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[Release] Overpochins Taviana Server with LOTS and LOTS of mods

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It looks like the server is set to delete vehicles in the trader zones during a reset - at least that is what's happening.  Which files would I edit so that nothing happens to them?





Update:  Found it!

and where would this be?

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[_object] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf";
In your server_monitor.sqf. Remove the associated file as well.


ty very much :) hope your health is well Eldubya :)

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Did anyone ever figure out how to allow a player to build whatever Origins building they wanted? I started working on it but then got side tracked on other things and don't really have time to tackle it now.


If i remember correctly it was posted by Angrygargamel, no idea where but it was answered, it had all the different levels.

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i expected you to get this stuff done on your own... i thought you were a bit into coding ^^


I'm quite busy with other projects at the moment. I'm certainly not the only one that desires that so it's safe to assume others would look into how to do it. I'm not even playing A2 Epoch anymore, but it's something my playerbase would like.

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Here's the code from my fn_selfactions, with the "if" lines commented out and those other lines changed to true. I only get the option to build the level 1 house and it's showing up three times.:


if(DZE_Origins_Building_System) then {
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_house") then {s_player_build_origins_house = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_garage") then {s_player_build_origins_garage = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_stronghold") then {s_player_build_origins_stronghold = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_origins_unlock") then {s_player_origins_unlock = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_origins_stronghold_doors") then {s_player_origins_stronghold_doors = -1;};
    _cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
    if (!isNull _cursorTarget) then {
        _typeOfCursorTarget = (typeOf _cursorTarget);
        if(_typeOfCursorTarget == DZE_Origins_Container ) then {
            if((player distance _cursorTarget) < DZE_Origins_Build_Distance) then {
                _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
                _playerUID = dayz_playerUID;
                _hasLevel1 = (_playerUID in owner_H1 || _playerUID in owner_B1);
                _hasLevel2 = (_playerUID in owner_H2 || _playerUID in owner_B2);
                _hasLevel3 = (_playerUID in owner_H3 || _playerUID in owner_B3);
                _hasSG = (_playerUID in owner_SG);
                _hasLG = (_playerUID in owner_LG);
                _hasKING = (_playerUID in owner_KING);
                _hasSH = (_playerUID in owner_SH);

                    _houselevel = _x select 0;
                    _humanityNeed = _x select 1;
                    _actionText = _x select 2;
                    _classname = _x select 3;
                    _neededMaterials = _x select 4;
                    _canBuildHouse = true;
                    _canBuildGarage = true;
                    _canBuildSH = true;

                    //if((_humanityNeed > 0 && _humanity >= _humanityNeed) || (_humanityNeed < 0 && _humanity <= _humanityNeed)) then {
                        //if(_houselevel in ["H1","B1"] && !_hasLevel1) then {
                            _canBuildHouse = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["H2","B2"] && !_hasLevel2) then {
                            _canBuildHouse = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["H3","B3"] && !_hasLevel3) then {
                            _canBuildHouse = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["SGH","SGB"] && _hasLevel1 && !_hasSG) then {
                            _canBuildGarage = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["LGH","LGB"] && _hasLevel3 && !_hasLG) then {
                            _canBuildGarage = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["KINGH","KINGB"] && _hasLevel3 && _hasLG && !_hasKING) then {
                            _canBuildGarage = true;
                        //if(_houselevel in ["SHH","SHB"] && _hasLevel1 && _hasLevel2 && _hasLevel3 && !_hasSH) then {
                            _canBuildSH = true;

                    if(_canBuildHouse) then {
                        if(s_player_build_origins_house < 0) then {
                            s_player_build_origins_house = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_canBuildGarage) then {
                        if(s_player_build_origins_garage < 0) then {
                            s_player_build_origins_garage = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_canBuildSH) then {
                        if(s_player_build_origins_stronghold < 0) then {
                            s_player_build_origins_stronghold = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];

                } forEach DZE_Origins_Build_HousesGarages;
            } else {
                [1] call origins_removeActions;



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ok it has something to do with this block here

                   _houselevel = _x select 0;
                    _humanityNeed = _x select 1;
                    _actionText = _x select 2;
                    _classname = _x select 3;
                    _neededMaterials = _x select 4;

and this block in the origins\config.sqf

DZE_Origins_Build_HousesGarages = [
	["H1", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 0) select 1), "Heroes - Large Shed (Level 1)","Uroven1VelkaBudka",DZE_Origins_House1],
	["H2", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 1) select 1), "Heroes - Small House (Level 2)","Uroven2MalyDomek",DZE_Origins_House2],
	["H3", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 2) select 1), "Heroes - Big House (Level 3)","Uroven3VelkyDomek",DZE_Origins_House3],
	["B1", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 3) select 1), "Bandits - Wooden Shed (Level 1)","Uroven1DrevenaBudka",DZE_Origins_House1],
	["B2", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 4) select 1), "Bandits - Log House (Level 2)","Uroven2KladaDomek",DZE_Origins_House2],
	["B3", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 5) select 1), "Bandits - Wooden House (Level 3)","Uroven3DrevenyDomek",DZE_Origins_House3],
	["SGH", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 0) select 1), "Small Garage","malaGaraz",DZE_Origins_SG],
	["SGB", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 3) select 1), "Small Garage","malaGaraz",DZE_Origins_SG],
	["LGH", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 2) select 1), "Large Garage","velkaGaraz",DZE_Origins_LG],
	["LGB", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 5) select 1), "Large Garage","velkaGaraz",DZE_Origins_LG],
	["KINGH", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 2) select 1), "Pyramid","kingramida",DZE_Origins_King],
	["KINGB", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 5) select 1), "Pyramid","kingramida",DZE_Origins_King],
	["SHH", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 2) select 1), "Stronghold","krepost",DZE_Origins_Stronghold],
	["SHB", ((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 5) select 1), "Stronghold","krepost",DZE_Origins_Stronghold]

where for example

((DZE_Origins_Humanity select 0) select 1)

means the line in the config.sqf

DZE_Origins_Humanity = 

["Hero1",5000] is used for the humanity

you can try to set the values in these lines to 0 instead

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Here's the code from my fn_selfactions, with the "if" lines commented out and those other lines changed to true. I only get the option to build the level 1 house and it's showing up three times.:



Hi Zed,


I see 2 problems with your code:

  • you commented out the checks whether  the object looped over (all origins buildables _x) is a house/garage or stronghold. That will lead to object _x being listed 3 times.
  • the first building will block the later ones because e.g. s_player_origins_build_garage will already be set to something other then -1


I re-introduced the if clauses where the code checks whether the object looped over (all origins buildables _x) is a house/garage or stronghold. That will get rid of the object listed 3 times


The other problem may be not so simple to solve.

That depends on for what the s_player_origins_build_* are needed. If they are not needed at all, the code below will work (allowing any player to build any number of any building).

If they are needed, one will have to declare s_player_origins_build_* for all variants of buildings (_H1, _H2, _H3, _B1, ..., SGH, ..., SHH, ...)) and introduce them into any script that now uses the 3 variants _garage, _house, _sh.

I fear that will be the case, they'll be needed at least for providing a callback for the menu.


if(DZE_Origins_Building_System) then {
  if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_house") then {s_player_build_origins_house = -1;};
  if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_garage") then {s_player_build_origins_garage = -1;};
  if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_stronghold") then {s_player_build_origins_stronghold = -1;};
  if(isnil "s_player_origins_unlock") then {s_player_origins_unlock = -1;};
  if(isnil "s_player_origins_stronghold_doors") then {s_player_origins_stronghold_doors = -1;};
  _cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
  if (!isNull _cursorTarget) then {
      _typeOfCursorTarget = (typeOf _cursorTarget);
      if(_typeOfCursorTarget == DZE_Origins_Container ) then {
          if((player distance _cursorTarget) < DZE_Origins_Build_Distance) then {
                _houselevel = _x select 0;
                _humanityNeed = _x select 1;
                _actionText = _x select 2;
                _classname = _x select 3;
                _neededMaterials = _x select 4;

                _canBuildHouse = false;
                _canBuildGarage = false;
                _canBuildSH = false;
                if(_houselevel in ["H1","B1","H2","B2","H3","B3"]) then {
                    _canBuildHouse = true;
                if(_houselevel in ["SGH","SGB","LGH","LGB","KINGH","KINGB"]) then {
                    _canBuildGarage = true;
                if(_houselevel in ["SHH","SHB"]) then {
                    _canBuildSH = true;

                if(_canBuildHouse) then {
                    player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                if(_canBuildGarage) then {
                    player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                if(_canBuildSH) then {
                    player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];

              } forEach DZE_Origins_Build_HousesGarages;
            } else {
            [1] call origins_removeActions;



Please check for syntax and close the outer loops (at and after [...???...]).

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Here are changes to fn_selfactions and origins_removeActions that allow you

  • to build more than one building of a type, e.g. 2 large garages and
  • to build without the need to have lower tier buildings before you can build higher levels.


Excerpt from fn_selfactions.sqf:

if(DZE_Origins_Building_System) then {
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_H1")    then {s_player_build_origins_H1 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_B1")    then {s_player_build_origins_B1 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_H2")    then {s_player_build_origins_H2 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_B2")    then {s_player_build_origins_B2 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_H3")    then {s_player_build_origins_H3 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_B3")    then {s_player_build_origins_B3 = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_SG")    then {s_player_build_origins_SG = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_LG")    then {s_player_build_origins_LG = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_KING")  then {s_player_build_origins_KING = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_build_origins_SH")    then {s_player_build_origins_SH = -1;};

    if(isnil "s_player_origins_unlock") then {s_player_origins_unlock = -1;};
    if(isnil "s_player_origins_stronghold_doors") then {s_player_origins_stronghold_doors = -1;};

    _cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
    if (!isNull _cursorTarget) then {
        _typeOfCursorTarget = (typeOf _cursorTarget);
        if(_typeOfCursorTarget == DZE_Origins_Container ) then {
            if((player distance _cursorTarget) < DZE_Origins_Build_Distance) then {


                _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];

                  _houselevel      = _x select 0;
                  _humanityNeed    = _x select 1;
                  _actionText      = _x select 2;
                  _classname       = _x select 3;
                  _neededMaterials = _x select 4;

                  if((_humanityNeed > 0 && _humanity >= _humanityNeed) || (_humanityNeed < 0 && _humanity <= _humanityNeed)) then {

                    if(_houselevel in ["H1"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_H1 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_H1 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["H2"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_H2 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_H2 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["H3"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_H3 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_H3 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["B1"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_B1 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_B1 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["B2"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_B2 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_B2 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["B3"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_B3 < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_B3 = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["SGH","SGB"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_SG < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_SG = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["LGH","LGB"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_LG < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_LG = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["KINGH","KINGB"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_KING < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_KING = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];
                    if(_houselevel in ["SHH","SHB"] ) then {
                      if(s_player_build_origins_SH < 0) then {
                        s_player_build_origins_SH = player addAction ["Build " + _actionText, "origins\player_build.sqf", [_cursorTarget, _houselevel, _classname, _neededMaterials, _actionText]];


                } forEach DZE_Origins_Build_HousesGarages;
            } else {
                [1] call origins_removeActions;


The corresponding origins_removeActions.sqf:

_type = _this select 0;
if(_type == 0 || _type == 1) then {
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_H1;
	s_player_build_origins_H1 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_H2;
	s_player_build_origins_H2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_H3;
	s_player_build_origins_H3 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_B1;
	s_player_build_origins_B1 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_B2;
	s_player_build_origins_B2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_B3;
	s_player_build_origins_B3 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_SG;
	s_player_build_origins_SG = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_LG;
	s_player_build_origins_LG = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_KING;
	s_player_build_origins_KING = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_build_origins_SH;
	s_player_build_origins_SH = -1;
if(_type == 0 || _type == 2) then {
	player removeAction s_player_origins_unlock;
	s_player_origins_unlock = -1;
if(_type == 0 || _type == 3) then {
	player removeAction s_player_origins_stronghold_doors;
	s_player_origins_stronghold_doors = -1;
sleep 2;

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for all your hard work, i will be trying this out.


right now i am using the cash me up 0.16




and i want to incorporate origins into it. so i guess my question is, is origins specific to tavi map and would i have to use DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi MPMission? or would i have to do alot of editing for coordinates to make it work on napf?

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Hey Guys, I have set up a ViLayer server using these files and followed the instructions as someone else put up exactly and I am getting this error coming up constantly and the server wont start up properly, anyone able to help? Thanks!

3:10:59 "DayZ Epoch: PRELOAD Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
 3:10:59 "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"
 3:10:59 "Origins Base Building Config initialized!"
 3:10:59 "Chameleon: Has detected overpoch tavi Map Loaded."
 3:10:59 "Chameleon: Initializion Complete."
 3:10:59 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
 3:10:59 BIKE: loading version 2.5.1 ...
 3:10:59 BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list...
 3:10:59 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi\dynamic_vehicle.sqf not found
 3:10:59 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\FS_SpawnVehicles\FS_StaticVehicleSpawnCompiles.sqf not found
 3:10:59 Error in expression <pawnCompiles.sqf";
waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};
_nil = [] execVM "\z\addo>
 3:10:59   Error position: <_handle};
_nil = [] execVM "\z\addo>
 3:10:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _handle
 3:10:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tavi\init.sqf, line 122
 3:10:59 Error in expression <pawnCompiles.sqf";
waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};
_nil = [] execVM "\z\addo>
 3:10:59   Error position: <_handle};

EDIT: Disregard, I have fixed it. If you are setting up on a ViLayer server, don't use the $PREFIX$ and config.bin files that ElDubya supplied, they are not suitable, use the ones that come with the server when you install Overpoch via the addon manager.

Edited by Voltan
Problem Fixed.
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Guys, please help with this script, don't have actions in scroll menu, - http://opendayz.net/threads/release-origins-vehicle-upgrades.21815/

i think this line don't close operator

if (_statuss == 1) then {

but don't know where need to close

This script is for Origins 1.7.9 only, it says that in the description. I wonder if it could work in though.. would be great to get going.

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why, i write my script to anims vehicles and all works, but no saving, upgrade anims in 1.7.9 =, see my screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=509811866 errors in this script, problem no in version

all works lvl 4 house, full work nest, painting, upgraiding cars, this problem in script!

Edited by hekut146
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