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DayZ OverPochIns Housing Code



Hey everyone,

I'm working on a OverPochIns server with a lot of script and stuff. I took a few script from here and there and today I have to write on the forum because I'm really stuck on something.
I upload the script it self may be easier for u guys.

As you can see there is password in place for the stronghold where the houses, garage and pyramid don't. (player_build to get the random code and lockunlock to get the pass from db)
I would like to put password on every each buildings and this is where I'm stuck, how should I manage that ?
Can somebody help with this ?

The original files are the one with the _save on it. The other one are the one I try things on.



I know from a other forum that I should change a lot of things in the files apparently but also in other files which are not included like the selfaction. I'm not really a coder but is it not possible to use the same way from the Stronghold for the houses ?




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