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Food/Thirst & Rolling Changelog Question


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So I know that currently there is a heavy emphasis on survival since you go through food/water really quickly, forcing you to loot for food/drink constantly. 


In the current (upcoming) changelog, they're boosting the value you get from each drink. However, you can already stock pile/replenish from water barrels with empty jars nearly indefinitely (obviously at the cost of toxicity)... which makes maintaining your thirst *somewhat* easy. Conversely, getting food is STILL requires looting since there are very few animals that spawn in and there are no other ways (that I know of) to keep your food levels up. 


Would it make sense to add a boost to the amount of points that food gives you as well? Maybe even add MORE than the current planned drink boost? 


Just thinking out loud... 

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Taking care of your character's hunger & thirst stats can be quite demanding in the beginning. It does keep things more interesting, though.

Being well supplied with food & drink should be something we have to work for. I imagine it might be cool to be able to start greenhouses & water purification facilities in our bases, as long as actually constructing and maintaining them offers a decent challenge. Not sure trivializing the physical needs of our characters by simply lowering the consumption rates is the way to go, though.

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Indeed you ran out of food and water way too easily now and that forces you to loot regularly . Killing animals is okay, i've killed many animals and all i got was scrap pelt. I think the scrap pelt drop rate is higher than food, maybe that needs to be tweaked a bit. As for the water, water is easy to be found, especially if you carry 20 jars on your backpack (yes i have 20 jars, i had 40 but i gave them to my squad) .

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The current situation is:


- you don't/can't die of starvation or dehydration. Having 0 hunger/thirst just slows you down and makes combat less efficient for you.

- Drinks are common enough and having infinite water sources makes sodas less useful. I often carry loads of cans in my inventory.

- Food is less common and I find it less immersive. I would like to have a real feeling of hunting with its rewards.


My two cents are: make the survival part more elaborate. Prepared and hot meals take time but they nurture more than cold meals. Maybe less animals but more food drops, or even no animals at all but just one or two herds by restart, making hunting a reasonable idea

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Is ther an actual way to loot fish at the moment?   I understand that you cannot open your inventory underwater and currently the action keys (spacebar/middlemouse button) do not work for looting fish.  Is there any other way that anyone has found?


Also I noticed that the fish currently seem to be client side rather than server side.

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when I acquired an empty jar I was good to go. Just drank 3 jars of water and filled it up for the go. Then I got 2 then 3 jars, never had problems with thirst or stamina again. As far as food I would just go into a town and got lots of food. I guess maybe if you never went into a town to loot you might have an issue with food.

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Hello there, 


I actually registered to discuss this very issue.


My suggestion even went as far as saying, maybe have large forest/woods areas be hunting areas with wildlife, not too much but also maybe as suggested with 4 legs instead of one and the pelts as bonus, not as replacement. Yes, the drink situation is not as bad as the food situation and obviously we should work for it (I also like the purification idea) but there should be a wee bit more. 


I can explain further why. We can tame dogs by dropping raw meat, right?! Well, every time I get my hands on raw meat, the last thing on my mind is 

"wasting" it on a dog that I then need to feed regularly with raw meat even though I almost struggle myself to keep me fed and sometimes I encounter maybe one chicken in 8 hrs of playing and odds are, it just drops another bloody pelt. 

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http://i.imgur.com/xtFxatn.pngThis is an example of a standard soda can (burst koke) in build and a food can here (scam) - http://i.imgur.com/yW7yrr4.png Still somewhat challenging to keep your thirst / hunger levels up but you are able to do so a bit easier.  Note that all food / drink stats have changed you will discover that for yourself! Also, check the food cooler out when you find one

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I can explain further why. We can tame dogs by dropping raw meat, right?! Well, every time I get my hands on raw meat, the last thing on my mind is 

"wasting" it on a dog that I then need to feed regularly with raw meat even though I almost struggle myself to keep me fed and sometimes I encounter maybe one chicken in 8 hrs of playing and odds are, it just drops another bloody pelt. 


My mentality is much more simple. 


1 raw meat > (1) 7.62 round. 


Sorry, Lassie... until you are coded differently in the next update you're dead to me. Literally.

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