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Bec commands.xml and sheduler.xml not working




I have installed Bec on a private server and i can see that it runs, so when i connect to the server i can see that i am the super admin.

but my scheduler.xml and commands.xml are not loading


This is my Config.cfg




IP =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\Users\server\Desktop\dayz overpoch server-self\instance_1_Overpoch\BattlEye
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml
Scheduler = Scheduler.xml
AutoLoadBans = True
Ban = 3
BeCustomBanFiles = file1.txt, file2.txt
AsciiNickOnly = False
AsciiChatOnly = True
IgnoreChatChars = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å
NickFilterFile = C:\Users\server\Desktop\dayz overpoch server-self\instance_1_Overpoch\BattlEye\Bec\Config\BadNames.txt
WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt
Warnings = 3
ServerExeName = arma2oaserver.exe
ConsoleHeight = 65
ConsoleWidth = 130
Timeout = 40
KickLobbyIdlers = 300
MinPlayerNameLenght = 3
MaxPlayerNameLength = 16
DisallowPlayerNameChars = [](){}<>/\^¨|§!"'#¤%&@£$€
ChatChannelFiles = true
SlotLimit = -1
SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.


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Ok, so post your commands.xml?

Well it is just the basic one from Battleye.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

This file is only provided as an example file and might not sute your needs/demands/taste. 
Define In-game Commands
name  : The name you want to call your command!. DO NOT START YOUR NAME WITH #
group : The permission level needed to execute the command!
cmd   : The Rcon command. Root command. arguments are not passed here!
time  : leave empty except for ban commands!
text  : Used as reason for kick/ban commands. but also to set default values for example maxping command!
desc  : Used to describe the command. will be used in the help system
Note: Keep the id=  in order for your "<command id=X>" block. else parsing the file will cause errors. 1st command starts with 0
Note: Do not start you command with # since its used by the game engine.
Note: Group number 100 is for public use. be careful.. all players may execute commands set to group 100.
Note: The text tag may be cut off if its too long. this is due to a limitation with Battleye.
Supported commands in the <cmd> </cmd> tag are:
# Arma server commands
# Be commands.
# Bec commands
kid |___. same as kick and ban but. used beid insetead of names: !kid 0, !bid 3 , Use "#beclient players" to get hold of the Id. DO NOT USE "#USERLIST" thats a diffrent thing.
bid |
Shutdown the server.
!cmdName : Instant shutdown.
!cmdName N : set a timer in seconds before shutdown, 
!cmdName abort : abort current shutdown procedure.
!cmdName info : display how long left to shutdown.
Uses ArmA #shutdown command.
<command id="0">
<desc>USAGE :: [!sht] or [!sht N] or [!sht info] or [!sht abort] :: INFO -> Shutdowns the dedicated arma server. use: !sht N, to set a timeout in Seconds before shutdown, !sht abort, to abort current shutdown, !sht info, to see how long left.</desc>
Open Mission selection meny. 
An in-game ArmA Admin should be loged in before using this. 
Executing this command without an admin logged in may resulting in getting stuck with a black load screen!.
Uses ArmA #missions command.
<command id="1">
<desc>USAGE :: !mis :: INFO -> Show mission. Carefull with this command. an admin should be logged in with the arma interface. #login or gui if this is to be used</desc>
Restart mission. 
Players keeps the same slot as he/she had before the restart.
Uses ArmA #restart command.
<command id="2">
<desc>USAGE :: !res :: INFO -> Restart mission with current player slot selection</desc>
ReAssing Player slots and restart the mission.
Players may not get same slots as they had.
Uses ArmA #reassign command.
<command id="3">
<desc>USAGE :: !rea :: INFO -> Restart the mission with new player slot selection</desc>
Lock down the server, No more players will be able to join the server..
If your server is password protected. it will also prevent players knowing the password from connecting.
Uses ArmA #lock command.
<command id="4">
<desc>USAGE :: !lck :: INFO -> Locks the server. No one will be able to join.</desc>
Unlock the server. allow players to be able to connect again.
Uses ArmA #unlock command.
<command id="5">
<desc>USAGE :: !ulck :: INFO -> Unlocks the Server.</desc>
Change to a new mission.
You need to know the filename but exclude the pbo extension.
!cmdName abc.vr
!cmdName TestMission.Stratis
!cmdName co40_SomeGame.Altis
Uses ArmA #mission command.
<command id="6">
<desc>USAGE :: !cm mission filename  :: INFO -> Change Mission. you need to know the filename but exclude the pbo extension.</desc>
Change the maxping value. 
Set the ping limit on the server. Players with a ping higher than the limit will be kicked off the server.
!cmdName : Will set what is defined in the <text> tag as the new maxping limit.
!cmdName N : Will set a new maxping limit to N milliseconds.
Uses BE maxping command.
<command id="7">
<desc>USAGE :: [!mp] or [!mp N] :: INFO -> Set a maxping limit on the server. N is the value in milliseconds, default = 150</desc>
Ban a player
The <time> tag defines how long the ban is last.
The time value is in minutes.
Value 0 is permanent ban
The <text> tag defines the ban reason
There are two special words that can be used in the  <text> tag. 
_name_ and,or _time_
if _name_ is used in the reason text, it will replace _name_ with the name of the admin who executed the command.
if _time_ is used in the reason text, it will replace _time_ with the date when the player can come back.
Uses BE ban command.
<command id="8">
<text>You got a ban by : _name_ , come back _time_</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !ban name :: INFO -> Ban a player.</desc>
Kick Command 
The <text> tag defines the reason the player will be given.
Like the ban command, the kick support the _name_ place holder in the reason text.
Uses BE kick command.
<command id="9">
<text>Decision By Admin: _name_</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !kick name :: INFO -> Kick a player.</desc>
Special Custom Commands is used with #beclient players to get players id
This can be usefull if you need to kick example a russian named player. "if you dont know how to type in cyrillic"
Example: #beclient players ... !bid 15
bid and kid does not support the _name_ place holder
Uses BE ban or kick commands
<!-- Ban based on BeId -->
<command id="10">
<text>Admins Decision!</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !bid id :: INFO -> Kick a player based on the BEID. use #Beclient players to get the id.</desc>
<!-- Kick based on BeId -->
<command id="11">
<text>Admins Decision!</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !kid id :: INFO -> Kick a player based on the BEID. use #Beclient players to find the id.</desc>
Give a warning to a player
The Warnings parameter in [Misc] section in Bec config file must be higher than 0 for this to have any effect.
<command id="12">
<text>This is a Warning given by admin: _name_</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !warn name :: INFO -> Send a warning to a player and increase the warn-counter.</desc>
Grant a player tmp admin permissions
The <text> tag defines the group level for the tmp admin. 
Tmp admin's will be able to execute all commands in the group level you set him/her too.
<command id="13">
<desc>USAGE :: !ata name :: INFO -> Add a temporary admin into group 4.</desc>
<!-- Remove tmp admin permission -->
<command id="14">
<desc>USAGE :: !rta name :: INFO -> Remove temporary admin.</desc>
Make room for a other player, kick last player(s) based on connect time to the server.
Do not use this if you have restarted Bec during a server session / mission while there was player online.
Reason is that Bec will no longer have their correct connect time.
<command id="15">
<text>Making Room For Members</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !mr N :: INFO -> Kick N numbers of player based on join time. last joined players will get kicked.</desc>
Show basic player info
Will send a private message back with info about the requested player such as:
Player: Name | Beid: N | Joined: 12:00:00 12.12 | Ip: | Guid: 1234567898cb748f813a62af1e52579a 
<command id="16">
<desc>USAGE :: !pinf name :: INFO -> Show player info. Beid and join time.</desc>
Show admins online
Sends back a private message with a list of Bec admins online.
<command id="17">
<desc>USAGE :: !ainf :: INFO -> Show Admins online.</desc>
Reload the admin file 
If you have edited your admin file you can make Bec reload the data instead of restarting Bec.
<command id="18">
<desc>USAGE :: !raf :: INFO -> Reloade the admin file.</desc>
Reloade the command file 
If you have edited your commands file you can make Bec reloade the data instead of restarting Bec.
<command id="19">
<desc>USAGE :: !rcf :: INFO -> Reloade the command file.</desc>
Show the current server time.
This will show the local time on the server not the client time.
It can be useful for players to determine the time zone of the server.
The command will send back a private message to the player.
Server time : 02:41:51 18/12 - 2014
<command id="20">
<desc>USAGE :: !time :: INFO -> Show server time.</desc>
Show the server uptime 
This will show how long the server has been running and when it was started (Local Server Time)
The command will send back a private message to the player.
Server Uptime : 8:21:34 ~ Started : 2014-12-17 18:28:32
<command id="21">
<desc>USAGE :: !uptime :: INFO -> Show Server Uptime.</desc>
Show basic help 
This will list up all commands the admin/player is allowed to execute.
If this is set to group 100 Normal players will be able to see all commands in group 100 ("Public commands")
<command id="22">
<desc>USAGE :: [!help] or [!help !command] :: INFO -> Use help to show available commands.</desc>
Send a pre-defined text message to player(s)
Note about <time> tag.
If set to 1, it will send the message back as a private.
If you want it to be a global message for all players leave the tag empty.
<!-- send a private message with basic info to the admin/player who executed the command -->
<command id="23">
<text>Use !help to get help, visit our webpage for more info.</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !info :: INFO -> Send a private message with general info.</desc>
<!-- group 5 admin may send a global message to all players. -->
<command id="24">
<text>The Server will be restart after this mission</text>
<desc>USAGE :: !notify :: INFO :: Sends global message to all player</desc>
External scripts 
The 1st Argument Passed to a External script is always the Username "Hardcoded"
The 2nd,3rd,4th.. and so forth are separated by spaces.
<command id="25">
<desc>USAGE :: !math Int+Int :: INFO -> Do simple bat math!.</desc>
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