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I need help with _this enableSimulation false; please


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I have custom NPC bankers around my map with some little esthetic things like a foldtable and a laptop, etc. They aren't in safe zones and people can just shoot or knock the objects around. I've tried this for example

_vehicle_187 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FoldTable", [6221.2905, 4625.8779, -0.079633094], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_187 = _this;
  _this setDir 118.5292;
  _this setPos [6221.2905, 4625.8779, -0.079633094];
  _this enableSimulation false;

but no luck, you can still knock everything around. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

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On my mobile so cannot give specifics but if you take a look at show plot boundary from my A Plot for Life mod, it creates a ring of road cones with enable simulation false as they used to fall over if placed on a hill without setting that. Maybe the code there can give some idea as to why yours is not working.

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On my mobile so cannot give specifics but if you take a look at show plot boundary from my A Plot for Life mod, it creates a ring of road cones with enable simulation false as they used to fall over if placed on a hill without setting that. Maybe the code there can give some idea as to why yours is not working.

Could be worth exploring.. had a peak, looks like this for P4L

_object = createVehicle ["Land_coneLight", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setVariable ["Inventory", ["PPMarker"],true];
_object enableSimulation false;
_object setpos _location;


Try something like this:

_this setVehicleInit "this enablesimulation false;";

Instead of 

_this enableSimulation false;

I'll give that a shot thanks



_this setVehicleInit "this enablesimulation false;";

did the trick. Thanks!

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