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Overall Opinion on the mod


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I have played the Arma series for at least 3 years, most of which has been on the A2 epoch mod but I struggle to want to continue playing the mod into Arma 3. The Arma 3 engine is one that is absolutely fuc**** outstanding and it makes it difficult to think about returning to arma 2, but there are features that are in the mod turn me off playing it. I believe there are things that are actually done really well in this mod however which I really do enjoy:

The traders work exceptionally well, although I would prefer there to be humanity traders as it adds an extra element to players gameplay.
The building system works and is actually quite enjoyable but as everyone knows can be a little bit buggy. (Arma 2 was no better)
Toxicity is an interesting element again adds another element to the game.
The actual looting containers themselves are a massive positive! Beds and wardrobes are awesome! Plus getting scared the sht out of by your own reflection in the wardrobe is priceless.

Some of the problems with A3 epoch:
I'm not impressed with sappers/antagonists it's not an element which most people I have spoken too enjoy, although it is a nice idea but I feel like it doesn't suit the mod. It becomes very frustrating getting insta killed when the sound is bugged. I honestly think normal zombies is the way to go it made finding people on the massive landscape easier due to zombie spawning.
The AI missions are very basic, and take seconds to finish. No one ever has time to reach a mission to contest it.
The looting is still wrong. I'm sorry but it doesn't make sense to find a assault rifles under beds in a town house. As well as that it means there is no-one contesting high loot areas becomes difficult to wander along other players. People could wander for hours through barracks and never encounter anyone because you find the same gear in normal houses.
I feel like the locking system doesn't work correctly, half an hour isn't long enough to have your car locked. Keys were a pivotal part of arma 2 epoch and I thought for sure they would make an appearance in the A3 mod.
Actual repair parts for vehicles is necessary, multi guns take away from the experience, and there is no need to keep an eye out for repair parts for vehicles. Also I believe fatigue causes problems with the size of the map (I know it isn't the mod's fault in particular).
There needs to be a proper triage system, I think shooting someone with a multi-gun with a healing attachment is a cop out. People have no need to wander into medical tents or hospitals.


Honestly a copy of arma 2 on the arma 3 would of been absolutely outstanding :D

Go back to your roots! I just cant understand why the main concepts of A2 epoch aren't in A3 mod.

But I give you guys mad respect for making the mod again, the modding the arma engine is definitely not a walk in a park.

Thanks Guys!

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Antagonists issues : were still in alpha, i cannot stress this enough , i still remember the days of Day Z Where rabbits sounded like zombies, actually all animals did . nothing more paranoid about that bug , reguardless  This is -Not- A zombie survival game.  

                                 As for bugs , its in alpha, alpha , and alpha . there will be bugs , Audio bugs can and will happen , its a part of the alpha process of finding bugs , tracking down the bug , and fixing the bugs ( all of these take time )        Generally i belive most bugs once identified it may take a few patches to fix said issue, keep in mind all of the Epoch team does this for -free-  ( only stating all of this because some ones gona act all self entitled of give me my game now ) . Thank you for Bringing the bug to the teams attention .

 AI Missions : im going to assume trader missions , yeah there basic. if your talking about AI Convoys n such they were just released, and they arent to my knowledge to be some massive battle , hit and run tactics to full out assaults , how ever you want to play. 

                     As previously stated, its in alpha. baby steps.

Loot System : there actually is some items you will find more frequently in military area's  vs town houses , while you may still find military grade loot in houses , its not as common as finding it in building classified as military. i've tested this myself.

Locking System : Mod is in alpha , yes the key system was good , but who say's epoch wont have something like that eventually ( As were in alpha) 

Medical care : The mod takes place in the future , where medical tech like multi guns + Med attachments are a thing , could you imagine star trek having bandaids vs their super powered techie items?  i mean if were talking triage , lets get some vodoo shamans and make blood sacrafices to heal our wounds ( maybe ) .  


Just my opinion and response , any of the team can actually step in as can any other members of the community, all of your points were valid and understandable but do understand , Epoch is in alpha. when were in beta, things of alpha will be so ancient in developmental terms , you'd think they had two rocks and some animal sacrifices for the bacon. 

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I'm not impressed with sappers/antagonists it's not an element which most people I have spoken too enjoy, although it is a nice idea but I feel like it doesn't suit the mod. It becomes very frustrating getting insta killed when the sound is bugged. I honestly think normal zombies is the way to go it made finding people on the massive landscape easier due to zombie spawning.

What's wrong with the sappers? There is actually a settings on how much of a chance there is that the sappers will make a noise (if I read the config file correct):
class CfgEpochSapper
    detonateDistMax = 8; //Random distance between 3m and this number at which sapper detonates. Min value = 4
    groanTrig = 16; //Percentage chance of a groan. Min value = 4
    sRange = 300; //Distance from target over which sapper will dispose. Range within which sapper code will be aware of targets. Distance up to which sapper will attempt to find a spot to hide in. Min Value = 150.
    smellDist = 24; //Distance up to which sapper can smell. Used to decide if sapper can see target when deciding to charge and influences target selection. Is influenced by wind direction. Min Value = 8.

I feel like the locking system doesn't work correctly, half an hour isn't long enough to have your car locked. Keys were a pivotal part of arma 2 epoch and I thought for sure they would make an appearance in the A3 mod.

This is also a configurable option:
// vehicles - Max vehicle slots is calculated from per vehicle limits below. Warning! Higher the number lower the performance.
simulationHandler = false;
vehicleLockTime = 604800; // Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle.
allowedVehiclesList[] = {

Actual repair parts for vehicles is necessary, multi guns take away from the experience, and there is no need to keep an eye out for repair parts for vehicles. Also I believe fatigue causes problems with the size of the map (I know it isn't the mod's fault in particular).

You can get repair parts which are used for cars. It's not like arma 2 where you had to find wheels - this would be good. But there are repair parts or repair kits which can be used instead of the multigun. Just remove them from lootspawning so people have to carry repair kits or parts around with them instead.

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Thanks for the feedback, in the next patches leading up to 0.4 you will notice some more of what we make exclusive to A2 Day Epoch introduced into A3 Epoch among other new assets and features.

Personally dude A2 Epoch is soooo much better than the A3 version.

I currently went back to A2 Epoch and Vanilla Dayz. Just better in every way.

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