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[Release] Restrict building near defined areas


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So you currently have a rule that states you can not build within a certain distance of Military barracks etc..... Although making it a rule is easy, making it impossible is almost easier. No deleting bases or having to constantly be on the look out.


You will need:

Notepad++ (or a software of your choice)


player_build.sqf (can be found in your snap build folder)





Step one: 


Open up your init.sqf and add this to the very bottom:


ServerIllegalRadius = 500;
ServerNoBuildList = [ "Land_Mil_ControlTower",
"HeliHEmpty" ];

Step two:


At the top of player_build.sqf add these to the end of the Private line:


Step three:


Find this line in player_build.sqf:

if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; };

Under it add:


_posrad = [player] call FNC_GetPos;
_cntrad = count (nearestObjects [_posrad, ServerNoBuildList, ServerIllegalRadius]);

if (_cntrad > 0) then {
_cancel = true;
_reason = format["- Building is restricted %1m near Trader Cities and Millitary Loot Areas", ServerIllegalRadius];
Hope it helps :)
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if like me, you have 2 different areas you don't allow building, you can just do this : 



ServerIllegalRadius = 500;
ServerIllegalRadius2 = 850;
ServerNoBuildList = [ "Land_Mil_ControlTower","Land_SS_hangar","Land_Mil_Barracks_i","Land_Mil_Barracks","Land_budova4_in"]; //Military
ServerNoBuildList2 = ["HeliHEmpty"];//Traders

Top of player_build.sqf


Find this in player_build.sqf : 

if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; };

Put this under it : 

_posrad = [player] call FNC_GetPos;
_cntrad = count (nearestObjects [_posrad, ServerNoBuildList, ServerIllegalRadius]);
_cntrad2 = count (nearestObjects [_posrad, ServerNoBuildList2, ServerIllegalRadius2]);

if (_cntrad > 0) then {
_cancel = true;
_reason = format["- Building is restricted %1m near military areas", ServerIllegalRadius];
if (_cntrad2 > 0) then {
_cancel = true;
_reason = format["- Building is restricted %1m near trader cities", ServerIllegalRadius2];

Cheers for the brilliant idea BigEgg. 

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Works fantastic, thanks again BigEgg!


SUGGESTION: Add an area in the script for custom locations, like a blacklist.


I haven't tested this yet but add this to your init.sqf:

BlackZones = [[zonestary,100]];

Add this to player build where you added my other code:

if (BuildingBlacklist) then { 
_cancel = true; 
_reason = "- You are within a restricted building zone";

Then add this above initialized = true in your compiles.sqf:

private ["_pos", "_radius", "_trigger"];
_pos = _x select 0;
_radius = _x select 1;
_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
_trigger setTriggerArea [_radius, _radius, 0, false];
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];
_trigger setTriggerType "SWITCH";
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["(vehicle player) in thisList", "BuildingBlacklist = true;", "BuildingBlackList = false;"];
} count BlackZones;

Define the zones you want in the mission.sqm and then add them to the blacklist in your init.


Hope it helps :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Works fantastic for me on my Napf server because I am not using Plot For Life. However, on my test server that I am using Plot For life on, it doesn't work.


My player_build.sqf is located in my A Plot For Life \ Action folder with other files including one called modular_build.sqf. In the compiles.sqf that comes with aP4L, is this first call : 

player_build =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\Action\modular_build.sqf";

Then further down, player_build is called again like this

	} else {
		player_build =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\Action\player_build.sqf";

I have made the edit to the player_build.sqf as mentioned, but it still lets me place a pole down within 500m of a HeliHEmpty.


I did a Notepad++ search for all instances of :

if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; };

and only the one came back, in player_build.sqf, where I have made the edit. Would I have to put this edit in modular_build.sqf and if so, where abouts?

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latest p4l version does not use player_build.sqf


you can use either

player_build_publish.sqf   (will check for can not build when u press space)


player_build_plotCheck.sqf  (will check for can not build when u click mouse to build)



the line you tried to seach will be in player_build_publish.sqf except is not formated exactly the same way

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Is there an easy way to not allowed building near any Land_House or something like that? Don't want that my players can build near any town, city or loot place like small houses.

Tried Land_*, Land_House* but didn't work

You could try this but IDK if it is what you are looking for.

ServerNoBuildList = [


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  • 2 months later...

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