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Soul's 2.0 Taviana Overpoch Issues

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I'm trying to get Soul's 2.0 SC mod working on Taviana Overpoch. I'm starting from a working Overpoch Taviana install. Both Epoch and Overpoch are updated to newest versions available. respectively.


So here's what I did so far:

  • Downloaded Soul's 2.0 Release Pack
  • Put the server pbo file in the appropriate place
    1. Extracted the server pbo file
    2. Went into the "missions" folder and put the "DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi" folder in there from the stock Epoch server pbo because it wasn't included
    3. Repacked the server pbo file
  • Extracted the Chernarus mission file and made some modifications so it's for Taviana
    1. Adjusted the init.sqf file so it references the correct mission in the server pbo
    2. Edited "mission.sqm" and fixed the addOns list so it's for Taviana Overpoch
    3. Replaced all the "class" markers with Taviana ones so the correct markers and trader AI show up
    4. Edited "description.ext" to include the custom Overpoch loot tabes I have
    5. Repacked the mission pbo file and put it in the MPMissions folder
  • Setup my instance folder and config/hive/battleye files
  • Ran the SQL file to create the extra table and fields needed in the MySQL database
  • Put the DLL files in their appropriate places

Server startup command looks like this:

start "arma2" "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_1_overpoch\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_1_overpoch\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_1_overpoch" -name=instance_1_overpoch "-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@Taviana;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"


I'm able to connect to the server, and everything appears to be working. I see the custom debug with the gold and bank. No error's about anything missing, or scripts not found.


There are two problems I've isolated though. If you guys are able to help me fix them then I'll release the pbo's for everyone else to use.

  1. As soon as I spawn I'm losing blood. Drops about 50 per second. Bandaging, blood bagging, morphine, and pain killers do not fix it. Eventually I die.
  2. When I approach any trader, instead of getting the scroll option "Trader Menu", I see "Give money to..." and some randomly generated name the game has given the trader.

I'm not seeing anything that would indicate why this is happening in the RPT file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


If you need to see any file's just let me know.


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When I approach any trader, instead of getting the scroll option "Trader Menu", I see "Give money to..." and some randomly generated name the game has given the trader.


Make sure the config traders and the server_traders.sqf file match up, also make sure in init.sqf, the path to dynamic_vehicle and mission.sqf are pointing to 13.Tavi and not Chernarus.

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OK, so I have the traders sort of working... I can walk up to one and access the Trader Menu, but when I click on some of the categories nothing gets listed.


Categories Not Working:

• Vehicles

• Weapons
• Ammunition


Also, not seeing a Bank option on any of the traders for depositing or withdrawing money from your account.


Also, the bleeding to death for no reason thing seems to only be affecting me. My friend can join the server and he doesn't lose blood.

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Instantly losing blood sounds like a Map Area issue.

dayz_MapArea = 30000; // Default = 10000


To use the traders you need to walk up to them and Zoom in.

To remove Give Money - 

Open up fn_selfactions and find // Give Money

make sure the first line is exactly

if (_isMan and _isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal and !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {


This will check that the target is a Player and Is Alive. It will also make sure the Target isnt a Zombie or Animal and isnt in the Server Traders list.


To fix the trader Categories open

Server_Traders.sqf and find the traders that sell Ammo. 

Match the TIDS in the Server_traders to the right Catagories in the config traders .hpp



// Ammunition Neutral
menu_CIV_EuroMan02_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single-shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],
Now open NeutralAssaultRifleAmmo.hpp and make sure the Category matches whats in the Server_traders



Your traders may not be working if you're tying to talk to a Friendly trader, as It looks like Soul left the friendly trader hpp's out of his version.

I'd make sure only Hero/Bandit are Friendly/Hostile and make the rest of your 4 run the same ID tables.

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