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Server not showing on commander





I recently updated my epoch server to the latest steam build as dayz commander has recently updated to that build but for some reason the server isn't showing up. It shows up on the server browser when you launch arma on steam(and no, i'm not using the gamespy version of arma) but it won't show on commander.


Thanks in advance

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my servers are also not showing up in dayz commander correctly


adding the steam query port to commander as a favourite makes the server show up. 

however it doesn't appear to recognise that this is an epoch server. 




this leads to the next problem, when people try to join by double clicking on the servers. 

commander doesn't know to start with dayz epoch, so people get kicked. 


is there any fix/work around for this? 

i know how to join without any issues, but of course most of my playerbase don't.

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my servers are also not showing up in dayz commander correctly


adding the steam query port to commander as a favourite makes the server show up. 

however it doesn't appear to recognise that this is an epoch server. 




this leads to the next problem, when people try to join by double clicking on the servers. 

commander doesn't know to start with dayz epoch, so people get kicked. 


is there any fix/work around for this? 

i know how to join without any issues, but of course most of my playerbase don't.

Same as mine and millasaurus' issue

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the ip is but to get it to show on dayz commander you have to add this to favourites first

Hmm this is weird. Must be a DayzCommander glitch or possible firewall issue. Both of you have a locked server, that might have something to do with it. @goatservers: Did you try also adding 0.2.5? Propably won't do much, but you see some other servers do it.

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DZC isn't showing Epoch version for any of my servers, even the ones still on 112555, despite having it in the title. 


The Epoch version number has to be within the visible server name. Here's my servers. One hasn't had the server name modified yet to include the version number within the visible part of the name.



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I'll unlock the server and add 0.2.5 and see what happens

Didn't seem to make a change. Can i see your Hiveext.ini?


@BetterZedthenDead: They've got it within the visible name. It's a different issue.

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The Epoch version number has to be within the visible server name. Here's my servers. One hasn't had the server name modified yet to include the version number within the visible part of the name.


That's what I was saying it IS visible in the server name, still no luck.

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;This is a comment

;Comments above a certain setting will provide it's description

;The format for a setting is
;Variable = Value

;If you see a commented line of that form, it means that the setting is optional, and the Value shows the default
;To change from the default, simply uncomment the line and change the Value

;This configuration file should be placed inside your server instance's configuration directory (like cfgdayz)

;Possible values: Local, Custom, Static
;You cannot use Static on OFFICIAL Hive, it will just revert to Local
Type = Static
;If using Custom type, offset from UTC in hours (can be negative as well)
;Offset = -8
;If using Static type (Hour value always the same on every server start), the value (0-24) to set the Hour to
Hour = 13

;Hostname or IP of the server to connect to
;If you leave this line commented or blank, HiveExt will connect to the OFFICIAL Hive, which requires registration
;See support.dayzmod.com for more information on what OFFICIAL Hive means, what are the rules, etc.
;If using OFFICIAL hive, the rest of the settings in this section have no effect
Host = localhost

;Currently, only MySQL is supported
Type = MySQL

;Port to connect to. The default is the default listening port of a server of the selected Type
;Instead of specifying Port, you can specify Socket and set Value to the socket name
Port = 3306

;Database name to connect to.
Database = dayz_overpoch

;Username to connect with
Username = root
;Password to authenticate with (default is blank)
Password = 1234 fake password

;If using OFFICIAL hive, the settings in this section have no effect, appropriate layout will be used
;The field name that Player's IDs are stored in (unique per game license)
;Some table layouts have this as PlayerID, and some as PlayerUID, that's why this is configurable
;IDField = PlayerUID
;The field name that Player's World Position and rotation is stored in
;Enables you to run multiple different maps (different instances) off the same character table
;WSField = Worldspace

;If using OFFICIAL hive, the settings in this section have no effect, as it will clean up by itself
;Which table should the objects be stored and fetched from ?
Table = object_data

;Negative values will disable this feature
;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart
;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted
;CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 6

;Flag indicating whether hiveext should detect vehicles out of map boundaries (X < 0, or Y > 15360) and reset their position to []
;Note: YOU MUST have a proper dayz_server.pbo that supports this feature, otherwise you will get script errors
;You can find that file under the SQF directory for your server version
;ResetOOBVehicles = false

;If using OFFICIAL hive, the settings in this section have no effect, it will manage objects on its own
;Setting this to true separates the Object fetches from the Character fetches
;That means that the Object Table must be on this other database
;Use = false

;The settings here have the same meaning as in [Database], and are only used if the setting above is set to true
;Type = MySQL
;Host = localhost
;Port = 3306
;Database = dayz
;Username = root
;Password = [ /spoiler]

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I have tried a couple more things, still no luck


I have included the epoch version in the server name (  - still does not work

I changed the word Overpoch to Epoch - still does not work


this is my config.cfg for my test server, passwords have been edited out obviously


steamport = 2900;
steamqueryport = 2901;
hostName = "21DMD DayZ Epoch TEST Server (";
password = "xxxxxxxxx";
passwordAdmin = "xxxxxxxxxx";
maxPlayers = 32;
logFile = "server_log.txt";
voteThreshold = 2;
voteMissionPlayers = 3;
reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
timeStampFormat = "short";
motd[] = {"", "","21dmd test server","","","",""};
motdInterval = 30;
vonCodecQuality = 11;
disableVoN = 0;
kickduplicate = 1;
verifySignatures = 2;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";
regularCheck = "";
requiredBuild = 125548;
requiredSecureId = 2;
class Missions
    class Mission1
    template = "DayZ_Overpoch_2.Chernarus";

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Here's the config

steamport = 2300;

steamqueryport = 2301;
hostName = "DayZOverpoch - Goat 0.2.5";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "***";
maxPlayers = 55;
logFile = "server_log.txt";
voteThreshold = 2;
voteMissionPlayers = 3;
reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
timeStampFormat = "short";
motd[] = {"DayZ Epoch","Have fun!"};
motdInterval = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 11;
disableVoN = 0;
kickduplicate = 1;
verifySignatures = 2;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData =  "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";
regularCheck = "";
requiredBuild = 125548;
requiredSecureId = 2;
class Missions
    class Mission1
     template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";

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All looks good. Think there is a good possibility of this just being a DZC glitch/lag then, however you might want to check your ports and make sure you got all vital ports open. For a reference, this is our setup which also includes some open ports for things like Teamspeak and Gametracker.



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must just be a DZC glitch

without making any further changes, both of my servers are now showing the epoch version number correctly in commander

perhaps it just needed to wait x amount of time. 

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must just be a DZC glitch

without making any further changes, both of my servers are now showing the epoch version number correctly in commander

perhaps it just needed to wait x amount of time. 


My test server is showing Epoch version now also.


Perhaps dotjosh fixed it or something.

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I have tried a couple more things, still no luck


I have included the epoch version in the server name (  - still does not work

I changed the word Overpoch to Epoch - still does not work


Maybe it doesn't work on old versions of Epoch? is a couple versions behind the current version.

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