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blckeagls' Real Zombies v0.0.5


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is there any solution for setdamage "epoch_male_f" kick?

#0 0.350000 2:2880 Epoch_Male_F

#0 0.350000 2:2880 Epoch_Male_F

#0 0.700394 2:4127 Epoch_Male_F
#0 1.172835 2:1588 Epoch_Male_F


my setdamge rule:

5 "" !="" !="Sapper_Charge_Ammo" !="SapperB_Charge_Ammo" !="Epoch_Sapper_F"  !="Epoch_SapperB_F" !"Epoch_Male_F" !"Epoch_Female_F" !"Epoch_" !"_zombie"



zombies are spawning fine, but if a zombie kill/hurt a human, then everybody else will be kicked from server.

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I am trying to run this on my Cherno server, Checked RPT files and it shows it is loading, does not crash my server, I can join just like normal but no zombies ever spawn. I have gone around the map for an hour to different towns and just wondered around but nothing. I get no errors at all, and all my other stuff is running normal on the server. Roaming AI, AI missions. Look forward to when this can be fully functional and hopefully I can get it working.

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hi, i have zombie spawns in rpt but i didnt find them on the map "map altis"


"Added [9187.95,15947.8,-124.829] - Spawned Zombies: [[3687.78,13776.1,-10.7639],[10966.5,13435.3,-28.4601],[9287.66,15858.1,-120.663],[9187.95,15947.8,-124.829]]"

 any idea or help ?


edit: i found them & they killed me when i m in god mod & they blocked the area :) & the server

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I was able to make my zombies look like zombies




I used Infected script as the platform http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181485-Infected-Script-by-Gulozwood


You will need golozwood's additional skins as well https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eMttqo9un-eGtQZUNqYVVQQjQ/edit?usp=sharing


When you spawn a zombie with your server-side script you need to set the face on each MP client. To do that you will need to send Z object as a public variable

_object = infectedattacker createUnit ["O_soldier_F",_buildingPos, [], 1, "PRIVATE"];

missionNamespace setVariable ["infected", _object];
publicVariable "infected";

Then on your mission side I have a handler



[] execVM "custom\remote.sqf";


if(!isDedicated) then {
	setZomboyFace =  
		_me = _this; 
		_chosenFace = ["zombi","zomboy"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 
		//diag_log format["_me=%1",_me];
		_me setFace _chosenFace; 
		_mimic = ["dead","danger","hurt"]  call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 
		_me setMimic _mimic;
		enablesentences false; 
		_me setObjectMaterial [0, "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat"]; 
	"infected" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call setZomboyFace;};

Can someone explain to me again ....?

do not understand it completely

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run at altis map... but.. spawned only in 1 place .. with 1 skin .. and without face zombie skin..

23:25:37 "Added [8625.13,18301.6,-179.297] - Spawned Zombies: [[8625.13,18301.6,-179.297]]"
23:29:31 "Added [8625.13,18301.6,-179.297] - Spawned Zombies: [[8625.13,18301.6,-179.297]]"

22:58:43 "Added [8625.13,18301.6,-179.297] - Spawned Zombies: [[8625.13,18301.6,-179.297]]"


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Hi great work, everything is fine here on Chernarus.


But where to you set the trigger to spawn them in citys. I would like to use something like "NearRoads 2  or "nearestBuilding 20" is that possible ?


Thanks, Mumys

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