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Ridiculous Tipi Storage Size


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The amount of storage a tipi has is way to low. Before 0.2, I could fit probably about 40 guns in one. Now, two lynx and a couple mags and the tipi is full. How do they devs expect us to store our gear? The cars have so much more room than the tipis. If I go out and get a car full of loot, I can't even offload it because I would need several tipis. Maybe having 40 guns in a tipi was OP, but only being able to fit 2-3 is ridiculous. At least make them comparable to the Arma 2 tents, where you could storage about 10 guns, 50 mags, and a couple backpacks.  Not to mention that goats are pretty hard to find and they don't always drop pelts. Also, how I am supposed to hide 10 tipis of stuff where before I would only need to hide a couple? The tipi storage size really needs to be increased or there needs to be some form of easy to build storage container, perhaps out of wood.  

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Agree. I want to be able to store a lot of base material before i start building and of course some other gear. Built 2 which got filled in no time with almost only rare stuff. You should not need to build more then 2-3 tipis considering their size and hard to hide.

You get pelts by Zappers to.

Edit: Don't think the servers will like everyone having 4-5 tipis each either.

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I think they need to make a smaller container that you can hide, make that a lower capacity size, bump up the tp a bit.  I mean, I wouldn't agree about the capacity size being too small if the thing wasn't frickin 2 stories tall lol.  It's not 2 stories tall, but it's not exactly easy to hide.


Slightly off topic but I was thinking about this a while ago and forgot:  It would be cool to have different view modes while building.  For instance the view that you have when you're in a heli, setting the cam up an extra 10-20m or so.  I don't know, maybe that wouldn't work, I mean I guess you could exploit it while in combat.  And then there's the opinion that building should be a group project... just a thought though.  Even in 3rd person it can be a bit rough to see what you're doing, especially if you're trying to set up a tipi in reeds and the reeds cause your camera to pan all the way in and you can't see a damned thing.

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Due to limitations in Arma they will be kept this size for now. We will be increasing the size after we rework the way they store inventory so that we can hold more in a smaller data set. Look for this in a future patch.

Great, thanks for the update. Hopefully this patch will come sooner rather than later.

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