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Helicopter Parachute Supply Drop


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I think I have figured out the coordinates for Bornholm. I've tested and the supply drop works with the following that figured out all on my own.


_posArray = [[9885.76,21958.6,200],[9979.83,238.216,200],[21319.8,8515.21,200],[291.794,8532.42,200]]; // Bornholm

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I am confused on this installation.

Were running Epoch 3.0.1


How exaclt do we edit the "epoch.Altis initServer.sqf"  or our  "epoch.Altis init.sqf"?


I see someone mentioned "You should be able to put that in your "epoch.Altis.pbo" (unpacked) init.sqf", but I am not sure how were suppoed to unpack this and repack it for the server? Are there any instructions on this process out there? We don't mind following other instructions if there out there, but we can't seem to find them.



1. Edit your epoch.Altis initServer.sqf (or add one)
Paste in the following line (or add to existing IF SERVER condition):

if (isServer) then {
[] ExecVM "\SDROP\init.sqf";

2. Edit your epoch.Altis init.sqf (or add one)
Paste in the following - this is used for sending messages to all players:

//Supply Drop Alert Event
"SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];

3. Copy the SDROP.pbo to your @EpochHive/addons/


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I am confused on this installation.

Were running Epoch 3.0.1


How exaclt do we edit the "epoch.Altis initServer.sqf"  or our  "epoch.Altis init.sqf"?


I see someone mentioned "You should be able to put that in your "epoch.Altis.pbo" (unpacked) init.sqf", but I am not sure how were suppoed to unpack this and repack it for the server? Are there any instructions on this process out there? We don't mind following other instructions if there out there, but we can't seem to find them.



1. Edit your epoch.Altis initServer.sqf (or add one)

Paste in the following line (or add to existing IF SERVER condition):

if (isServer) then {

[] ExecVM "\SDROP\init.sqf";


2. Edit your epoch.Altis init.sqf (or add one)

Paste in the following - this is used for sending messages to all players:

//Supply Drop Alert Event

"SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {

hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];


3. Copy the SDROP.pbo to your @EpochHive/addons/






I use a program called PBO Manager to un-pack the epoch.Altis.pbo file... from there, you can edit or add new files, then re-pack it into a PBO and upload to your server via TPAdmin or FTP. Please remember to save a backup of your original somewhere.

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Thanks so much.

I just discovered PBO Manager with much online searching. I took the "epoch.Altix.pbo" file from our server (and made a copy).


I didn't see any of these files, so I added them. I will give this a shot.

Quick question. We are switching to Bornholm map for Epoch. Do I simply update my "epoch.Bornholm.pbo" instead of my "epoch.Altis.pbo"?

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Thanks so much.

I just discovered PBO Manager with much online searching. I took the "epoch.Altix.pbo" file from our server (and made a copy).


I didn't see any of these files, so I added them. I will give this a shot.

Quick question. We are switching to Bornholm map for Epoch. Do I simply update my "epoch.Bornholm.pbo" instead of my "epoch.Altis.pbo"?


Yep. Look above in posts to find safe spawns for helicopter for Bornholm.

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Awe I see above somone figured out the coordinates for Bornholm.




I think I have figured out the coordinates for Bornholm. I've tested and the supply drop works with the following that figured out all on my own.


_posArray = [[9885.76,21958.6,200],[9979.83,238.216,200],[21319.8,8515.21,200],[291.794,8532.42,200]]; // Bornholm


I updated this in my "SDROP.pbo >missions > SDROP_SupplyDrop.sqf


I can now get into the server fine. I also can see the helicopter mission begin and I followed the chopper to watch it drop its cargo. Then it flys back and forth around it.

However I don't get this "500-meter radius marker for LZ lets players know where to look".

Also there is no AI that comes in either.

And no loot in the crate. It is empty.

I believe these should all be enabled to some default settings (although I know they can be customized in editing init.sqf). Does anyone know why my Radius marker, AI guards, and loot are not working?

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Is it Chernarus compatible?


you can try out my reworked version, what i currently use on chernarus




- all needed configuration stuff  in the "config.cpp" 

- the right map positions will be loaded automaticaly from the config  ( so you can switch the map without editing the .sqf eachtime ) 

( Chernarus, Altis, Bornholm)


- fix from the privious page already included

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20:40:26 Error in expression < BIS_fnc_isPosBlacklisted)) then
if ((_pos distance _testPos) >= _minDist) the>
20:40:26   Error position: <_pos distance _testPos) >= _minDist) the>
20:40:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos
20:40:26 File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 98
20:40:26 Error in expression <["_newX", "_newY", "_testPos"];
_newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * >
20:40:26   Error position: <_posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * >
20:40:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _posx
20:40:26 File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90
20:40:26 Error in expression <ltPos = _this select 8;
I get this Error in my rpt, i have a problem with the Coords on Panthera Map. 
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any hel;p at all.. i add this to my init but players never allert on drop 


//Supply Drop Alert Event
    "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler
        hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];

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For my part, I made my own edit to make it working with the update The problem is that the crate can't be fill with loots because the script isn't correct with the new update. So I did that myself, I'm not an expert but It works very well for me and I use this method for every mission script.


1) Open the PBO for SDROP


2) Go in script/SDROP_Functions.sqf and open this file


3) Find "SDROPLoadLootFood" inside the file and replace the function by this one.


SDROPLoadLootFood = {
_crate = _this select 0;

//empty crate first
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate;
clearItemCargoGlobal _crate;

// This is just and example, create lists like that 
// _Weapons = ["Classname_Weapon1","Classname_Weapon2"];

_Armes = ["1911_pistol_epoch","hgun_ACPC2_F","hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","hgun_PDW2000_F","SMG_02_F","SMG_01_F"];

//Fill the crate with what you want
_Nombre = ceil(random 3);  //Select a random number for how many time he will execute the action
if(_Nombre < 1) then { _Nombre = 1 };  //If the number selected before is "0", he will still execute one time the action
for [{_Compteur=0}, {_Compteur<_Nombre}, {_Compteur=_Compteur+1}] do
_Objet = _Armes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //Change the variable by the same that the list you create before
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_Objet, 1]; //He will add the weapon randomly selected in the list and start 



4) Make the same for "SDROPLoadLootSupplies", "SDROPLoadLootWeapons" and "SDROPRandomLoot"


Hope this will help and you understood me, I know my english isn't great but I think he's understandable.





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This mission stopped working for me since epoch version 3 


I think the only issue, besides the hint text not working, was the loot tables for random crates (Nightmare's fix below):


In SupplyDrop_Functions.sqf, replace the code starting on line 148 with the following (only replace the portion needed):

// Generate Loot
 _tmp = (getArray(_x >> 'items'));
 {SDROPLootList = SDROPLootList + [ ( _x select 0 ) select 0 ];} forEach (_tmp);
} forEach ("configName _x != 'Uniforms' && configName _x != 'Headgear'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgLootTable"));

I'll try to get the hint text working again by weekend.

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any hel;p at all.. i add this to my init but players never allert on drop 


//Supply Drop Alert Event

    "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler


        hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];



Make sure the init.sqf you edit is in your epoch.Altis.pbo or whatever mission system you have running (you may have to create the init.sqf). I just tested it again today, and my hints are working with the 0.3 update.

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Nightmare maybe a little Tutorial how to install your version for newbs?



basicly its the same installation procedure..



1. add  "a3_sdrop.bpo"  to  "@epochhive/addons"


2. add "sdropClient.sqf" to "mpmissions/epoch.mapname", if you have there a *.pbo instead of a folder, please google for "how to extract .pbo", pbo is an archive like "zip" you need a tool for that.


3. open the "init.sqf" inside of the "mpmissions/epoch.mapname" folder, if not exist then create an new file with an editor like "notepad++" and name it to "init.sqf"


example for the "init.sqf"

// stop server loading the client script
// tutorial: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-basic-multiplayer-coding-summary/  
if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; 

// compile the script on mission load
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/compileFinal
sdropClient=compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "sdropClient.sqf";

// wait client is ready 
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/waitUntil
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isPlayer
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/alive
waitUntil{(isPlayer player) && (alive player) && !isNil "EPOCH_loadingScreenDone"};

// Starts running the script
// https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/spawn
[] spawn sdropClient;

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