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[AllinOne] MAS Weapons, Vehicles


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Only problem I'm having is some the vehicles tthat I spawn are not spawning.....here's what I see in my rpt

D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_apc.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_cars.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_eli.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_tank.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_vehicle.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@masvehicles\addons\mas_vehicle_c.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@mas18\addons\mas_nw_rifle.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@mas18\addons\mas_ru_rifle.pbo - unknown
11:45:15 D:\bornholm\BornholmServer\@mas18\addons\mas_us_rifle.pbo - unknown
11:45:51 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:51 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:51 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
11:45:52 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

any help would be outstanding....thx

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Hey guys,


where can I edit the spawningchance from the loot?


I have installed the script, but it's to much loot.


If I will edit the following lies, the script doesn't work! (Marked with #)

//"spawnClassChance_list" array of [class, %weapon, %magazine, %ICV, %backpack, %object]
//									class   	: same classname as used in "Buildingstoloot_list"
//									%weapon 	: % chance to spawn a weapon on spot
//									%magazine 	: % chance to spawn magazines on spot
//									%ICV	   	: % chance to spawn item/cloth/vests on spot
//									%backpack 	: % chance to spawn a backpack on spot
//									%object 	: % chance to spawn an world object on spot
//-------------- A VALUE OF '-1' RESULTS IN NO LOOT FOR THIS CLASS AND TYPE ----------------
spawnClassChance_list = [
[0, 13, 21, 24, 18, 22],	// civil
[1, 22, 36, 28, 26, 18],	// military
[2, 10, 21, 28, 26, 36],	// industrial
[3, 12, 36, 36, -1, -1]		// research
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I need help.... i put @mas and @Emod in root folder but not found... HELP ME please... any can upload a tutorial for noob please...


My parameters Launcher is:


@echo off
REM Server
set serverkill="C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch"
cd /d %serverkill%
taskkill /im arma3server.exe
REM Arrancar Server
timeout 10
start "arma3" /min "arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@Emod;@mas -config=C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\SC\config.cfg -ip= -port=2222 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\SC\basic.cfg -name=SC
REM Arrancar BEC
timeout 50
set becpath="C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\BEC"
cd /d %becpath%
start "batBEC" "bec.exe" -f Config.cfg --dsc
timeout 10
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Hey guys,


I want to paste in some armed vehicles to Epoch. (MAS-Vehicles: Blackhawk, UAZ-DSHKM, Hmmv-M2....)


I want to give them a little less ammo. For example only 500-1000 shots for Blackhawk. 


How can I make this?


My Idea is to install the rearm Script for reloading. The Ammo will cost a lot of kypto.

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I've added the weapons pack only and it's spawning fine, however I am not sure how to make the addon a requirement:


where are the addon names coming from (are they from the pbo filenames?)


based on this thread I assume I would use (tried it and didn't startup):


but my @mas18 addons folder has:
thank you for any help!
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