SPIB0X Posted April 25, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 25, 2015 crafting bomb: jerrycan and few ammo (any caliber) can be used to craft high explosive bombs to breach into bases or destroy jammers. This sounds like it could be turned into a Molotov type of grenade instead Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sfxunknown Posted April 26, 2015 Report Share Posted April 26, 2015 so ive been thinking, what if we could craft gun cabinets and ammo boxes. maybe borrow the ammo crate box from the vanilla arma 3 files, or edit the lootable closets with mirrors into gun cabinets. holds 10 guns and are visable through a glass window or even make a locker type gun cabinet with metal mesh. would be better if you can upgrade them into lockable gun cabinets as well. to craft it should be 10 salvage metal small, and to lock it, a small metal and a electronic componet? and the same for the ammo box, just ideas ladies and gents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bbq_kush Posted April 26, 2015 Report Share Posted April 26, 2015 This sounds like it could be turned into a Molotov type of grenade instead yes but in arma 3, theres no such thing to implement molotov cocktail like mechanic, means extra effort on epoch developers.  Another thing thats been bothering me, these NATO weapons add so much to the game we all agree on that I guess, I think epoch dev team should merge or add this to the mod installation. I always enjoy combat with an AK or m4, unscoped, rather fragging people from 1km with a sniper rifle.  another thing, why not a player or a member of group can't spawn at his jammer? I mean is it hard to implement this to mission code? (I got no experience on editing missions, creating server, etc) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Funke Posted April 28, 2015 Report Share Posted April 28, 2015 Hiya... I'll second a few ideas that I think will help players (particularly the ones who spend too much time inside bases organising). Lighting in bases : NVG inside is a bit....meh. Someone said proximity lighting. How about harvesting some solar panels, setting them up with electrical components and some salvaged metal and used/unused large energy packs for a device that can provide power in your base for a few lights. Limit it to maybe 2-3 lights per device or scale able with the number of energy packs you add at the crafting stage. You'll also need wire and globes...more loot and assets. I like a nice gun rack...specifically for guns is a nice idea. Omg the stairs... Tow rope! Genius Map on the wall...persistent points. GUI elements when in build mode. Perhaps some axis guide lines and highlight the snap edge. Cheers Great game...great mod...my wife hates you ;) TheStainlessSteelRat and SPIB0X 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Futter Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Hiya... I'll second a few ideas that I think will help players (particularly the ones who spend too much time inside bases organising). Lighting in bases : NVG inside is a bit....meh. Someone said proximity lighting. How about harvesting some solar panels, setting them up with electrical components and some salvaged metal and used/unused large energy packs for a device that can provide power in your base for a few lights. Limit it to maybe 2-3 lights per device or scale able with the number of energy packs you add at the crafting stage. You'll also need wire and globes...more loot and assets. I like a nice gun rack...specifically for guns is a nice idea. Omg the stairs... Tow rope! Genius Map on the wall...persistent points. GUI elements when in build mode. Perhaps some axis guide lines and highlight the snap edge. Cheers Great game...great mod...my wife hates you ;) Same here my wife is disgusted with you people who made this mod! axeman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N17r0 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 34. Paint Concrete wall. You can paint metal wall but not concreate. Painting can be for esthetic or stealth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snafu0185 Posted May 10, 2015 Report Share Posted May 10, 2015 something that seems to have been missed its the future the worlds gone down the toilet. I wouldn't build a large building above ground id build underground start off with 1 room and upgrade from there. of course to balance this you would want a chance of a cave in happening whilst digging, with the tunnel becoming stable when walls roof etc. added. The ability to make a vehicle entry in the side of a hill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted May 10, 2015 Report Share Posted May 10, 2015 something that seems to have been missed its the future the worlds gone down the toilet. I wouldn't build a large building above ground id build underground start off with 1 room and upgrade from there. of course to balance this you would want a chance of a cave in happening whilst digging, with the tunnel becoming stable when walls roof etc. added. The ability to make a vehicle entry in the side of a hill Maybe when the future brings a better game engine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cavadus Posted May 27, 2015 Report Share Posted May 27, 2015 I would just like a military structure prop set. Jersey barriers, the big stackable gravel filled blocks, two story watch towers, four story watch towers, the one man containerized housing units, the bigger containerized housing units, sandbags, concertina wire, fixed positions weapons on tripods, various forms of roads and concrete slab foundations, tents, cots, fridges, ranges/ovens, et cetera. The modular construction system is nice and all but I'd way rather have more complete structures like I listed above. And it would be nice to have some more survival based mechanics incorporated into said structures. SPIB0X 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SPIB0X Posted May 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2015 I would just like a military structure prop set. Jersey barriers, the big stackable gravel filled blocks, two story watch towers, four story watch towers, the one man containerized have using units, the bigger containerized housing units, sandbags, concertina wire, fixed positions weapons on tripods, various forms of roads and concrete slab foundations, tents, cots, fridges, ranges/ovens, et cetera. The modular construction system that s nice and all but I'd way rather have more complete structures like I listed above. And it would be nice to have some more survival based mechanics incorporated into said structures. I think the intention of Epoch is to give players the tools and functionality to build similar structures themselves with the freedom of custom designing them to suit the terrain/vantage point etc - While I agree we need way more variety of tools and buildables to accomplish these things I'd rather have the freedom to custom build than to just construct pre-existing towers etc... In my head I see Epoch in a year or two's time being a cross between Ghost Recon and Mine Craft where players can enjoy combat simulation at a very high level of realism while enjoying the creative freedom to build a huge range of structures. With more buildables/materials/functionality I can see the Epoch building being amazing. With some creativity you can already build some awesome bases and that is with VERY limited functionality/buildables. Â I think patience is key here. I am hoping that the next patch will see the introduction of more than just 1-2 new buildables but a whole lot of new things for us to go crazy with vbawol 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colklutz88 Posted June 10, 2015 Report Share Posted June 10, 2015 Just my 2 cents, but I miss the key system for vehicles from A2: Epoch. Â The new GUI is great, and i love that, but it would be nice to have some legit physical security on your vehicles, rather than just hoping your stuff doesn't get stolen when you aren't able to play, such as commitments to work/family. Â Sure, it helps cut down on server stress as more and more vehicles get placed on the map, and I wouldn't mind if a vehicle auto unlocked after a key is lost or destroyed similar to the way it was designed to do as part of cleanup in the database of A2: Epoch. Â Â Mainly, just bring back the key system and give us more physical security options for vehicles and such, or even a different type of system for it that allows server owners to have a choice of what they want on their server, either keys, or the group system that is already in place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted June 10, 2015 Report Share Posted June 10, 2015 If it weren't for helis it would be a lot easier to hide ground vehicles, then I wouldn't mind vehicles being unlockable. Someone has a heli though, just forget it, they'll find everything on the map. It would be cool if there was an object like a camp net that you could cover vehicle with that would actually camouflage it. Of course, either way if you're playing on Altis its hard to hide anything regardless. I almost believe that storing a vehicle in database would be a good option, as lame as that would be when it comes to a survival environment. Its very hard to hold on to a vehicle. If you come across a player and aren't at full speed chances are you're going to get fckd.. if you hit a pebble and dont have repair youre fckd.. and chances are if you try keeping a vehicle its just going to get jacked when you're not around. You could sell a vehicle to a trader, but someone else could buy ot, or they can kill the trader wiping its inventory, or admin might wipe trader inventory. People get bored without a vehicle, and they get bummed when they finally find one and can't enjoy it for more than an hour or two before losing it in one lame way or another. Not to mention its harder for people to find each other without vehicles. PvP gets more interesting when vehicles are involved. However, the way things are everyone is running around on foot and rarely run into each other. "Where is everyone, ran all over this goddamned map and didn't see a soul!" Snitzle 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrEnzO Posted June 10, 2015 Report Share Posted June 10, 2015 It would be cool if there was an object like a camp net that you could cover vehicle with that would actually camouflage it. Of course, either way if you're playing on Altis its hard to hide anything regardless. Â Â Â go to 1:10 Â Â So we can always hope. :) Cavadus and cring0 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelvar Posted June 30, 2015 Report Share Posted June 30, 2015 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caveman1 Posted July 26, 2015 Report Share Posted July 26, 2015 Love the idea,s here.. Like to see more use of underwater and sea things.. build an underwater base with rebreathers and what not or a sea base that floats like an oil rig. Heck build a boat then keep adding maybe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPABATOK Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 [Added] Revamped upgraded wood stair model. --- praise the devs! Can't wait to see the new model. Â [Changed] Increased hunger and thirst loss a bit and you can now die from prolonged lack of hunger or thirst. --- it is starting to get serious! Â [Fixed] Missing price value for M-900 helicopter. --- yeah, this one is good too. Â [Fixed] Swap all references of old Rahim 10Rnd 762x51 to 10Rnd 762x54. --- 2 years... 2 years... :D Â Â so my first impressions, didn't want to create another thread. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baal_jayjay Posted April 17, 2016 Report Share Posted April 17, 2016 I tell my ideas for epoch new weapons:I try with blender modling but i can´t import to oxygen 2 so i give you my prototypes is not done yet,because i learn it. Volksturmgewehr: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2PXTFaiSMInTVZVV0ZtQkFvZTA/view?usp=sharing i try to modi to use 7.62x39 mp3008: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2PXTFaiSMInNFNneFRGRmJ6ZDA/view?usp=sharing use 9mm rounds. typ63(chinese gun):https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2PXTFaiSMInTlhaT1NfeTRmZ2c/view?usp=sharing use 7.62x39 German grenade WWII:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2PXTFaiSMIndmtxaE45RGtGOXc/view?usp=sharing For the grenade i have idea,when six grenade and lumber so can crafted improvised explosive charge. Craftable backpack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2PXTFaiSMInaTk3a1BvN3hyNU0/view?usp=sharing You can craft with 1x burlap,4 sticks and 3 ropes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Excaliber_47 Posted April 29, 2016 Report Share Posted April 29, 2016 Crafting Recipe: Fishing Rod/Pole: two sticks, one empty can, string, one silver/tin bar no workbench or fire needed (would be nice to see a better fishing mechanic rather than just melee the water) Lantern: Jerry can full (or enclosed battery), two light bulbs, one small metal, electric component. Need workbench; allow this to be removed/repacked and option to turn off/on Building Suggestion: Allow a persistent fireplace/camp fire when within the limits of a frequency jammer, just add more wood log or sticks after a restart. Some other lighting for base than fires, maybe lanterns mentioned above. rvg?!, Snitzle and TheStainlessSteelRat 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rvg?! Posted May 4, 2016 Report Share Posted May 4, 2016 Loot suggestion: Randomly spawned apples, salad under trees. Started modelling with Blender the last weekend but currently the apples look more like a eggplant. Guess i have to practice a bit more.. Excaliber_47, axeman, RC_Robio and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baal_jayjay Posted May 8, 2016 Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 idea for oil latern:1 empty can .1 burlap and oil. turn on with lighter and after 3 hours you must refill the latern rvg?! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 8, 2016 Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 that Paddle mod above is sick. I hope they'll consider adding it. also in general lifting/pulling vehicles (like 3rd party addons do) is pretty basic and should be in the mod IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
axeman Posted May 9, 2016 Report Share Posted May 9, 2016 What is the motivation for the paddle mod ? It does look cool btw. Question is, do you want to just tow a friend(s). Or, be able to pick up a second found vehicle when on your own and already driving a vehicle ? Granted, they are only using boats. Or is it mainly the camouflage aspect ? mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheStainlessSteelRat Posted May 9, 2016 Report Share Posted May 9, 2016 16 hours ago, mgm said: also in general lifting/pulling vehicles (like 3rd party addons do) is pretty basic and should be in the mod IMO. 2 hours ago, axeman said: Question is, do you want to just tow a friend(s). Or, be able to pick up a second found vehicle when on your own and already driving a vehicle ? Granted, they are only using boats. Towing lifting of vehicles generally should be considered as part of mod, as it is often a big component of play to find other vehicles to trade in, or upgrade to. Especially as a lone wolf player! Also towing in particular gives new life to severely damaged vehicles, or vehicles that are flipped or stuck in ground can be released and re-used.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 9, 2016 Report Share Posted May 9, 2016 4 hours ago, axeman said: What is the motivation for the paddle mod ? It does look cool btw. Question is, do you want to just tow a friend(s). Or, be able to pick up a second found vehicle when on your own and already driving a vehicle ? Granted, they are only using boats. Or is it mainly the camouflage aspect ? I would like to be able to tow/lift any unlocked vehicle. it is also to some extent realistic, one person is able to transport more than one vehicle IRL. there is already ~1 year worth of effort coded script & it is(was) working very nicely (overall script looking well thought, plays nicely without weird bugs and so on). I was using this script in the past and will re-add to my server and test with latest Epoch soon - can't remember the scripter's name or the scripts name but it was already on Epoch forums (at work now). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grahame Posted May 9, 2016 Report Share Posted May 9, 2016 R3F gives towing, lifting and carrying. Is that what you mean. Check the scripts sub forum (for Epoch packed version). Sorry for no link on phone atm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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