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Broken bones at relog


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I already told Awol about this bug, and it's been partially fixed.


Basically, if you've got broken bones and you try to relog, you still have broken bones (bug fixed)


But, yesterday I logged out with broken legs and today my legs were ok. Damage was the same though. 


So probably, my thought is that's resetting at server restart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been logging off pretty much in the same area 90percent of the time... and logging back in the next day no problems but the last two mornings ive logged in ive logged in and found myself with broken legs... and since theres no first aid kits practically you cant fix them until someone comes and uses your own multi tool to heal yourself lol....     not sure what has changed to make it start doing that but that's whats happening right now each time ive been off a while and relog after a few resets.....

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