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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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See the link above for details.. you will not be disappointed.


Configuration Help: https://github.com/horbin/FuMS-HC-Server/tree/master/Docs

  and click on the index.htm link!


All theme/mission options documented in GitHub's Docs folder.

Fully admin configurable mission/theme sets. Unlimited mission/theme sets.

All missions maintained server side. 

HC files maintained server side: No need to manage more than 1 copy per server.

Water, Land, Air AI, vehicles, and UAV, UGV's.

Random, fixed locations, static / random patrol routing

Mission Objectives: Capture the Flag, Free Captives, Kill AI, destroy specific buildings/vehicles

Missions support M3Editor built installations

Custom AI types (snipers, gunners, pilots, civilians, etc)

Custom loot based upon themes and missions.

Branching Mission system. Missions can create child missions depending on parameters set by admin.

Admin spawn-able, killable missions

Custom AI support:

    Dinosaur-raptor mod

    crazed clones (zombies)

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 Nice work on this AI Mod! I am setting it up to run on a Test Server with HC. All is good, HC stuff is set up and works fine. Only question I have is how long does it take for that TestMission1 to spawn? I started up the server and been sitting here for 45 minutes hoping it will trigger so I can verify it works. Thanks for your help and hard work!



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  There was code in the HC_Init.sqf that was ignoring HC's that were not launched with a profile name of HC_HAL. I had been using this during some dual HC testing I was trying and forgot to remove it.


I pushed an updated version to GitHub along with a file containing BE filters.  I think some more filters will be needed, so I'll update as I come across them in testing.


New HC_Init.sqf

// Horbin
// 12/23/14
//  Main Init called by mission init.sqf. This init executed by all HC's that connect.
//  Call individiual HC inits from this file.
private ["_HCname","_i"];
_HCname = profileName;
for [{_i=0}, {_i < 25}, { _i = _i +1}] do
 diag_log format ["##############################################"];   
diag_log format ["##Headless Client %1 connected with profile %2##",player,_HCname];
for [{_i=0}, {_i < 25}, { _i = _i +1}] do
 diag_log format ["##############################################"];   

// control what AI missions run on each HC by specifics placed in 'profileName Init.sqf'
//if (profileName == "HC_HAL") then
    // Define this in the HC Init.sqf, then make publicserver call.  HC_HAL = "TRUE";
    [_HCname] execVM "HC\HC_HAL Init.sqf";
    // some sort of initialization issue, unidentified HC connected. Possible profile name error?
 //   diag_log ["############################"];
 //   diag_log format ["##HC:%1:Unidentified HC connected with profile %2##",player,_HCname];  
 //   diag_log ["############################"];
 //   publicVariable "HC_Other";
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Big Hint: You do NOT need another copy of Arma3!. Run the arma3server in -client mode.

Also, you can run the HC on the same machine as your server, or connect to your server from a different machine.

(You can not play Arma3 and run HC on same physical system..but if you know how to set up VM's ..there is always a way! =)

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Big Hint: You do NOT need another copy of Arma3!. Run the arma3server in -client mode.

Also, you can run the HC on the same machine as your server, or connect to your server from a different machine.

(You can not play Arma3 and run HC on same physical system..but if you know how to set up VM's ..there is always a way! =)




I run a test server on my computer. I ran the HC, Server, and my client all on the same computer :) I do have my server on another hdd though.... could make a difference. but yeah its possible. :)

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Big Hint: You do NOT need another copy of Arma3!. Run the arma3server in -client mode.

Also, you can run the HC on the same machine as your server, or connect to your server from a different machine.

(You can not play Arma3 and run HC on same physical system..but if you know how to set up VM's ..there is always a way! =)


I had no idea you could use the arma3server in client mode, you just saved me £25 buying a copy of Arma 3 to use as a headless client :)

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Sorry about that. It is fixed on the top page and it is here:



I will be pushing a v.9 tomorrow. This version will include 'radio' options for broadcasting mission notifications, ai deaths, and random chatter between the AI and their Base Ops.


Convoys with Troops and vehicle patrols are implemented in the initial release..  I will provide a full list of functionality tomorrow.

I documented the config files pretty heavily too.

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v.9 posted to github.

This version adds radio chat notifications, and communications between AI.

The default theme mission is set up in the config to not require a radio to hear the communications, so initial viewing is easier.


TestMission01 in the mix to demonstrate some of the features.

-Forward Operating Base set up. With a couple patrols and a group guarding the main building.

-At event start a Convoy is spawned half a click to the south that delivers reinforcements.

-A patrolling vehicle also spawns half a click out to the SW that will eventually arrive and begin patrolling the area.

-Once a player gets within 100m of the complex, reinforcements are called in.

- Some vehicles have mission loot, to demo that.


Also on the Hub are installation instructions, and a quick and dirty guide to buiding new themes and missions.


Note: Look in the GlobalConfig folder for some helpful files. These contain lists of EPOCH approved gear. If you keep your custom loot options to these, you should not experience any unexpected BE kicks or other filter issues.

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Hi Horbin,  I've installed your setup on my server. The convoy that spawns 500 metres out got stuck navigating a building. Is there a way of getting the spawn point to check if is clear enough to fit the vehicle in? Or is it possible to just have the convoy spawn at a specific place on the map rather than a fixed distance from the mission? (like from the edge of the map or a military base?)


Loving your work by the way :D

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   Take a look at the TestMission01.sqf.


The missions are fully configurable, so you can move the convoy by modifying its spawn location:

  The vehicles in the convoy are defined as follows:

  ["vehicle class name", [offset], [crew], [loot type]

Vehicle Class Name - is the Epoch approved vehicle class name (you pick something else, that's on you! :))

offset - the location x,y in meters from the encounter center. (you can tweak this by looking at the map and just adding, subtracting a couple hundred meters if you want

crew [quantity, soldiertype]

    quantity - should not exceed capacity of 'turrent' spots in the vehicle. AI placed here will remain with the vehicles driver, even when the vehicle offloads

    soldiertype - name of one of the options found in the SolderData.sqf (in the mission theme's folder)

loot type - type of loot that should go into the vehicle, taken from LootData.sqf (in the mission theme's folder)


I am working on a tutorial to explain all the syntax more clearly. I tried to comment up these config files the best I could.

As a note, for my testing area, I did move the two convoys.  

  convoy #1 [-75, -600] - change this offset for all the vehicles, and associated driver and troops. If you have different offsets, the other drivers will attempt to join on the lead driver, doing their own sort of cross country :)

  convoy#2 [-600, -200] - this convoy is the one that arrives and simply patrols the area. Troops remain in vehicle until it is disabled..but they will fire from it!


If you take a look at the ThemeData.sqf, you will see where "TestMission01" has a designated location. If you change this to 0 ( ["TestMission01",0] ). The system will spawn the mission in a random location.


I am working on code to permit addition of towns, villages, and cityies to the encounter list, so if you want to develop some missions that only spawn in urban areas, it will simplify the process. I should be posting up those changes today.

  [  // Convoy #1                     
    [         // Vehicle                     Offset     Crew (only 1 type!)   CargoLoot (see Loot section below for more detail!)
           [  "B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[-50,-610],[1,"Rifleman"],        "Truck01"      ], 
           [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[-50,-615],[1,"Rifleman"],     "None"      ], 
           [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[-50,-618],[1,"Rifleman"],     "None"      ], 
           [  "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH"           ,[-75,-75],[ 0, ""          ],"Truck01"]   
                 // If driver-less vehicles are desired, place them at the bottom of the list. 
				 // Troops WILL be placed into 'driver-less' vehicles if the other vehicles are full!!!
          // "Convoy": spawn at -75,-600, drop off cargo at 0,-50, then return to base. (ie 'Convoy' logic behaviour)
           // Drivers                                                          # and type  |         Patrol     |    spawn   | dest       | 'Patrol' options
          [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [3, "Driver"]  ],   ["Convoy",[-75,-600],[0,-50],[true]   ]]
      // Troops : These are distributed across all vehicles in this convoy.                                                         
     [      //  Troop behaviour and side options                        # and type of Troops                               Patrol logic |  spawn     |dest |'Patrol' options
         [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1,"Sniper"],[1,"Rifleman"]  ],   ["BoxPatrol",[-70,-600],[0,0],[0]   ]],
         [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1,"Sniper"],[2,"Rifleman"] ],   ["BoxPatrol",[-70,-600],[50,0],[50]   ]],
         [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1,"Sniper"],[3,"Rifleman"]  ],   ["BoxPatrol",[-70,-600],[-50,0],[50]   ]]
            // 'dest' for troops is where they will go to perform their 'Patrol Logic' once the disembark the convoy IF their vehicle's driver group is using the 'Convoy' patrol logic.
            // otherwise troops will remain in vehicle unless it is engaged. Once vehicle destroyed, Troops will move onto their 'Patrol Logic'.
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