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[Suggestion] - New inventory and utility items for custom scripting


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One thing i would love to have is custom inventory and utility items. What i mean by that ? Items that wont have any function (yet) but are implemented so coders can use them for custom items...I'll give an example.

Create an inventory placeholder in the client files (the actual 670mb files i mean) that will read a specific .paa of the item from the dayz_server.pbo, and the action that it will do, so server admins can make custom items (like a deployable bike) that will have an actual image in the inventory (that he places in the dayz_server.pbo) with the custom code, and the players wont have to download anything extra when they join the server.

Maybe those placeholders will also have the option to be included in the loot tables with a simple true/false value, and the category they belong to (Military, Medical etc).


I dont know if i understand this correctly but i think the only way to do this now is with rmod, right ?  But (if possible) we have 'placeholders' for custom items will solve this problem wouldnt it ?

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