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Changes To Survival...Been Gone Several Months


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Big fan of this game and just waiting to check in every few months.  My hope is one day to have lots of various beasts to deal with vs. AI soldiers.  Being back for a few days makes me think that you can now actually starve/dehydrate leading to death now?  Excellent. 

I also noticed that I slowly started getting the medical symbol in upper right hand corner of screen but it wasn't clear why.  I had been poisoned a couple of times and that reached 84, but kept coming back down to the 20 range.  Everything else was fine.  I finally died with no symptoms other than that symbol flashing and screen around edges blurring randomly.  Also my breathing was off for sure.  I like it all...but would like it more if I knew what happened. 

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open debug menu and you will see that your blood pressure starts to rise as soon as you reach 105-106 body temperature. Toxicity increases that. Over 80-90 toxicity always lead to death unless you jump into water (to get colder) or use cold packs.

One thing I do not understand, is immunity. It does not seem to work as supposed to.

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