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ZFM Development - Help Needed - Translations

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Hola Community,


Multi-language support is done in code in ZFM now, however, as a part of the Alpha release, ZFM will have the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Dutch

If you wish to translate for your own language, now's the chance. The English language file is located here on GitHub. Replace the strings in the arrays for your own pretty languages.



If you don't like GitHub, here's the sourcecode:

	ZFSS - Zambino's FairServer System v0.5
	A Dayz Epoch server solution proving a dynamic mission system and fun, more interesting missions and a more equitable way of doing them. 
	Not messing with the bandit/hero dynamic, just making the game a little less rage-inducing :)
	Copyright (C) 2014 Jordan Ashley Craw

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	// Join-In-Progress
	"Creating Join-In-Progress marker - VehicleType [%1],Position [%2],Difficulty[%3].",

	// Debug
	"Debug parameters for _this are %1.",
	"Debug null-value check for %1",
	"DZMS or EMS is installed. Get rid, rebuild PBO, feel good.",
	"AI scripts are not fully tested for ZFM Alpha. Use at your peril, landlubber. Y'arr.",

	// Units
	"Units - Creating Unit Group from Mission ID %1",
	"Units - Creating Individual Unit %1 of %2 [Type: %3]",
	"Units - Equipping Unit with Primary [%1], Magazines [%2], Backpack [%3],Unit [%4] and Magazine [%5]",

	// Missions
	"That bandit %1! Was killed by %2 [%3 / %4].", // User message
	"All units were killed! [%1 / %2]", // User message
	"Mission Debug [Purpose %1] %2",
	"Mission GetMissionByID Debug %1 and %2",
	"Mission %1 - MissionArray type %2",
	"Mission %1 - All units have been killed, concluding mission.",
	"Mission %1 - Conclude called with MissionArray %2.",
	"Mission %1 - Mission objects removed are %2.",
	"Mission %1 - Mission markers object %2 removed.",
	"Mission %1 - Mission added.",
	"Mission %1 - Mission removed.",
	"Mission Handler - Initialized",
	"Mission Handler - Startup Check Completed - Maximum concurrent missions not reached.",
	"Mission Handler - Main loop started",
	"Mission Handler - Current playable units %1",
	"Mission Handler - Start Type %1, Random type %2",
	"Mission Handler - Can Add New Mission? %1",
	"Mission Handler - Waiting %1 seconds for next loop.",
	"Mission Generation - Executed by method %1",
	"Mission Generation - Loot Mode [%1], Type [%2], Variables [%3], Units [%4]",

	// Crash missions
	"Crashed %1",
	"%1 [Difficulty: %2]",
	"MissionType CRASH - Crash Mission Executing.",
	"MissionType CRASH - Crash location found.",
	"MissionType CRASH - Vehicle crashed has replacement model. Replacing model with non-burning model.",
	"MissionType CRASH - Crash marker has been created at %1",

	// Crash dynamic stuff
	"A %1 %2 %3 %4. %5",

	// Fatal errors (ex language ones)
	"Fatal error! No mission types are defined or enabled! Please rectify this by ensuring ZFM_MISSION_TYPES_ENABLED or ZFM_MISSION_TYPES_SUPPORTED has the correct contents",

	// Units
	"Unknown unit type provided. Exiting unit creation.",
	"Wrong format for EquipArray for unit. You need to restore ZFM defaults or fix what you broke.",	

	// Missions
	"Maximum concurrent missions is set to 0. You do want missions, right?",
	"Only one instance of the mission handler can run at the same time. Exiting main loop.",
	"Nobody is on the server and ZFM_MISSIONS_START_WHILE_SERVER_EMPTY is set to FALSE. Waiting for player to join.",

// Module-specific language strings 




	"It would appear that",
	"Looks like",
	"Fuck, looks like",
	"Oh shit,",
	"Hot dawg,",
	"Holy smokes,",

// Double formatting to replace a wildcard replaced by a wildcard.. ;-)
	"%1 took control of the area.",
	"%1 are camped in the area.",
	"%1 are patrolling nearby.",
	"%1 are having an orgy in the vicinity.",
	"%1 took up sniper positions nearby.",
	"%1 are hidden nearby",
	"%1 formed defensive positions.",
	"%1 are now in control.",
	"%1 are in command.",
	"%1 are the big chiefs in town."

	"My Hero Group Name",
	"My Bandit Group Name"

ZFM_CRASH_MISSION_OTWT refers to city names. These I will update for Napf, etc.

ZFM_CRASH_MISSION_OTWT_PLACE refers to a type of place. Like, a hospital, or a camp, castle, field, or something like that.

ZFM_CRASH_MISSION_OTWT_ACTION refers to what the crash mission was supposed to be doing in that place. Delivering medical supplies, dropping bombs, buying drugs, who cares.

ZFM_CRASH_MISSION_OTWT_CONSEQUENCE refers to the first part of the last sentence. So "Oh fuck, looks like TEH_BANDITS are now in command."

ZFM_CRASH_MISSION_OTWT_CONSEQUENCE_CONCLUSION is the end of that sentence. It uses the format[] function again. Ho ho ho, I am double clever.


Anyway, lots of love, we're almost there. <3



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I think I could do French if you would like me to do so.


Perfect, yes please! :-)


Does any one have a list of languages supported by Arma 2 because i believe Chinese characters are not allowed in Arma 2


- i could do spanish


Same as above :-D That would be wonderful!


Just translate the striings above, but keep the %1 and %2 etc in there. :)

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ZFSS - Zambino's FairServer System v0.5
Een Dayz Epoch server oplossing die een dynamisch missie systeem brengt alsmede plezier, interessantere missies en eerlijkere manieren om deze missies te volbrengen.
Er wordt niet gekut met het held en bandiet systeem, om ergernissen te voorkomen
Copyright (C) 2014 Jordan Ashley Craw
Dit programma is vrije software; Je kunt het verspreiden en/of aanpassen onder het GNU General Public License
zoals gepubliceerd door de Free Software Foundation; elk van de twee versies, zowel huidige als toekomstige
// Join-In-Progress
"Creeren van de Join-In-Progress markers - voertuigtype [%1],positie [%2],moeilijkheid[%3].",
// Debug
"Debug parameters voor _this zijn %1.",
"Debug null-waarde check voor %1",
"DZMS of EMS is geinstalled. Verwijder, herbouw PBO, voel je goed.",
"De Ai scripts zijn niet getest voor ZFM Alpha. Gebruik onder supervisie van een ouder of verzorger, landrot. Y'arr.",
// Troepen
"Troepen – Creeren van troepen groep voor missie ID %1",
"Troepen – Creeren van individuele soldaat %1 of %2 [Type: %3]",
"Troepen – Bewapenen van de soldaat met Primair [%1], Magazijn [%2], Rugzak [%3],Soldaat [%4] en Magazine [%5]",
// Missies
"Die bandiet %1! Is gedood door %2 [%3 / %4].", // gebruiker mededeling
"Alle eenheden zijn gedood! [%1 / %2]", // User message
"Missie Debug [Purpose %1] %2",
"Missie KrijgMissieIDDoor Debug %1 and %2",
"Missie %1 - MissieArray type %2",
"Missie %1 – Alle troepen zijn gedood, missie afronden.",
"Missie %1 – Afronden opgeroepen door MissieArray %2.",
"Missie %1 – Missie objecten verwijderd door %2.",
"Missie %1 - Missie markeer object %2 verwijderd.",
"Missie %1 - Missie toegevoegd.",
"Missie %1 - Missie verwijderd.",
"Missie Handelaar - Gestart",
"Missie Handelaar – Opstart check voltooid – Maximum aan missies niet bereikt.",
"Missie Handelaar – Hoofd lus gestart",
"Missie Handelaar – Huidige speelbare troepen %1",
"Missie Handelaar - Start Type %1, Willekeurig type %2",
"Missie Handelaar – Kan ik een nieuwe missie toevoegen? %1",
"Missie Handelaar – Wachten, nog %1 seconden tot de volgende lus.",
"Missie Genereren – Gestart via methode %1",
"Missie Genereren – Buit modus [%1], Type [%2], Variabelen [%3], Troepen [%4]",
// Ongeluk missies
"Verongelukt %1",
"%1 [Moeilijkheid: %2]",
"MissieType ONGELUK - Ongeluk Missie Start.",
"MissieType ONGELUK - Ongeluk locatie gevonden.",
"MissieType ONGELUK – Verongelukt model heeft een vervangende versie. Het model wordt vervangen met een die niet brandt.",
"MissieType ONGELUK – Ongelukmarker is gecreerd door %1",
// Dynamisch ongeluk spul
"A %1 %2 %3 %4. %5",
// Fatale fouten (ex language ones)
"Fatale fout! Er is geem type missie gedefineerd of toepasbaar! Verhelp dit middels een controle om te zien dat ZFM_MISSION_TYPES_ENABLED of ZFM_MISSION_TYPES_SUPPORTED de juiste inhoud heeft",
// Troepen
"Onbekend type soldaat aangeleverd. Stoppen met soldaat creeren.",
"Verkeerde formaat van EquipArray voor de soldaat. Je zult ZFM moeten terug brengen naar standaard instellingen or maken wat je kapot hebt gemaakt.",
// Missies
"Het maximale aantal missies is 0. Je wilt wel missies, toch?",
"Er kan maar een missie handelaar draaien per keer. Missie lus afsluiten.",
"Er is niemand in de server en ZFM_MISSIONS_START_WHILE_SERVER_EMPTY staat op FALSE. Wachten tot er spelers zich in de server bevinden.",
// Module-specifieke taal strings
"Het lijkt er op dat",
"Helaas Pindakaas,",
"Jammer genoeg,",
"KUT! Het lijkt er op dat”,
"O kut,",
"Jeetje mineetje,",
"Mijn god,",
// Double formatting to replace a wildcard replaced by a wildcard.. ;-)
"%1 heeft controle genomen over het gebied.",
"%1 verschuilen zich in het gebied.",
"%1 patrouilleren dichtbij.",
"%1 hebben een orgie in de nabije omgeving.",
"%1 hebben scherschutterposities ingenomen in de omgeving.",
"%1 verstoppen zich in de omgeving",
"%1 hebben defensieve plekken ingenomen.",
"%1 zijn in controle.",
"%1 zijn de baas.",
"%1 zijn nu de ekte ekte bazen in de stad jwz."
"Mijn heldengroep naam",
"Mijn bandietengroep naam"
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