your Config.cfg

Ip =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye    (Here put your Bec Path)
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml


Any doubt here you have my files...http://www.mediafire.com/download/6afp6inam56tfq2/autorestart.rar

Drop battleye folder into serverRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\

The others 3 .bat files must be in your serverRoot-

then change paths for all this files as i say above in "step by step":

Monitor.bat  // Premod_restart.bat  // BEC Control Epoch.bat // Scheduler.xml // Config.cfg

Once you do all it... just start your server with monitor.bat

I am getting a error with your way while loading it says error the process BEC.exe can not be found and i am sure i have changed the paths correct :( 

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7 hours ago, juandayz said:




Do a .bat file called "Monitor" and paste this.  (change the paths for your server routes)

@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
set becpath="C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
cd /d %becpath%
start "BattleEye Extended Control" "BEC Control Epoch.bat"
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
start /wait "arma2" /min /high "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -cpuCount=2 -maxmem=2047 -exThreads=1 -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

******Now paste this .bat file in your server root.


Step 2:

Do a .bat file called "BEC Control Epoch" and  paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

taskkill /im Bec.exe
timeout 1

cd "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec"
Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc

***Now paste this .bat file in ...\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec



Do a .bat file called "Premod_restart" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
echo Stopping server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start /wait  Premod_stop.bat
echo Backing up database
start /wait  Premod_backup.bat
echo Starting BEC
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo Starting server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start "arma2" /min "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
ping -n 5 >NUL

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root




Do a .bat file called "Premod_stop" and paste this into: (change the paths for your server)

@echo off
taskkill /F /IM arma2oaserver.exe
taskkill /F /IM Bec.exe

***Now paste this .bat file in your server root


/// EDITING YOUR BEC`s Files ///


go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config and open whit Note++ your Shedule.xml

***Now u needs add this at every last shedule id job: <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd> (change for ur server paths)

This is my example:


<!-- 12:00 AM restart -->

<job id="0">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>

<job id="1">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minutes</cmd>

<job id="2">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>

<job id="3">

<job id="4">
    <cmd>C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\Premod_restart.bat</cmd>

<!-- End 12:00 AM restart -->


***Do the same for each job id group.



Now go to YourServerRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\  and open whit note++ your Config.cfg

Ip =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye    (Here put your Bec Path)
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml


Any doubt here you have my files...http://www.mediafire.com/download/6afp6inam56tfq2/autorestart.rar

Drop battleye folder into serverRoot\instance_11_Chernarus\

The others 3 .bat files must be in your serverRoot-

then change paths for all this files as i say above in "step by step":

Monitor.bat  // Premod_restart.bat  // BEC Control Epoch.bat // Scheduler.xml // Config.cfg

Once you do all it... just start your server with monitor.bat

Nevermind :) All seems to be good.. It loads up BEC after the 60 second timer counts down :) So i think it works.. Will find out next server restart in 3 hours lol Thank you so much for your help juandayz ...


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Just now, EagerBeaver said:

Nevermind :) All seems to be good.. It loads up BEC after the 60 second timer counts down :) So i think it works.. Will find out next server restart in 3 hours lol Thank you so much for your help juandayz ...


;)  for test it... do not wait for the next restart.. just down your server.. and let "monitor.bat" make his work automatically

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This Monitor script RESTARTS YOUR SERVER!!! I run BEC when BEC Scheduler runs command  <cmd>#shutdown</cmd> YOUR server will SHUTDOWN/CLOSE

WHAT DOES THE SCRIPT SAY: echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.

I run this script and it restarts the server upon crash/shutdown/close

In fact you have to exit the script and stop it running before you can turn the server off or the script will try and restart the server every time.

its also not hard to edit this script so it will start BEC after it starts the SERVER.


Replace the line in bold with your Startup Bat Parameters, and make sure you include the /wait"after the start.

Place this save as a .bat and place in your Server's root folder.

(OPTIONAL) Add this to your autorun folder to have this run on startup.


@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
start /wait "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

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17 hours ago, Tech_Support said:

you dont need lots of files all you need is to edit that monitor script so it starts BEC at the same time or just after the server and the monitor script will then restart both the server and BEC every time the Scheduler runs command  <cmd>#shutdown</cmd> or your server just crashes its the way i do it anyway.

mm i a lil confused about this way tech... so at first you use the same (i use a little modify of this vercion) monitor.bat



@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
start /wait "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

this file is only for check if server are running or not and execute the server if is down..



but really cant see where you call the BEC process and where you kill it :)  (or you do it manually? )

or just run another .bat to shutdown the server process through your windows OS.?

think its better your way cuz i use  3 .bat files you only 1. BUt if u dont call the BEC how autorestart works?

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This is not tested you might need to play with the file paths but is similar to what i was using before i started using TCAdmin.

@echo off
echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...
echo If you want to close arma2oaserver and this script, close the arma2oaserver window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Raklatif's Arma2OA Monitor
echo Starting BEC
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo (%time%) Battleye Extended Controls started.
echo Starting server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start "arma2" /min "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver


On a dedi or vps if you start your server with Raklatif's monitor script after you make edits to include BEC so Bec starts up with the server once you have the server and BEC launching with Raklatif's monitor script thats all you need to do.

If you start your server and start BEC and BEC can not connect to your Server what happens BEC stops & shuts down

If you start your server and start BEC and BEC has errors what happens BEC stops & shuts down

If you start your server and start BEC and BEC connects to your server when you close the server cmd box BEC stops & shuts down almost at the same time  

I have never needed to task kill anything.

I see you also back up you could include it all in the 1 batch script

What that script does is monitors the process if at any point the process stops/crashes/shuts down the monitor script will

echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.

goto arma2oaserver ( Tells the batch script to run from

:arma2oaserver )
echo Starting BEC
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo (%time%) Battleye Extended Controls started.
echo Starting server
cd C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server
start "arma2" /min "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Dayz Epoch Server\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
echo (%time%) arma2oaserver started.
echo (%time%) WARNING: arma2oaserver closed or crashed, restarting.
goto arma2oaserver

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If you run more than 1 server change this line

echo Watching arma2oaserver For Crashes/Restarts...

to something like

echo Watching arma2EpochCherno For Crashes/Restarts...

echo Watching arma2EpochLingor For Crashes/Restarts...

echo Watching arma2EpochNamalsk For Crashes/Restarts...

So then you can tell what Monitor script is monitoring what server running

I ran 6 servers used the same monitor script for each server just changed ports and file paths and the name so i could tell what batch script was monitoring what server.

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Ok :) 

Hey again lol 

I know i am full of questions but here goes 1 more lol and you guys have been super helpful so i dont blame you if you tell me to figure it out myself lol 

But is there a way to get the actual server loading process before a player joins the server ? 

It seems much quicker for players to join once the server is already loaded and sometime i am having problems on my server where the first player to log-on after a restart they get stuck in the map screen and dont load there player in game unless you click cancel and re-log in..

Its not a big deal because it only seems to only happen for the first player to join..

Also a link to a decent server clean-up script would be tops :)


Thanx guys :) 

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@EagerBeaver   in your CUSTOM! compiles.sqf   find and try it:

 // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
        while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };

replace by:

 // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
        while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { 
					diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; 


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18 minutes ago, juandayz said:

@EagerBeaver   in your CUSTOM! compiles.sqf   find and try it:

 // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
        while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };

replace by:

 // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
        while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { 
					diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; 


Your fast lol :P 

I just tried what your little script but it did not work.. I did not get any errors in my .rpt it just did not start loading anything :) 

Thanx for trying but.. This is no rush :) And after searching lots of other server owners are trying to figure out the same thing :) 

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3 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

Your fast lol :P 

I just tried what your little script but it did not work.. I did not get any errors in my .rpt it just did not start loading anything :) 

Thanx for trying but.. This is no rush :) And after searching lots of other server owners are trying to figure out the same thing :) 

mmm this is for fix the players stuuck on loading screen. works on my server :) but maybe i understand you bad.. and this is not what you need

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2 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

Ok :) 

Hey again lol 

I know i am full of questions but here goes 1 more lol and you guys have been super helpful so i dont blame you if you tell me to figure it out myself lol 

But is there a way to get the actual server loading process before a player joins the server ? 

It seems much quicker for players to join once the server is already loaded and sometime i am having problems on my server where the first player to log-on after a restart they get stuck in the map screen and dont load there player in game unless you click cancel and re-log in..

Its not a big deal because it only seems to only happen for the first player to join..

Also a link to a decent server clean-up script would be tops :)


Thanx guys :) 

Add -autoInit to your commandline

For server clean up check your events in mysql

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Hey guys :) 

Would someone like to share there premod_backup.bat file ?

I am starting to get a error now saying that it cant find this file.. Even though it started and ran without it for a few days before giving me this error :-\ Which is a little strange lol 

I have just removed the backup process from the restart.bat so i dont get a error until someone can help me out with this file :) 

Thanx in advance :) 


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3 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

Hey guys :) 

Would someone like to share there premod_backup.bat file ?

I am starting to get a error now saying that it cant find this file.. Even though it started and ran without it for a few days before giving me this error :-\ Which is a little strange lol 

I have just removed the backup process from the restart.bat so i dont get a error until someone can help me out with this file :) 

Thanx in advance :) 


@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=/ " %%F IN ('date /T') DO (set v_date=%%F%%G%%H) 
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=: " %%F IN ('time /T') DO (set v_time=%%F%%G%%H) 
set fname=database_%v_date%_%v_time%.sql 
mysqldump.exe -e -u{DB_USERNAME} -p{DB_PASSWORD} {DB_NAME} > {PATH_TO_BACKUP_FOLDER}\%fname%


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6 hours ago, juandayz said:

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=/ " %%F IN ('date /T') DO (set v_date=%%F%%G%%H) 
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 DELIMS=: " %%F IN ('time /T') DO (set v_time=%%F%%G%%H) 
set fname=database_%v_date%_%v_time%.sql 
mysqldump.exe -e -u{DB_USERNAME} -p{DB_PASSWORD} {DB_NAME} > {PATH_TO_BACKUP_FOLDER}\%fname%


Thank you very much kind sir :) You are a champion :)

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