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    xBowBii reacted to maca134 in Show us your loadScreen!   
    This is for a new "mission" im working on:

  2. Like
  3. Like
    xBowBii reacted to ruubje11 in INFISTAR Antihack is banning Admins   
    What probably happened is that a hacker took over your menu and banned the admins in order to cheat freely.
    When the admins get banned it is advised to shut down the server immediatly. Install the latest infistar update and take a look in
    your battleye logs, especially the publicvariable.log.
    That logs everything the admins do, so if somebody takes over the menu, he usually uses the same pubvars which makes him an easy catch.
    Good luck!
  4. Like
    xBowBii reacted to FreakingFred in Creating a "Break In" script - Stuck and tired - Looking for help   
    I have base destruction off on my server to limit base griefing slightly.  However, I would still like there to be a less destructive method of breaking into another players base.  So, I have been working on a "break in" script since last night.  The concept of the script is to require a player to have a toolbox, crowbar and Sledge Hammer (in hands) to attempt to break in to a door.  There is a 10% chance to break into cinder, a 20% chance to break into wood and a 20% chance to break (delete) each tool required.  I, at one point, had the tool check in the beginning working perfectly.  However, the rest of the script was not running properly.  I edited it a bit and got the rest of the script working and then the tool check in the beginning stopped, haha.  I am so tired at this point that the code is just blending together.  I could really use a few more sets of eyes on this to steer me in the right direction.  Thanks in advance.
    private ["_tools","_crowbar","_toolbox","_sledge","_cinderChance","_woodChance","_toolBreakChance","_cursor","_typeCursor","_cinder"]; _tools = weapons player; _crowbar = "ItemCrowbar"; _toolbox = "ItemToolbox"; _sledge = "MeleeSledge"; _cinderChance = 10; _woodChance = 5; _toolBreakChance = 5; _cursor = cursorTarget; _typeCursor = typeOf _cursor; _cinder = ["CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ"]; { if !(_x in _tools) exitWith { hint "You are missing one or more items required to break in. You must have a toolbox, crowbar and sledge hammer."; }; } forEach [_crowbar, _toolbox, _sledge]; if (_typeCursor in _cinder) then { if (random(_cinderChance) < 1) then { _cursor lock false; hint "You have broken in."; { _cursor animate [_x,1]; } forEach ["Open_hinge","Open_latch"]; } else { hint "You have failed to break in."; { if (random(_toolBreakChance) < 1) then { player removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach [_crowbar, _toolbox, _sledge]; sleep 1; { if !(_x in _tools) then { hint format["You have broken your %1.",_x]; sleep 2; }; } forEach [_crowbar, _toolbox, _sledge]; }; } else { if (random(_woodChance) < 1) then { _cursor lock false; hint "You have broken in."; { _cursor animate [_x,1]; } forEach ["Open_hinge","Open_latch"]; } else { { if (random(_toolBreakChance) < 1) then { player removeWeapon _x; }; } forEach [_crowbar, _toolbox, _sledge]; sleep 1; { if !(_x in _tools) then { hint format["You have broken your %1.",_x]; sleep 2; }; } forEach [_crowbar, _toolbox, _sledge]; }; }:
  5. Like
    xBowBii reacted to FreakingFred in Creating a "Break In" script - Stuck and tired - Looking for help   
    Also, just for reference, this is what I have added into fn_selfAction.sqf for the scroll-wheel option.
    if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_DoorsLocked) then { _isDoor = true; } else { _isDoor = false; }; if (_isDoor) then { if((speed player <= 1) && _canDo && !_inVehicle) then { if (s_player_breakIn < 0) then { s_player_breakIn = player addAction[("<t color=""#038BAD"">" + ("Break In") +"</t>"),"scripts\breakIn.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_breakIn; s_player_breakIn = -1; }; };
  6. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Achmed in Disable Location Text   
    On my server we run Sauerland and use the halo spawn. The problem is if people spawn in an area they dont want to be in they just dont open there parachute until they get a spawn they like.
    To combat this i have moved all spawns near towns but i also want to remove the spawn location txt.
    I have followed the info here http://opendayz.net/threads/disable-location-text.14591/ and removed it for when you enter a town however im not sure on the next part....
    Firstly i dont have a "@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\intro.sqf" file. Has it been moved/removed?
    also what needs to be edited in the "@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm" file?
    I have had a look at the file and think it would be this but im unsure. Can some one have a look at it for me and let me know pls.
    "_world = toUpper(worldName); //toUpper(getText (configFile >> ""CfgWorlds"" >> (worldName) >> ""description""));" \n "_nearestCity = nearestLocations [getPos player, [""NameCityCapital"",""NameCity"",""NameVillage"",""NameLocal""],1000];" \n "Dayz_logonTown = ""Wilderness"";" \n "" \n "if (count _nearestCity > 0) then {Dayz_logonTown = text (_nearestCity select 0)};" \n "" \n "_first = [_world,Dayz_logonTown,localize (""str_player_06"") + "" "" + str(_days)] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;" \n "" \n "Dayz_logonTime = daytime;" \n "Dayz_logonDate = dayz_Survived;" \n "" \n
  7. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Sandbird in [1.0.5] Suggestions   
    Extra database tables
    Right now i am turning towards custom dlls for SQL queries to extra database tables but i would really like it ir normal epoch does does that instead.
    Please add an extra quer(able) table to the database. Have a petition here at the forum on what would the majority like to see for table cells there....so we can use them for different functions (ranks, extra arrays for players etc etc)
    It is not too much to ask, you are already doing it with object_data...999 calls are not allowed and wont be....fine....well at least let us write some extra stuff in the database the legit way.
    There are some items that are not used in epoch...like the dogtags.
    You could (if you dont want to make a new item), rename them to Keychain. and add a function to them (in a new db table) to hold ItemKey values in an array.
    A simple function would be the player to right click on in and select "Add to keychain" taking all the keys he has on him inside that array and deleting the keys.
    This way he can open all the vehicles that belong to that keychain without having 10123 keys for all of his vehicles.
    A diaglog GUI can help to remove keys from the keychain (again with right clicking the item), thus creating a key in the player's inventory.
    Imagine something like the following video...but for keys, instead of the vehicles that i did:

  8. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Sandbird in [1.0.5] Suggestions   
    Suggestion No.3:
    Add some default values that we constantly change in the the database...instead of the mission file..especially the MaxVehicleLimit value.
    Doing so will allow customizing the server details without recompiling the mission.pbo.
    Plus these values will be loaded when server starts...so no lag or desyncs are gonna affect it from loading.
    And after start, global variables can be set to these values, so everything should work the way it is now.
    Example table with values

    Server name can be used for watermarking the server.
  9. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Glenn in 2 issues need fixed asap please guys, pulling my hair out.   
    Also, in the future, please post these help request in the Script Help forum.  :)
  10. Like
    xBowBii reacted to insertcoins in Hello i need an admin   
    Wait till sunrise
  11. Like
    xBowBii reacted to MrPredatorr in Traders   
    Here you go.
  12. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Axle in [Urgent] Looking for a server hoster   
    Vert is able to do all of the above. If there is anything it doesn't allow you to do you can simply contact them and it can be done for you.
    Both of my servers are on verthosting. You can join one to test it out.
  13. Like
    xBowBii reacted to MGT in Anyone who says antihack isn't needed   
  14. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Sequisha in Arma 3 Epoch - Timelapse   
  15. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Lacost in AI recruitment for epoch   
    Original script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12113   Download:   https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9v46zx0ul6hefn/bon_recruit_units.rar   Install:   1. Open description.ext at very bottom add this: #include "bon_recruit_units\dialog\common.hpp" #include "bon_recruit_units\dialog\recruitment.hpp" 2. Open init.sqf at very bottom   [] execVM "bon_recruit_units\init.sqf";   3. Open missin.sqm around 42 line.  change  class Groups { items=2; to   class Groups { items=3; 4. Around 1155 line after this    class Item1 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={8810.7705,138.52499,11751.518}; id=50; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="FunctionsManager"; leader=1; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; };   add this   class Item2 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={8260.7832,4.104394,15461.444};//Trader City Lenzburg azimut=138.222; special="NONE"; id=101; side="GUER"; vehicle="UN_CDF_Soldier_SL_EP1"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;this enableSimulation false;this setcaptive true;this addAction [""Recruit Units"",""bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf""]"; }; }; }; 5. Copy bon_recruit_units to your MPMissions folder.
      P.s. 3,4 step only for NAPF vanila map. If you want to use the script on a different map. You must change trader position. position[]={8260.7832,4.104394,15461.444};//Trader City Lenzburg Known bugs: 1. Problem with safe zones. Bots can shoot in safe zones.
  16. Like
    xBowBii reacted to airtonix in [Suggestion] Labels on Wooden Crates   
    This is about the craftable Wooden Crates, I use these instead of other storage items because they are smaller and more versatile...
    However, perhaps it would be helpful for all storage items (safes, sheds, locked boxen, wooden crates, tents) to be able to give them a small label (at least 64 characters).
    The end result would be that if I were to give a wooden crate the label of "Wood Building Supplies", then when I look at a crate it would show up in the scroll menu :
    [ Wooden Crate: Wood Building Supplies ]
  17. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Frostbane in [Request]   
    The request is bounty hunting in Epoch.

    I have a couple of ideas how to take this out, but is there anyone around who can maybe make it happend, would benefit alot! :) 

    The whole system evolves around the players who kill others.
    For this to work what will be needed is a new trader, and maybe some new items.
    Trader: You can talk with him, put a bounty on someones head, collect bounties, or buy bounty hunter items. 
    New items:
    Dog Tags: This is the first item that is needed. How this works is: If a player kills someone else, he will drop his dog-   tags, but if killed by a Zombie or an AI it wont drop.
    That makes dog tags able to tell who killed who, then if there is a bounty on a persons head, you can return that         persons dog tags to the bounty trader, and recieve your reward (the bounty amount that is on the head of the person)
    The person who killed the individual with the bounty can collect the reward, but if he himself is killed while on the       way to the bounty trader, the dog tags of the bountied person can be picked up, and returned by their "new owner" -   However, efter the person who holds the dog tags dies to a Zombie or an AI then the dog tags will dissapear and bounty remain on the head of the bountied player. 

    Item's at the trader: If you kill several bountied players (4-6), without killing an "innocent" you will be rewarded         access to the traders armory, (For cash of course) - Where low, medium, and very few high caliber can be bought for gold.           
    You can either make a bounty on someones head, or it will come eventually if he kills enought people.
    Putting a bounty on someone: If you put a bounty on someones head, you will need to pay the trader money, the bounty put on the player, is half of the amount payed to the trader.
    Paying the trader 10oz gold = Player 5oz gold bounty.
    BUT! If the person you want to put a bounty on is already wanted, then the bounty rises with the amount you put on him. 
    (Example. He already has a bounty of 5oz gold, you pay trader 10oz gold, and now his bounty has risen to 10oz gold, because he already had a bounty of a certain amount)
      Naturally wanted: A naturally wanted person is a person wanted because he killed other players.
    After someone has killed 3 players, without dying to a another player, (as said, zombies and AI does not count!)
    - He recieves a bounty of 5oz gold, and will rise with 5 for every player he kills                                                         from here on and out, until bounty is collected! If a person while having 2 kills on his head, dies to another player, those two kills are erased!                                              
    - BUT! - If the bounty is awarded on his head, it wont be removed until someone has collected his dogtags and taken them to the bounty trader!  
    I hope you liked the idea, and i hope someone can make this happend, i think the idea is great myself (but ya, don't we all when we come up with ideas?) - If you have ideas on how to improve please let me know. I would like to see the bounty system come online since it would enchance the way people think before killing someone, and actually give a worth to heroes, who normaly does not kill other players!

      Best Wishes: Frostbane :)! ​
  18. Like
    xBowBii reacted to BAROD in [HOW TO] Watermark on the bottom left of screen   
    you can also implement a picture is very well  in the description you put this at the bottom 
    class RscTitles { class wm_disp { idd = -1; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]"; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; duration = 10e10; controlsBackground[] = {}; objects[] = {}; class controls { class wm_text2 { idc = 1; x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01; y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16; w = 0.151*safeZoneH; h = 0.057*safeZoneH; shadow = 2; class Attributes { font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro"; color = "#24FFFFFF"; align = "left"; valign = "middle"; shadow = 2; }; colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 }; font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro"; size = 0.06*safeZoneH; type = 13; style = 0; text=""; }; }; }; }; and this in our init at the bottom 
    _pic = "picture\example.paa"; [ '<img align=''left'' size=''1.0'' shadow=''1'' image='+(str(_pic))+' />', safeZoneX+0.027, safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.1, 99999, 0, 0, 3090 ] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
  19. Like
    xBowBii reacted to ARcoolJ in Show us your loadScreen!   
  20. Like
    xBowBii reacted to insertcoins in Show us your loadScreen!   
  21. Like
    xBowBii reacted to 1R0NS1DE in Show Off Your Base   
    decided to build a pirate ship in DayZ Epoch

  22. Like
    xBowBii reacted to mckenziebrother in Show Off Your Base   
    au depart j'ai fait une maison de deux etages. elle avait de la gueule, j'etais content.
    apres ca m'a gavé, j'en ai construit une 2 etages plus haute... ...tout autour.
    ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte ca serait bien, j'en ai donc fait un. en bois, double hauteur.
    apres j'ai voulu un helipad assez haut, j'etais content, il etait a 56 metres de haut.
    ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte de 5 metres de haut en bois c'est bien mais pas costaud. j'y ai donc ajouté 19 portes de garage verrouillées en béton.
    apres... bon c'est un peu parti en cacahuete dans ma tete.
    j'ai continué a construire un truc de 4 ou 5 etages au sommet. la vue etait pas mal.
    j'y ai ajouté 50 escaliers pour rigoler, ca m'a amené a 223 metres de haut, je surplombe tout petrovka.
    apres une fois arrivé la-haut, en m'aidant du gps pour la hauteur depuis le niveau de la mer, j'ai constaté que j'etais un poil de cul de mouche au niveau de la montagne d'a coté. j'ai construit un petit atelier 2x1 en bois, et donc (logique) j'ai fait un pont pour y aller. 750 metres, le pont.
    ensuite j'ai posé 2 escaliers, je posais le pied sur la montagne depuis ma base =)
    j'ai tout fait solo, au debut a la hache, ensuite a la tronçonneuse quand j'en ai trouvé une. j'ai jamais eu d'aide, ni d'un joueur ni d'un admin (aucune caisse de matos ni rien), uniquement le farm et le craft. enfin si, y m'a filé une grosse citerne pour l'essence, et un puit pour l'eau. ca m'a pris... des mois pour la faire, genre 6 ou 7 mois. (faut dire que je bossais pas tous les jours dessus non plus!). c'est le serveur d'un pote russe. on etait bons potes, mais tout le modne s'est eparpillé au fil du temps, du coup le serveur est encore up, j'y ai encore ma base, mais il est vide. il est vide c'est bien et pas bien. bien parce que personne vient me defoncer ma base "pour rigoler" ou encore "pour le fun" ou encore "par jalousie" tout simplement. et c'est pas bien... ...bah oui si y a personne, comment je fais pour me la peter? :D c'est que j'en suis fier moi de ma petite basounette :D :D :D
    j'ai fait deux petites video y a assez longtemps:

    (base jump depuis ma base!!! :D)
    (petite visite vite fait de ma base y a longtemps)
  23. Like
    xBowBii reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Show Off Your Base   
    Here's my Napf base! It's all built by me, using a hatchet!
    It's still a work in progress, but is almost done so I thought I'd share some screenshots!   View of the roof   Stairs to the heliport:   View from where the heliport will be:   Future location of the heliport:   Inside the base:   Outside view:
  24. Like
    xBowBii reacted to OtterNas3 in [RELEASE] Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.4 (Updated 06/15/2014)   
    Just finished it and thought someone could like it...
    You have many, many (many, ...) Vehicles? You have many, many (many, ...) different Keys? Already need to attach a list with Key = Vehicle to your Monitor to keep track of em? Need 30 minutes to start driving because you dont have such a list? Frustrated? ALL OVER!
    This little script allows you and the Players on your Server to copy Vehicles, that you got the Key for, to another Key that's in your Inventory!
    Car 1: Red Skoda - Red Key (1234)
    Car 2: Green Skoda - Green Key (4321)
    You need a Keymakers Kit!
    Put both keys in your Inventory, look at the Car 1 and select "Change Vehicle Key" from the action menu.
    You get a list with all Keys in your Inventory, to select from a menu. In this case the list would just be one: Green Key (4321)
    Not in the list is the Key for Car 1, so no Red Key (1234)
    Select the new Key you want to put the car on and: voila!
    You can throw away the unneeded Red Key (1234)
    The Old vehicle Key gets added to your Backpack
    Car 1 & Car 2 are both now on the Green Key (4321)
    You can allow players to "Claim" Vehicles that are dynamic spawned on the Map and does not yet need a Key.
    This is a option you can turn On/Off!
    You can set a price for claiming vehicles also.
    Changelog 1.4
    I changed some functions and implemented some small fixes mentioned by other users in this Thread.
    Specially for just bought vehicles and the "get not saved after driving" thing.
    This should also fix the duping for some of you, i never had it yet and cant reproduce. just made the call a bit different now.
    If it doesnt work as it should, gimme a shout.
    And for people that think this Mod is a total mess. Dont use it?
    It works on my Server for a loooooooooooooong time now without any errors!
    Demo Video
     Install Instructions:
    1. Download and unzip VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip
    2. unpbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME.pbo
    3. copy the custom folder from the unziped VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip to MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    4. open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\init.sqf
    Find this block:
    if (!isDedicated) then { 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}]; }; And insert this line above the closing bracket };
    _nil = [] execVM "custom\VehicleKeyChanger\VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf"; 5.
    Edit custom\VehicleKeyChanger\VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf
    Edit this block to your likings!

    ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Edit these settings to fit your needs/likes // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Claim Vehicles that does not yet need Key /// ///////// 0 = Not allowed | 1 = Allowed ///////// vkc_claiming = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// Claim Vehicles costs this Item ///////// /// Any Item can be used here, some examples: /// //// ItemTinBar, ItemSilverBar, ItemGoldBar, //// ////// ItemSilverBar10oz, ItemGoldBar10oz, ////// ///// ItemBriefcase20oz, ItemBriefcase100oz ///// //////// set to "0" to disable the costs //////// vkc_claimingPrice = "ItemGoldBar10oz"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Change Key costs this Item /////////// ////////////// see above examples /////////////// //////// set to "0" to disable the costs //////// vkc_Price = "ItemSilverBar"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Need KeyKit to use this function //////// ////////// 0 = Not needed | 1 = Needed ////////// vkc_needKeykit = 1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// DONT EDIT BELOW ! /////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 5. repbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    - upload it to your server -
    6. unpbo @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server.pbo
    7 copy server_updateObject.sqf from your unziped VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip to @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\compile\  and overwrite the existing one. (This just adds a function for this mod nothing else changed)
    If you already have a custom server_updateObjects.sqf you need to compare my file with yours and make the changes yourself!
    8. repbo @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\
    - upload it to your server -
    9 copy this file to your Servers BattlEye filters folder:
    FYI: INFISTAR AdminCheat, ummm sorry meant AntiCheat, users!
    Cause he uses his own BE filter files should not copy paste this file over your existing one, else you will get kicked for all the cool nice admin functions that comes with your Infistar! You need to do the change yourself if you get kicked for anything regarding this script.
    I dont had and will not have a look at Infistar's BE files to sort things out!
    10. Restart your server
    11. Enjoy it and cleanup your vaults!
    12. DONT LOOSE YOUR MASTERKEY! :rolleyes:
    -- Additional Information ---
    For InfiStar AdminCheat (ummm sorry meant AntiCheat...) users:

    Have fun with it!
    - If you like it - Like it - So I can count Downloads - I like that
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  25. Like
    xBowBii reacted to maca134 in Readding the BMW's etc   
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