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    if (nearestObject [player,"Land_MBG_HeavyShelter"] < 500) exitWith { systemChat 'You cannot suicide.'; };

i will only set when you near Land_MBG_HeavyShelter <500  you cannot suicide but still not work....


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3 answers to this question

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do you wanna execute suicide script if u are into X cords radius?


well more easy..

open your mission.sqm


class Sensors
        items=6;   ////put +1.  example:  items =7;

at the end of class sensors... paste:


class Item7
            position[]={YOUR COORDS HERE.... you need invert in this orderl... first, last , middle coords.};
            a=500; //radius

            expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
            expActiv="ZoneSuicide = [] execVM ""custom\suicide.sqf"";";
            expDesactiv="terminate ZoneSuicide; titleText [""Youre in Suicide Zone!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
            class Effects

now create a suicide script.sqf and paste into custom  folder.



private ["_Secondary","_onLadder","_player"];

_player = player;
_Secondary = currentWeapon _player;


if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith {cutText ["You are in combat", "PLAIN DOWN"];};

DamiSpawn =
    ["Suicide Confirmation",true],
    ["Are you sure?", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5,         [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["No", [2], "", -5,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=false;"]], "1", "1"],
    ["Yes", [3], "", -5,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=true;"]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5,         [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["Exit", [-1], "", -3,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=false;"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:DamiSpawn";

waitUntil {((!isNil 'suicide_answer')||(commandingMenu == ""))};

if (isNil 'suicide_answer') then {suicide_answer=false;};

if (suicide_answer) then {
    cutText["You have grown tired of this endless battle.","PLAIN DOWN"];
    _player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
    sleep 8.4;
    _player fire _Secondary;
    _selection = "body";
    _player setHit["body",1];



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I think he is trying to block suicide at certain places if I read it right. I wanted something similar as one of admins created a jail to but naughty players and we wanted to stop them committing suicide in there.

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mmm well if u need block suicide , a way can be add a restriction into suicide script.



 private ["_blockedSuicidezones","_playerPos","_nearsuicidearea","_Secondary","_onLadder","_player"];

_player = player;
_Secondary = currentWeapon _player;


_blockedSuicidezones =

_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearsuicidearea = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, _blockedSuicidezones, 150] > 0;

if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith {cutText ["You are in combat", "PLAIN DOWN"];};

if !(_nearsuicidearea) then {


DamiSpawn =
    ["Suicide Confirmation",true],
    ["Are you sure?", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5,         [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["No", [2], "", -5,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=false;"]], "1", "1"],
    ["Yes", [3], "", -5,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=true;"]], "1", "1"],
    ["", [-1], "", -5,         [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
    ["Exit", [-1], "", -3,     [["expression", "suicide_answer=false;"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:DamiSpawn";

waitUntil {((!isNil 'suicide_answer')||(commandingMenu == ""))};

if (isNil 'suicide_answer') then {suicide_answer=false;};

if (suicide_answer) then {
    cutText["You have grown tired of this endless battle.","PLAIN DOWN"];
    _player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
    sleep 8.4;
    _player fire _Secondary;
    _selection = "body";
    _player setHit["body",1];

cutText [format[" Your not allowed to suicide in this area "], "PLAIN DOWN"];



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