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DayzCommander and GameSpy trolling us?


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I'm starting to think that i'm the only one who actually took the announcement that GameSpy was shutting down last month seriously.  I've made all the changes on my server, got a telling off by my provider because apparently I was jumping the gun and i didn't need to upgrade yet.  Which i'm starting to agree with because DayZCommander hasn't budged on the update (no twitter updates, no website updates, nothing, nada) while PlaySix updated days ago.  Further to this, GameSpy appear to be still online... right now, I've got no players on my servers other than a few regulars who have taken the time to follow my instructions .. the rest are still trying to use Commander and won't believe me that GameSpy has shut down and we're now using the official Steam Patch..


Can someone summerise what's going on, without comments like "No need to upgrade until gamespy goes offline" etc, as apparently and as stated by thousands of people online already, they were supposed to have shutdown 3 days ago... That's why I got my shit together.. 


Evidently, Commander doesn't care and GameSpy are trolling the crap out of me..



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i'm wondering if this wasn't some dumbass publicity stunt. all that hype and bs about closing down and 4 days later, they're still online. i'm even more concerned about how long it's taken DayzCommander to get moving with the patch, it's like that guy knew something we didn't.  he has a twitter account, wish he'd use it.  this industry certainly doesn't reward the forward thinkers, as much as it does punish them.  the only good thing to come out of this for you and me then TayTayTheKiller, is that when it does finally close down and DZC finally releases the update, our servers will be the first to get laid :p


when this is all sorted and my server is back to normal player levels, i'm getting drunk! 

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Ha, someone who feels (almost) just like me.. 

Server was starting to become crowded in the evenings, got more and more regular players and then BAM gamespy "shutdown". 
Now I'm down to my 4 long time regular player to which I could describe how to play without that f-ing commander (yes i really hate that thing), not that it would be hard to start up dayz via steam -_-

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Ha, someone who feels (almost) just like me.. 

Server was starting to become crowded in the evenings, got more and more regular players and then BAM gamespy "shutdown". 

Now I'm down to my 4 long time regular player to which I could describe how to play without that f-ing commander (yes i really hate that thing), not that it would be hard to start up dayz via steam -_-


So many people are finding it difficult to follow those simple instructions on setting up steam for DayZ Epoch.  Even one of my own Moderators took 3 days to finally get it, his final comment was "I couldn't get it to work, so in the end I just did what you told me to do".. WTF? This is how lazy people are lol... 

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That's what gets me the most about this entire thing.  Not that GameSpy haven't kept to their word and not actually shutdown when they said they would.  But that certain providers haven't started to prepare for the steam patch yet (my own provider said I was jumping the gun by insisting they get my server updated) and that this guy from DZC wasn't even prepared, still isn't.  I made a donation to DZC back in the days, if it's money he's lacking to do the work I'll gladly make another .. Just get your finger out, as Kylebeed said :)

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Gamespy isn't the issue now it's just everyone dependency on dayz commander. Let's hope hes working on something great or even something a bit like playwithsix that knows what mods and what versions of them the servers are running and downloads them for you when connecting and then no messing with launch parameters :)

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Gamespy isn't the issue now it's just everyone dependency on dayz commander. Let's hope hes working on something great or even something a bit like playwithsix that knows what mods and what versions of them the servers are running and downloads them for you when connecting and then no messing with launch parameters :)


Fek that would be pretty awesome.

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i think bohemia have trolled themselves


 As you may have heard, GameSpy is discontinuing its services and it was therefore of paramount importance to offer an alternative for the passionate Operation Arrowhead players who have supported our game and our company for so many years.


yeah right really good job

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