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Posts posted by arcooke

  1. Please consider doing something different with the plot poles.


    It takes about 5 minutes for me and my buddy to knock down someone's concrete base wall/door with sledgehammers.  Another 10 seconds to knock down their plot pole.  Six 10oz gold gone with almost no effort.  Base materials are far too easy to break and plot poles are far too expensive.  They have, in my opinion, ruined base building in Epoch.


    It takes quite a long time for my two-man team to earn the gold for a plot pole, only for it to be destroyed in no time by a player passing by.  And then once its destroyed, you can't rebuild, repair, or maintain your base until you earn another six 10oz gold for a plot pole.  But wait, there's more... you can't even PLACE your plot pole until you have enough materials saved up to rebuild the walls that were destroyed.. otherwise someone will just walk right in and break your new plot pole.  Meanwhile the clock is ticking on your window of base maintenance before wall sections disappear.  


    I appreciate the work that has gone into this mod, and I'm sure you have your reasons for making it this way, but the plot pole requirement has ruined base building.  


    My suggestion: Make it so plot poles are not required, but placing a plot pole will double the strength of base parts in a 30m radius.  I think that would make it useful and worth its price, without giving small teams and solo players a severe disadvantage.

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