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Advanced Alchemical Crafting v3.3

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i too am having issues with getting this and deploy anything working. i have looked at Calamity's solution but i am unsure as to where those lines go, also do we still need the extra rc, if we are putting the commands in the deploy anything config file. any help would be really appreciated. 

that one uses a custom ui_selectslot so it over-rides the one I'm using which keeps maca's right click addon from working. Because of that you would no longer use the extra_rc and instead add the right click actions link in calamity's post. Follow the deploy anything's instructions on how to add custom actions and it will show you how to add Calamity's solution.

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For anyone who has snap pros space interrupt and wants the F key function from it in this here is the custom_build http://pastebin.com/Sx3BK5TC. If this isn't ok with you hogscraper let me know and Ill remove it. Also all credit goes to raymix and hogscraper I simply merged it from snap pro into alchemical. Also amazing work to both of you, these addons both make the building in epoch 1,000 times better.

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@thehound. Nice man just what i was looking for will try this now.


@pozzer. This is what i meant in the other post if you read it right the f key to lock/unlock the building object to walk around 360' to get a better grip to the object.



now to try to get 3d vector to work with aicrafty

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I've been able to get everything working, up to when trying to craft the item. I get "Building of this item requires a plot pole within range!", both with a placed plot pole, and with no plot pole enabled in InfiStar. 

I have Snap-Pro, Vector Build and ESS which seem to be the mods to keep an eye on.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I've been able to get everything working, up to when trying to craft the item. I get "Building of this item requires a plot pole within range!", both with a placed plot pole, and with no plot pole enabled in InfiStar. 

I have Snap-Pro, Vector Build and ESS which seem to be the mods to keep an eye on.

Any help would be appreciated.


Open this file with notepad++ --> MT_Defines.hpp ( Located were you placed all the files for this mod )


At the top of the file you see:


class Custom_Buildables {

 class Buildables{

 class Default {

  //This is a list of tools and materials used below if you wish to make new classes or edit ones already here









  requiredtools[] = {};

  requiredmaterials[] ={};

  requireplot = 1; <----- Change the 1 to 0


That should work.



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I've been able to get everything working, up to when trying to craft the item. I get "Building of this item requires a plot pole within range!", both with a placed plot pole, and with no plot pole enabled in InfiStar. 

I have Snap-Pro, Vector Build and ESS which seem to be the mods to keep an eye on.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have had multiple issues with plot poles and the infistar no plot pole in the past so I avoid using that altogether. I haven't yet had any of our players report this issue but I will load up my test server with admin building turned off and see if I can replicate the issue.

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I've been able to get everything working, up to when trying to craft the item. I get "Building of this item requires a plot pole within range!", both with a placed plot pole, and with no plot pole enabled in InfiStar. 

I have Snap-Pro, Vector Build and ESS which seem to be the mods to keep an eye on.

Any help would be appreciated.

I am sorry but I was unable to replicate this issue. When I tried to craft I was told I needed a plot pole then after placing one everything crafted fine. Since the file that determines how many plot poles are nearby was included in my mod there shouldn't be any conflicts with those mentioned mods unless you possibly tried to merge them and did so in the wrong place. Have you checked your rpts to see if anything is throwing errors? I would also open the zip I included in the OP and make sure that the custom_builds.sqf is still the same.

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I am sorry but I was unable to replicate this issue. When I tried to craft I was told I needed a plot pole then after placing one everything crafted fine. Since the file that determines how many plot poles are nearby was included in my mod there shouldn't be any conflicts with those mentioned mods unless you possibly tried to merge them and did so in the wrong place. Have you checked your rpts to see if anything is throwing errors? I would also open the zip I included in the OP and make sure that the custom_builds.sqf is still the same.



I prob did something wrong. I did combine your extra_rc with mine, then had to rename a few of the Rcs items in Crafting_Dialogs because they were already defined. But I doubt that has anything to do with it. 




  requireplot = 1; <----- Change the 1 to 0


I'd prefer not to do that. The last thing I need are toilettes and bunkers all over my map. lol



Something I did cancelled out my selfActions as well, so I'll keep trying, see what I can come up w/.


I assume I'm able to change the clickable to something else. eg. for the small interior stuff - toolbox or sledge. I'm not too keen on using gems. 

I would just change the clickable in extra_rc, and then the reqs, correct?


Good job by the way hogscraper. Looking forward to getting this working.

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I prob did something wrong. I did combine your extra_rc with mine, then had to rename a few of the Rcs items in Crafting_Dialogs because they were already defined. But I doubt that has anything to do with it. 



I'd prefer not to do that. The last thing I need are toilettes and bunkers all over my map. lol



Something I did cancelled out my selfActions as well, so I'll keep trying, see what I can come up w/.


I assume I'm able to change the clickable to something else. eg. for the small interior stuff - toolbox or sledge. I'm not too keen on using gems. 

I would just change the clickable in extra_rc, and then the reqs, correct?


Good job by the way hogscraper. Looking forward to getting this working.

You can change the items in the extra_rc from gemstones to anything you want. Just make sure you remove the stones from the materials required section in mt_defines.hpp

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Hi, This is simply great.. I've been using it for a long while.


However, the buildings disappear after a time. Do these buildings have decay time?


I disabled the decay objects in my server and it works because the normal snap buildings dont disappear but these buildings do... how can I avoid this?

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Hi, This is simply great.. I've been using it for a long while.


However, the buildings disappear after a time. Do these buildings have decay time?


I disabled the decay objects in my server and it works because the normal snap buildings dont disappear but these buildings do... how can I avoid this?

Try removing 

DZE_maintainClasses = DZE_maintainClasses + _CraftingArray;

from variables.sqf

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well here I go, I got's me an error


ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\custom\Buildables\MT_Defines.hpp, line 330: /Custom_Buildables/Buildables/Barrels.MAP_Barels: Undefined base class 'DefaultBarrels'


Never mind figured it out what was missing :P

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded this mod and helped to make it more compatible with the other great crafting mods out there. With that being said, I am going to be semi-offline for a while. I will still have internet on my phone, but will be without home internet for a month or two. I wanted to put that out there as I had told a few of you that I would be updating this mod and have not been able to put the time in as I would like. I am going to be updating the OP with a functional update that adds around 100-150 more items. For you advanced users, you will see under Towers where I also have massive rocks and bridges commented out. I left them there in case someone wanted them for their server but they are currently inactive. What I have added is a giant section with walls and fences, this guy,(with working door!),


(can't add a padlock but you can find it under Forts), plus many new items under various sections. I also removed the counter from commercial items as I was never able to find a fix without removing certain needed BE filters. I will still be checking these forums and can help with certain issues.  Take it easy guys and thanks again!

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Here is my merged "ui_selectSlot.sqf"


with the merged one this script (Advanced Alchemical Crafting) and (Deploy Anything) works fine together.



what u need to do is the following:


open the file Crafting_Compiles.sqf from your "custom\Buildables" Folder


delete the following line


player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\Buildables\ui_selectSlot.sqf";


u also can delete the File itself from the folder.


After that open your custom "compiles.sqf" u should already have one.....


seach for:


player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf";


comment this line out so it looks like this:


// player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf"; 


after that copy the following code and overwrite it with the one u have in "overwrites\click_actions\ui_selectSlot.sqf"

private ["_control","_button","_parent","_group","_pos","_item","_conf","_name","_cfgActions","_numActions","_height","_menu","_config","_type","_script","_outputOriented","_compile","_array","_outputClass","_outputType"];
_control = 	_this select 0;
_button =	_this select 1;
_parent = 	findDisplay 106;

//if ((time - dayzClickTime) < 1) exitWith {};
if (!DZE_SelfTransfuse && ((gearSlotData _control) == "ItemBloodBag")) exitWith {};
if (_button == 1) then {
	//dayzClickTime = time;
	_group = _parent displayCtrl 6902;

	_pos = 		ctrlPosition _group;
	_pos set [0,((_this select 2) + 0.48)];
	_pos set [1,((_this select 3) + 0.07)];

	_item = gearSlotData _control;

	_conf = configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _item;
	if (!isClass _conf) then {
		_conf = configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item;
	_name = getText(_conf >> "displayName");

	_cfgActions = _conf >> "ItemActions";
	_numActions = (count _cfgActions);
	_height = 0;

	//Populate Menu
	for "_i" from 0 to (_numActions - 1) do 
		_menu = 	_parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
		_menu ctrlShow true;
		_config = 	(_cfgActions select _i);
		_type = 	getText	(_config >> "text");
		_script = 	getText	(_config >> "script");
		_outputOriented = 	getNumber	(_config >> "outputOriented") == 1;
		_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
		_compile =  format["_id = '%2' %1;",_script,_item];
		uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
		if (_outputOriented) then {
				This flag means that the action is output oriented
				the output class will then be transferred to the script
				&& the type used for the name
			_array = 	getArray	(_config >> "output");
			_outputClass = _array select 0;
			_outputType = _array select 1;
			_name = getText (configFile >> _outputType >> _outputClass >> "displayName");
			_compile =  format["_id = ['%2',%3] %1;",_script,_item,_array];

		_menu ctrlSetText format[_type,_name];
		_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_compile];
    //### BEGIN MODIFIED CODE: extra click actions
        _classname   = _x select 0;
        _text        = _x select 1;
        _execute     = _x select 2;
        _condition   = _x select 3;
        // if the clicked item matches, then assign the script call and display text
        if(_item == _classname && (call compile _condition)) then {
            _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions);
            _menu ctrlShow true;
            _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
            uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
            _menu ctrlSetText _text;
            _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_execute];
            _numActions = _numActions + 1;
    } forEach DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS;
    //### END MODIFIED CODE: extra click actions	
	// Add extra context menus
	_erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "ExtraRc" >> _item);
	_erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions);
	if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then {
		for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do 
        _menu =  _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions);
        _menu ctrlShow true;
        _config =  (_erc_cfgActions select _j);
        _text =  getText (_config >> "text");
        _script =  getText (_config >> "script");
        _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
        uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
        _menu ctrlSetText _text;
        _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script];
	_pos set [3,_height];
	//hint format["Obj: %1 \nHeight: %2\nPos: %3",_item,_height,_grpPos];		

	_group ctrlShow true;
	ctrlSetFocus _group;
	_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;
	_group ctrlCommit 0;

Now u can use the right click actions from Deploy Anything and the "exra_rc" which are used from Advanced Alchemical Crafting and much other mods without any issues!

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Hi was hoping someone could help. 


Added this to our server and when we right click on any of the gems nothing happens. There doesn't seem to be any errors in the rpt log to point to something that needs fixing. Followed the instructions on first page to the letter. Already had fn_selfActions and a custom folder.


One other mod that's being used is craft anything. We looked at the script and removed everything except the deploy bicycle because that's all we really wanted that particular script for. 


Any help would be most appreciated.

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Hey, working really nice!

Can somebody tell me how i can 

add all buildable things to just one gem?

I want just emerald as building gem....


You would need to combine the code from each of gem.sqf(amethyst,emerald etc) so that it formed one giant list on load. then replace all of the different gems with Emerald in the mt_defines.


{_index = lbAdd [_comboBox, _x]; } 
forEach [
cut all of those sections from all the files and paste them together in one long list. then,
case 0:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 1:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 2:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 3:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 4:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 5:
call fnc_Load_Items;
case 6:
call fnc_Load_Items;
cut all of those and paste into one giant switch statement inside Emerald.sqf. Just make sure the numbers are increasing correctly and make sure the case statements are in exactly the same order as the items you cut and paste in the first part above.


Hi was hoping someone could help. 


Added this to our server and when we right click on any of the gems nothing happens. There doesn't seem to be any errors in the rpt log to point to something that needs fixing. Followed the instructions on first page to the letter. Already had fn_selfActions and a custom folder.


One other mod that's being used is craft anything. We looked at the script and removed everything except the deploy bicycle because that's all we really wanted that particular script for. 


Any help would be most appreciated.

Have you checked out the post three or four up on this page? there are multiple other posts in this thread with talk about making those two work together. I don't use deploy anything so not sure off the top of my head.

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