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[Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0


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Try something like this:

[nil, nil, rSIDECHAT, "This is a global sideChat Message"] call RE;  

Can someone confirm this is working? I've been asking for an option for the messages to come up as a radio broadcast rather than titletext since before version 2.0

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I want to implement rare guns that arent in my loot table or traders (thermals/launchers)  and I have looked through several pages, so sorry in advance if i have missed something, but when i look in the config i see no guns at all for the crates. I was wondering if i can just add in a line for a crate type like so:


crate_items_special       = ["weapon_classes_here".....


and change


crate_random = [crate_items,crate_items_food,crate_items_buildables,crate_items_vehicle_repair,crate_items_medical,crate_items_chainbullets];




crate_random = [crate_items,crate_items_food,crate_items_buildables,crate_items_vehicle_repair,crate_items_medical,crate_items_chainbullets,crate_items_special];


and just add the crate type into the mission files i want to change

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I want to implement rare guns that arent in my loot table or traders (thermals/launchers)  and I have looked through several pages, so sorry in advance if i have missed something, but when i look in the config i see no guns at all for the crates. I was wondering if i can just add in a line for a crate type like so:


crate_items_special       = ["weapon_classes_here".....


and change


crate_random = [crate_items,crate_items_food,crate_items_buildables,crate_items_vehicle_repair,crate_items_medical,crate_items_chainbullets];




crate_random = [crate_items,crate_items_food,crate_items_buildables,crate_items_vehicle_repair,crate_items_medical,crate_items_chainbullets,crate_items_special];


and just add the crate type into the mission files i want to change

Yes, that's exactly what I did for adding pre-built items to crates, made a new line in the config.sqf with it like so:

crate_items_prebuilt         = ["cinder_garage_kit","cinder_wall_kit","cinder_door_kit"]; //Place it with all the other crate loadouts in the config.sqf

Then just add crate_items_prebuilt to the mission complete line in the mission file that you want those items to spawn in:


if(_complete) then {
[_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],[2,crate_items_prebuilt],4] call dynamic_crate;
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Instead of having 4 different instances of the same mission, I am attempting to randomly choose the difficulty.


Is there a more efficient way other than what I have:


    _dice_diff = round (random 100);

    //Determine the Difficulty Level

    if (_dice_diff > 75) then {

        _difficulty = "Extreme";


    if (_dice_diff < 75) then {

        _difficulty = "Hard";


    if (_dice_diff < 50) then {

        _difficulty = "Medium";


    if (_dice_diff < 25) then {

        _difficulty = "Easy";



Try something like this


call {
    _dice_diff = random 10;
    if(_dice_diff < 4)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Easy"; };        // ~ 40%
    if(_dice_diff < 7)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Medium"; };    // ~ 30%
    if(_dice_diff < 9)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Hard"; };        // ~ 20%
    _difficulty = "Extreme";                                        // ~ 10%



Yes, that's exactly what I did for adding pre-built items to crates, made a new line in the config.sqf with it like so:

crate_items_prebuilt         = ["cinder_garage_kit","cinder_wall_kit","cinder_door_kit"]; //Place it with all the other crate loadouts in the config.sqf

Then just add crate_items_prebuilt to the mission complete line in the mission file that you want those items to spawn in:


if(_complete) then {
[_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],[2,crate_items_prebuilt],4] call dynamic_crate;



Won't work, you can only specify 1 array per loot type (weapons, tools, items, backpacks).

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Yes, that's exactly what I did for adding pre-built items to crates, made a new line in the config.sqf with it like so:

crate_items_prebuilt         = ["cinder_garage_kit","cinder_wall_kit","cinder_door_kit"]; //Place it with all the other crate loadouts in the config.sqf

Then just add crate_items_prebuilt to the mission complete line in the mission file that you want those items to spawn in:


if(_complete) then {
[_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],[2,crate_items_prebuilt],4] call dynamic_crate;




Thanks for the confirmation!!!  <3 your name

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Try something like this:

[nil, nil, rSIDECHAT, "This is a global sideChat Message"] call RE;  

Thanks, I'l give that a shot.


First mission did not receive a side chat message of the event. Here's my modified event:

if(isServer) then {

	private 		["_complete","_crate_type","_mission","_position","_crate","_baserunover","_dice"];

	_dice = round (random 100);

	_position		= [30] call find_position;
	_mission		= [_position,"Medium","Black Hawk Crash","MainHero",true] call mission_init;	
	diag_log 		format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Starting... %1",_position];

	//Sidechat Message
	[nil, nil, rSIDECHAT, "A Black Hawk carrying supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site."] call RE;

	//Setup the crate
	_crate_type 	= crates_medium call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
	_crate 			= createVehicle [_crate_type,[(_position select 0),(_position select 1),0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

	//Crash Models "UH60Wreck_DZ","UH1Wreck_DZ","UH60_NAVY_Wreck_DZ","UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ","UH60_NAVY_Wreck_burned_DZ","UH60_ARMY_Wreck_burned_DZ"
	_baserunover 	= createVehicle ["UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ",[((_position select 0) + 5), ((_position select 1) + 5), 0],[],10,"FORM"];
	_baserunover 	setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _baserunover;

	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;
	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;
	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;

	//Vehicle Patrol
	if (_dice < 50) then {
		[[(_position select 0) + 100, _position select 1, 0],[(_position select 0) + 100, _position select 1, 0],50,2,"Pickup_PK_GUE_DZ","Random","Bandit","Bandit",_mission] call vehicle_patrol;
	 	diag_log 		format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Spawned vehicle patrol"];

	_complete = [
		[_mission,_crate],	// mission number and crate
		["crate"], 			// ["crate"], or ["kill"], or ["assassinate", _unitGroup],
		[_baserunover], 	// cleanup objects
		"A Black Hawk carrying supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site.",	// mission announcement
		"Survivors have secured the crashed Black Hawk!",																	// mission success
		"Survivors did not secure the crashed Black Hawk in time"															// mission fail
	] call mission_winorfail;

	diag_log format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero] Black Hawk Crash]: Ended at %1",_position];

	if(_complete) then {
		[_crate,5,5,10,2] call dynamic_crate;

	h_missionrunning = false;


Here's the log, specifically showing that the mission did spawn a vehicle patrol.

16:10:44 "Res3tting B!S effects..."

16:10:45 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852

16:10:49 "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."

16:10:49 "HIVE: Starting"

16:10:49 "HIVE: trying to get objects"

16:10:49 "HIVE: found 925 objects"

16:10:49 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."

16:10:50 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"

16:10:50 "HIVE: got 251 Epoch Objects and 674 Vehicles"

16:10:50 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"

16:10:50 "WAI: Initialising missions"

16:10:56 Server: Network message 5e3 is pending

16:11:07 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret

16:11:07 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun

16:11:08 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret

16:11:08 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun

16:11:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BTR90HQ_DZ,

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 19"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 500"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"

16:12:18 "DEBUG: Too many at [8355.15,5214.26]"

16:12:19 "DEBUG: Too many vehicles at [6345.14,10251.9]"

16:12:20 "Total Number of spawn locations 11"


16:12:20 "DEBUG: Too many at [4541.47,10710.5]"

16:12:23 "DEBUG: Too many at [10814.2,16102.5]"

16:18:01 "WAI: [Mission:[bandit-E] Huey Crash]: Starting... [4972.53,7629.37,0]"

16:18:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 AI (Hero) at [4972.53,7629.37,0]"

16:20:46 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,9,30,10,20]"

16:21:00 "WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Starting... [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Spawned vehicle patrol"

Any other thoughts?



Text in any chat is no longer showing up in either BEC or Battle Warden. I do not yet know if this is true between players. The text is showing up in game.


Update 2

Text is working properly after server reboot. However, the sidechat did not show mission start.

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Try something like this

call {
    _dice_diff = random 10;
    if(_dice_diff < 4)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Easy"; };        // ~ 40%
    if(_dice_diff < 7)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Medium"; };    // ~ 30%
    if(_dice_diff < 9)     exitWith { _difficulty = "Hard"; };        // ~ 20%
    _difficulty = "Extreme";                                        // ~ 10%

Won't work, you can only specify 1 array per loot type (weapons, tools, items, backpacks).

Will do, thanks!

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I have a problem and need some help. I have installed WAI and DZAI. But herewith AI from Wicked missions always killed DZAI if they are in the field of view. I tried to find option to disable in WAI config files but couldn't find. Does it possible to disable WAI attack to other bots, like DZAI? (sorry for my english)

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Thanks, I'l give that a shot.


First mission did not receive a side chat message of the event. Here's my modified event:

if(isServer) then {

	private 		["_complete","_crate_type","_mission","_position","_crate","_baserunover","_dice"];

	_dice = round (random 100);

	_position		= [30] call find_position;
	_mission		= [_position,"Medium","Black Hawk Crash","MainHero",true] call mission_init;	
	diag_log 		format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Starting... %1",_position];

	//Sidechat Message
	[nil, nil, rSIDECHAT, "A Black Hawk carrying supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site."] call RE;

	//Setup the crate
	_crate_type 	= crates_medium call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
	_crate 			= createVehicle [_crate_type,[(_position select 0),(_position select 1),0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

	//Crash Models "UH60Wreck_DZ","UH1Wreck_DZ","UH60_NAVY_Wreck_DZ","UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ","UH60_NAVY_Wreck_burned_DZ","UH60_ARMY_Wreck_burned_DZ"
	_baserunover 	= createVehicle ["UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ",[((_position select 0) + 5), ((_position select 1) + 5), 0],[],10,"FORM"];
	_baserunover 	setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _baserunover;

	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;
	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;
	[[_position select 0,_position select 1,0],4,"Medium",0,3,"Random","Bandit","Random","Bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;

	//Vehicle Patrol
	if (_dice < 50) then {
		[[(_position select 0) + 100, _position select 1, 0],[(_position select 0) + 100, _position select 1, 0],50,2,"Pickup_PK_GUE_DZ","Random","Bandit","Bandit",_mission] call vehicle_patrol;
	 	diag_log 		format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Spawned vehicle patrol"];

	_complete = [
		[_mission,_crate],	// mission number and crate
		["crate"], 			// ["crate"], or ["kill"], or ["assassinate", _unitGroup],
		[_baserunover], 	// cleanup objects
		"A Black Hawk carrying supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site.",	// mission announcement
		"Survivors have secured the crashed Black Hawk!",																	// mission success
		"Survivors did not secure the crashed Black Hawk in time"															// mission fail
	] call mission_winorfail;

	diag_log format["WAI: [Mission:[Hero] Black Hawk Crash]: Ended at %1",_position];

	if(_complete) then {
		[_crate,5,5,10,2] call dynamic_crate;

	h_missionrunning = false;


Here's the log, specifically showing that the mission did spawn a vehicle patrol.

16:10:44 "Res3tting B!S effects..."

16:10:45 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852

16:10:49 "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."

16:10:49 "HIVE: Starting"

16:10:49 "HIVE: trying to get objects"

16:10:49 "HIVE: found 925 objects"

16:10:49 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."

16:10:50 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"

16:10:50 "HIVE: got 251 Epoch Objects and 674 Vehicles"

16:10:50 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"

16:10:50 "WAI: Initialising missions"

16:10:56 Server: Network message 5e3 is pending

16:11:07 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret

16:11:07 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun

16:11:08 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret

16:11:08 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun

16:11:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BTR90HQ_DZ,

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 19"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 500"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"

16:12:17 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"

16:12:18 "DEBUG: Too many at [8355.15,5214.26]"

16:12:19 "DEBUG: Too many vehicles at [6345.14,10251.9]"

16:12:20 "Total Number of spawn locations 11"


16:12:20 "DEBUG: Too many at [4541.47,10710.5]"

16:12:23 "DEBUG: Too many at [10814.2,16102.5]"

16:18:01 "WAI: [Mission:[bandit-E] Huey Crash]: Starting... [4972.53,7629.37,0]"

16:18:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 AI (Hero) at [4972.53,7629.37,0]"

16:20:46 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,9,30,10,20]"

16:21:00 "WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Starting... [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [7047.65,10762.1,0]"

16:21:01 "WAI: [Mission:[Hero-M] Black Hawk Crash]: Spawned vehicle patrol"

Any other thoughts?



Text in any chat is no longer showing up in either BEC or Battle Warden. I do not yet know if this is true between players. The text is showing up in game.


Update 2

Text is working properly after server reboot. However, the sidechat did not show mission start.

Tried it on different ways without any result. On SP no problem, but i couldnt find a way to get this done yet.


Will tell you as soon as i get something

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Do you mean the added array wont work? Or the mixed loot he has in the bottom?

Yeah, my mistake, I forgot I added cinder walls to crate_items_buildables.

Basically it can't be like this: [_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],[2,crate_items_prebuilt],4] 

It has to be one or the other for the "crate_items" so it would have to be either: [_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],4]  or


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Yeah, my mistake, I forgot I added cinder walls to crate_items_buildables.

Basically it can't be like this: [_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],[2,crate_items_prebuilt],4] 

It has to be one or the other for the "crate_items" so it would have to be either: [_crate,[2,crate_weapons_buildables],[4,crate_tools_buildable],[30,crate_items_buildables],4]  or



Thanks. I added some prebuilt items to my buildable array right away lol, i just wanted the weapon cache's to have a chance at thermals/chey-tac. I added it in but that particular mission hasnt spawned while im online yet. So hopefully all is well.

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hey guys i was wondering if anyone knows how to get ai`s engaging any type of armored /cars/helis with 50 cause my ZSU t34 donot get engaged by ai`s untill the driver turns-up from inside the tanks to outside then they engage and destroy my tanks in 90 secondes witch is what i want if u stay in the tank they will never engage and  since ive got all kind of vehicules in my server id like them to be free to engage all


Thanks in advance





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Hi I am running wicked ai 2.1.4 on my napf server and I really like it! The difficulty is awesome and there is alot of cool features!

I was wondering how to change the text on the map marker? I have looked through many of the files but since i am a rookie at this I have not managed to find a solution.

Regards Monegaskeren

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I just can't find the solution to my problem.


My RPT file gives me this error: (Actually spamming my RPT)


if((_currTime - _h_startTime >= _h_missionTime) && (!h_missionrunning)) >
17:06:06   Error position: <_h_missionTime) && (!h_missionrunning)) >
17:06:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _h_missiontime
17:06:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\init.sqf, line 71
17:06:07 Error in expression <); };
if((_currTime - _h_startTime >= _h_missionTime) && (!h_missionrunning)) >
17:06:07   Error position: <_h_missionTime) && (!h_missionrunning)) >
17:06:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _h_missiontime
17:06:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\init.sqf, line 71
17:06:08 Error in expression <); };
All WAI files are stock standard 
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Hello everyone.

For the last few days I've been trying to add Overpoch items to this Mission system. And I'm unable to make the AI or Crates spawn in with any of them. I really like this mission system its almost perfect for my server I just would like to add a bunch of weapons to the spawn list. I've looked around and I'm unable to find any other helpful post. but I have seen this on many servers and there all the same just new weapons added. Would someone be able to help me please?


Just incase this question comes up. I'm Looking to add All ACR's, HK417's, HK416's, Some Snipers so on and so on.

Server is on Napf


Thanks to anyone who replies and helps.

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Hello everyone.

For the last few days I've been trying to add Overpoch items to this Mission system. And I'm unable to make the AI or Crates spawn in with any of them. I really like this mission system its almost perfect for my server I just would like to add a bunch of weapons to the spawn list. I've looked around and I'm unable to find any other helpful post. but I have seen this on many servers and there all the same just new weapons added. Would someone be able to help me please?


Just incase this question comes up. I'm Looking to add All ACR's, HK417's, HK416's, Some Snipers so on and so on.

Server is on Napf


Thanks to anyone who replies and helps.

I'll send u my files.. Pm me or come to my teamspeak. :) 

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Make announcement via systemChat:




In the 

if (!isDedicated) then {

Part Add

"customRemoteMessage" 	addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fnc_remote_message;};



add the bottom add:

fnc_remote_message = {
	private ["_message"];
	_message = _this select 0;
	systemChat _message;

In your mission_winorfail.sqf


replace all:

[nil,nil,rTitleText,_msgstart,"PLAIN",10] call RE;



customRemoteMessage = [_msgstart];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";



[nil,nil,rTitleText,_msgwin,"PLAIN",10] call RE;


customRemoteMessage = [_msgwin];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";


[nil,nil,rTitleText,_msglose,"PLAIN",10] call RE;


customRemoteMessage = [_msglose];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

Should be done and you have now systemChat announcements ;)


Credits goes to Maca134

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