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Posts posted by zulu

  1. afaik this is a common issue when buying vehicles cuz they spawn always at the same position.

    one thing you can do is - will not solve your problem - use a script that teleports your vehicles out of the safe/buyzone" after restart.
    another idea is to check the responsible script that will spawn bought vehicles and add a random offset.
    sry, cant help you more, its above my level of coding.

    Good luck,

  2. Hello,

    i'd like to change a variable defined in the init dynamicly.
    i execute a script in the init.sqf (checkhum.sqf) which checks players humanity and if humanity is greater 10K
    values of "DZE_selfTransfuse_Values" should be raised.

    checkhum.sqf: (called from inside the !is_dedicated brackets )

    _hum=(player getVariable["humanity",0]);
    if(_hum > 10000) then {
    	DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [12000, 15, 300]
    else {
    	DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [1000, 15, 300]

    My humanity is above 10K, but selfTransfuse_value is 1000, 15,300 and not 12000,15,300 as expected.

    I also tried
    if( (player getVariable["humanity",0]) > 10000) then {....
    but without success.

    What am i doing wrong?



  3. Hello,

    i would like to show mission/event announcements instead of my debugmonitor ( for a period of time).
    So when a mission or event starts, the debug should go away, and the announcement should be shown for a few seconds. Currently the event announcement is flashing up for a second.
    I tried to add  "sleep 5;" to the remote-script, but it didnt work.
    Can anyone please help me?

    _hint = parseText format["<t align='center' color='#FFFF66' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Attention</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Mission description!</t>"]; customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint]; publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";


  4. Hi raymix,
    thanks for your reply and you're right, its not a really a beast at all.... ;-)

    my view distance is set to 1500 but what is "object view distance"? never heard about that.
    to have an idea, what is your experience in common/average fps in cherno/wilderness on your, other players machines?

  5. Hello,
    i have setup a local server with xampp. My CPU is I7 Quad, GPU is GTX 750TI and 8GB RAM.
    Resolution is 1920x1080 and all settings are max, disabled shadow, antialias, postprocess and vsync.
    I stripped the epoch object table, so there are no cars nor buildables. I use WickedAI and DZAI, slow zeds and some other scripts and 5 small custom map addons,
    but my fps are 25 near the shore and 35 in the wilderness.

    Is this normal or can i do something to increase the fps with this resolution?


  6. Hi rentiger, sorry for latte reply, didnt saw your answer.

    What is the difference between a custom debug-monitor and a custom hud?
    I thought it would be as easy as showing ie humanity or bandit kills.

    After searching around i havent found anything related to ambient nor budy temperature.

    Looking forward to some help.

  7. Hello,

    everything runs fine, but after death i am not able to deploy items at my plotpole.
    "You cant build on someone elses pole".
    I saw this post about changing player_build from ....  _limit = 3; to _limit = 1; .... but that didnt work for me.
    Besides other scripts i have P4L and Snap installed.

    Please help me, dont know where and what to look for to get it solved.


  8. Hello,
    i have installed ZSC and everything seems to be working except that traders still show prices in gold/silver.
    Can anybody pls help me?
    I have got no rpt-errors and double-checked all the install instructions from the github page.



    I didnt place

    #include "ZSC\config\cfgServerTrader.hpp"

    at the very top.


  9. Hi,

    i would like to add 10-20 small camps to my map, which should all look the same.
    After searching around i saw a "how to" about "dynamic object compositions". https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dynamic_Object_Compositions

    I managed to get the RPT output, but i dont understand how get the composition to the map.
    Even i dont understand what is ment in step 3) "Place a game logic on the map".

    Can anybody please help me getting this done.


    Edit: This is my test-composition:

    private ["_objs"];
    _objs =

    And i also tried it with this example:



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