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Ok guys well just as the title says post up trying to see maybe how i can improve my server if yall dont mind really trying to make it not stutter as much but here is mine let me no if you see something wrong or ways to make it better

//MinBandwidth = 4000000;
//MaxBandwidth = 104857600;

MaxMsgSend = 2048;            // Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1536;        // Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 1024;        // Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256

MinErrorToSend = 0.003;            // Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.002;        // Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01

i have seen alot of other servers too not have the minErrorto Send not in either is that normal or no i no i have the min and max null out right now heard we dont need that as arma handles it good but if im wrong please let me no

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Here's mine.  Same one I used on A2 Epoch.  It's worked well so far, but my player count hasn't been high enough to really call this "tested".  My server has a Gigabit connection.

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ok so no one else wants to help out come on all you server owners and yeh im calling you out axe man share the wealth here post up a basic.cfg so we all can see includes all server owners ones with a decent population though that have really good connection and hardly no desync come on guys i gave mine up dont be shy. :P

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Try :


MinBandwidth = 768000;
MaxBandwidth = 104857600;
MaxMsgSend = 256;
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 640;
class sockets{maxPacketSize = 1400;};
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;
MinErrorToSend = 0.004;
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.03;
MaxCustomFileSize = 0;



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MinBandwidth = 107374182;			
MaxBandwidth = 1073741824;		
MaxMsgSend = 128;			
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;		
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;		
MinErrorToSend = 0.002;			
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.02;		
MaxCustomFileSize = 0;			

This is what I run on my server.


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This runs fine on my servers and I have plenty of players

MinBandwidth = 768000;
MaxBandwidth = 83886080;
MaxMsgSend = 256;
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 640;
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;
MinErrorToSend = 0.004;
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.022;
MaxCustomFileSize = 0;
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ok sounds  good 1 man also noticing i got kicked for script restricion 36 had 30 people on was doing that bug thing where you spawn in all you can do is walk cant run and my mouse wouldnt even work then i got the kick for #36 its weird did a rebot and i got in with no issue

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// These options are created by default


// These options are important for performance tuning

MinBandwidth = 107374182; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072
MaxBandwidth = 1073741824; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available.

MaxMsgSend = 256; // Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512; // Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256; // Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256

MinErrorToSend = 0.002; // Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.02; // Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01

MaxCustomFileSize = 0; // (bytes) Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.

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hey one man ok im at 10 server fps with 40 players on what in hell do i need to change to keep it at say 30 or better i mean we got the power  i just cant get this damn thing right this is what we have at the moment


MinBandwidth = 1097152;
MaxBandwidth = 1073741824;

MaxMsgSend = 2048;            // Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1200;        // Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 768;        // Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256

MinErrorToSend = 0.002;        // Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.02;        // Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01

MaxCustomFileSize = 0;            // (bytes) Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.

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How any physical processors do you have setup for the server? Did you install process lasso ? Very useful tool I found on here don't remember who posted it. What's your startup parameters? You can also look at your rpt report at the same time your fps drops and determine what the issue could be.

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start "arma3" /high/affinity FF "arma3server.exe" -port= "-config=C:\Epoch_Pro_Altis\Tools\epoch_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Epoch_Pro_Altis\Tools\epoch_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Epoch_Pro_Altis\Tools\Epoch_Pro" -name=Epoch_Pro  -loadMissionToMemory -autoInit "-mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@mas;" -nologs -enableHT -malloc=tbbmalloc >>>>> ok there is my start up for the server and also and i think we are using 12 cores

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2 quick things you could try is remove affinity and nologs from startup and set your arma3server.exe in lasso for high priority for everything I/O, memory, etc. you can't see what is causing your issues with no rpt to look at.

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There's some folks who believe that affinity and priority settings in the Arma 3 server startup command line aren't really effective.  I'm kinda on the fence about that myself, but I also use process lasso and it works well.  My server traffic is still relatively low but it's on the rise.  We had a dozen folks in the server last night and even with 2 AI missions, multiple static AI patrols (around 30 AI units total) and 2 AI helis in the air the server FPS was pegged at 47, which is pretty much as high as it goes on Windows Server 2012.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok got a question the min bandwidth on my server  i have done speedtest which show a average of 450Mbps upload what should i set min at with that download is 968 Mbps also i have taken out the sem ai missions since its old

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