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    Grahame got a reaction from arc7r7 in Is loot spawning working as supposed to?   
    One more thing though. If it is true that the spawn model has changed so that loot spawns around, rather than in front of, a player then I would suggest that this could be sub-optimal. I too have had players report that it is tougher to find spawned loot containers (I have the standard lootBias setting of "30") since the change was made.
    While some groups may work in a diamond pattern, as someone suggested, I don't think most do - and they certainly rarely do on my server because of the ever-present threat from the infected. Maybe a group of four will sweep each side of a street in pairs, with one in each pair keeping an eye out for infected or AI. They certainly don't think of revisiting a building that they have already searched. For lone players, and a lot of new players come on board by themselves and then find a group to join, I would suggest that it's a bit disheartening not to find loot.
    I'd thought when one player said that they'd swept from one side of Pyrgos to the other and not found loot that they'd simply been unlucky or not visited that many buildings - it's problematic to tell them that they have to backtrack in order to find the loot they would have found in previous versions IMHO.
    It hasn't been a big deal on my server yet since I combine standard loot with LootSpawner but people are now raising the lack of standard Epoch loot as an issue. Would be good if we could choose between the old and new spawning mechanisms. I'd choose the old method personally.
  2. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from waynewr in EpochZ: Black Tide   
    "Survivor groups in increasing numbers are organizing, arming and creating bases of operations in order to combat the infected. Support for their efforts is being provided from FOB Nelson. Be aware that limited quantities of anti-virus were delivered to the island but renegades reached the drop zone before friendly forces. All survivors are encouraged to do whatever is necessary to recover these supplies for themselves"
    Just summarizing some of the small incremental changes on the server:
    Ryan's Zombies now have a chance of infecting players when they hit. Anti-virus pills (10 mins) or injectors (permanent, until next infected) can be found in hospitals and research buildings, MedEvac crash site and Medical Supply Convoy missions.
    Halv's Repair & Rearming Script expanded to provide these services for aircraft, both rotary and fast jet, at the hardened hangers at the AAC, International Airport and Molos airfield.
    Fixed Civilian Occupation System's event handler so that the infected behave more aggressively towards the players. Also switched to the slightly faster walking zombies to increase the challenge, but reduced their numbers ever so slightly.
    Vehicle Thermal Sights are now operational, when equipped (thanks to @arc7r7 and Lord @vbawol. (And thanks to @mgmfor educating us as to the correct form of address for our Lord and Master )
    Missile lock available for launchers. You will need to remap Epoch's Trade key 'T' to an unused ARMA key like 'Y' or 'J' and then 'T' will lock missile launchers as per standard ARMA.
    Added more HALO/ground spawn points around the island.
    Players can now set whether to use Standard or Advanced Flight Model in their ARMA configuration.
    Finally, just wanted to let the lawyers folks know that we're trade-marking the following expressions for EpochZ:
    "There are NO safe zones, it's a bloody Zombie Apocalypse!",
    "Don't be a Douche!" and,
    "Sorry! I thought you were an AI!"
  3. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from arc7r7 in EpochZ: Black Tide   
    "Survivor groups in increasing numbers are organizing, arming and creating bases of operations in order to combat the infected. Support for their efforts is being provided from FOB Nelson. Be aware that limited quantities of anti-virus were delivered to the island but renegades reached the drop zone before friendly forces. All survivors are encouraged to do whatever is necessary to recover these supplies for themselves"
    Just summarizing some of the small incremental changes on the server:
    Ryan's Zombies now have a chance of infecting players when they hit. Anti-virus pills (10 mins) or injectors (permanent, until next infected) can be found in hospitals and research buildings, MedEvac crash site and Medical Supply Convoy missions.
    Halv's Repair & Rearming Script expanded to provide these services for aircraft, both rotary and fast jet, at the hardened hangers at the AAC, International Airport and Molos airfield.
    Fixed Civilian Occupation System's event handler so that the infected behave more aggressively towards the players. Also switched to the slightly faster walking zombies to increase the challenge, but reduced their numbers ever so slightly.
    Vehicle Thermal Sights are now operational, when equipped (thanks to @arc7r7 and Lord @vbawol. (And thanks to @mgmfor educating us as to the correct form of address for our Lord and Master )
    Missile lock available for launchers. You will need to remap Epoch's Trade key 'T' to an unused ARMA key like 'Y' or 'J' and then 'T' will lock missile launchers as per standard ARMA.
    Added more HALO/ground spawn points around the island.
    Players can now set whether to use Standard or Advanced Flight Model in their ARMA configuration.
    Finally, just wanted to let the lawyers folks know that we're trade-marking the following expressions for EpochZ:
    "There are NO safe zones, it's a bloody Zombie Apocalypse!",
    "Don't be a Douche!" and,
    "Sorry! I thought you were an AI!"
  4. Like
    Grahame reacted to waynewr in CUP versions and trouble getting into servers   
    Hey all.
    Cheers for the advice.
    Checked versions and keys to make sure they were correct and matched server versions but they were still coming up as red in the game launcher
    I tried unsubscribing and reloading mods from steam, they then came out as corrupted. So deleted them and reloaded them again and they were fine.
    Got into Epoch Z by Grahame and its all good, must have been corrupted files.
  5. Like
    Grahame reacted to ProjectViper72 in Stuck with Unable to get file version size: epochserver.dll   
    Yea sorry you all are right. I asked my provider and they toff me to reinstall the mod and if that didn't work, reinstall the server. So I went to reinstall the server and there it was, the issue, they had the "start database" in the section to reinstall the server lol. So where I thought the database was active, outit was not. As soon as I stated the database, boom an active and running server lol. Sorry for all of this, I have been used to the databases already running and not where I had to start it.
  6. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from ProjectViper72 in Stuck with Unable to get file version size: epochserver.dll   
    I get that error in my RPT everytime too. Seems standard. As Arc said, it's what ever's running next that's causing the problem
  7. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in CUP versions and trouble getting into servers   
    Sorry, late to the conversation. Are you launching the game from the in game launcher after manually selecting the mods or using the launcher's "SERVERS" button?
    If the CUP versions are showing up as red on the in game launcher in the bottom right hand corner when you've selected a server then that server's probably running an old version (not necessarily since version 1.5 always showed up in red...). Each CUP mod is named with the version number so that's fairly easy to check (Weapons - 1.6, Units - 1.3.1, Vehicles - 1.3 are the latest current versions as of May 11th). For CUP you also need the latest version of CBA too.
    If you're selecting the mods manually then also note not to choose mods that the server you're going to doesn't have - that can get you kicked too remember.
  8. Like
    Grahame reacted to TheStainlessSteelRat in CUP versions and trouble getting into servers   
    I too use Arma's own launcher and subscribe to most mods via steam where available, or download via Armaholic.
    The one Server i know that is using CUP weapons, units and vehicles is Epoch Z by Grahame and i have no issues joining by loading required mods and saving them as preset called 'Epoch Z':
    Yes on joining there are couple of normal error boxes, none of which stop me joining or playing.
    Again my only thought could be that server host is running out of date version of mod whilst you have latest workshop version hence the error.
  9. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from arc7r7 in Earplugs Script   
    I'd rather have persistent minefields first
  10. Like
    Grahame reacted to mgm in Earplugs Script   
    how do you not need taxis. do you never die in this game or when you die do you always have a friend to pick you up?
    I just died 4 times in the last 4 hours due to silly army3 collision mechanics. "pushing" my boat and 2 centimeters too close and I die. yea sure could be more careful but still things happen and you occasionally die. I hate to run in DayZ SA, and in Epoch you can't even run more than n minutes due to realistic-ish stamina behavior. I rather just call a damn taxi. taxi gets expensive after a while though!
    the final solution => public buses - free for all!!
  11. Like
    Grahame reacted to mgm in Earplugs Script   
    keyDown affects so many things. minefields affect only one aspect of the game. 
    keydown > minefield
  12. Like
    Grahame reacted to rvg?! in 1.58 Difficulty Overhaul   
    Thats why i wrote "could".
  13. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from arc7r7 in Headless client   
    In case it's not an HC issue I would note that the ID in your class item is a duplicate of item0's. IDs must be unique or the second one won't initialise. At least that was the original problem I had moving to Eden.
  14. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from mgm in How to properly manipulate player cash (wallet) & bank account from the server-side   
    Halv provided a working solution for wallet transactions  in his Black Market trader scripts (He-Man provided the modification for 0.3.8). Two that are relevent are, HALV_takegive_crypto_init:
    /* HALV_takegive_crypto_init.sqf by Halv Copyright (C) 2015 Halvhjearne & Suppe This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact : [email protected] */ if(isServer)then{ diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server: loading 'HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf'"; HALV_server_takegive_crypto = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "trader\HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf"; diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server: loading 'HALV_takegive' PVEvent"; "HALV_takegive" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call HALV_server_takegive_crypto}; }; if(hasInterface)then{ isHalvTradeEnabled = true; }; and, HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf:
    /* HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf by Halv Copyright (C) 2015 Halvhjearne & Suppe This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact : [email protected] */ _player = _this select 0; _nr = _this select 1; _cIndex=EPOCH_customVars find 'Crypto'; //_vars = _player getVariable['VARS',[]+EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar]; _vars = _player getVariable['VARS', call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar]; // Changed for Epoch 0.3.8 _curcrypt = _vars select _cIndex; _newcrypt = _curcrypt+_nr; //[['effectCrypto',_newcrypt],(owner _player)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; _newcrypt remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto',(owner _player)]; // Changed for Epoch 0.3.8 _vars set[_cIndex,_newcrypt]; _player setVariable["VARS",_vars]; This is well tested and in production in 0.3.8.
  15. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from mgm in How to properly manipulate player cash (wallet) & bank account from the server-side   
    For bank transfers from the client, here's the Epoch client code for ATM transactions (MISSION/epoch_code/compile/traders/EPOCH_startBankTransfer.sqf:
    if (isNull(findDisplay -13)) exitWith{}; // perform wait while menu is still open if (isNil "EPOCH_bankTransferActive") then { EPOCH_bankTransferActive = true; ctrlEnable[1600, false]; [] spawn { private ["_transferTarget","_progress","_sleep","_deposit","_withdraw","_transfer","_totalTransfer"]; ctrlSetText[1004,"Transfer started, please wait."]; _deposit = parseNumber(ctrlText 1401) min EPOCH_playerCrypto; _withdraw = parseNumber(ctrlText 1402) min EPOCH_bankBalance; _transfer = parseNumber(ctrlText 1400) min EPOCH_bankBalance; _totalTransfer = (_deposit + _withdraw) + _transfer; _progress = 0; uiSleep 1; _transferTarget = ""; if (_transfer > 0) then { _transferTarget = lbData[21500, (lbCurSel 21500)]; }; if (_deposit > 0 || _withdraw > 0 || (_transfer > 0 && _transferTarget != "")) then { _sleep = ((_totalTransfer * 0.0006) min 1.2) max 0.06; for "_i" from 0 to 100 do { if (isNull(findDisplay -13)) exitWith{}; _progress = _progress + 1; if (_progress > 100) exitWith{}; ctrlSetText[1200, format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa", _progress]]; uiSleep _sleep; }; if (_progress >= 100) then { // if player waited the full time then send upload [player, [_deposit, _withdraw, [_transfer, _transferTarget]], Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_storeCrypto",2]; ctrlSetText[1004, "Transfer complete."]; uiSleep 1; closeDialog 0; } else { ctrlSetText[1004, "Transfer failed."]; }; }; EPOCH_bankTransferActive = nil; ctrlEnable[1600, true]; }; };  
  16. Like
    Grahame reacted to vbawol in How to properly manipulate player cash (wallet) & bank account from the server-side   
    Check this function I have just added to experimental,  it basically contains everything that needs to be done to effect crypto server side. and as of it will be a function.
  17. Like
    Grahame reacted to vbawol in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Work started on Arma 3 Epoch in late 2013, and today there are now AAA game titles and other mods with odd and sometimes striking similarities to Epoch. If we had as much of an impact as it seems we did, I am glad to have had some effect regardless of how insignificant.
    I think what most people don't realize, is just how much time it takes to make something new and creative as well as to support it. When the popularity of a mod increases so does the required workload as do expectations and hype. This often actually demands more time than is possible for any mere hobby. 
    This is where the "Official Servers" thing came from. As I needed a way to deal with the ever growing workload by attempting to isolate a few communities I could more closely engage to find and fix issues faster. Given what happened it actually seemed to work against us.
    More servers does not necessarily equal a healthy mod. Since we don't have a vested interest in the server counts it really makes no difference how many servers there are at any given time. EpochMod.com generates just about enough ad revenue to pay for the web hosting and all donations go towards supporting the project long term and other development costs are currently covered thanks to: (Vilayer, GTX, Survival Servers, and Nitrado) providing us with dedicated servers for free.
    What is needed is, more players. Any game or mod needs a constant influx of new players to be considered healthy. With more and more work going into the project the hope is to attract more players from making the project better. Then when others think the time is right, we need their help to spread the word and by then hopefully the media will do an article about us (cough "PC Gamer"). 
    I have been releasing mods since 2003, starting with Battlefield 1942 series and have spent almost 4 years developing mods for Arma 2 and 3. Over the years I have seen similar patterns repeat in regards to this topic with every game (yes even AAA titles) or mod that has ever been created. Some games or mods "hype train" don't even last two weeks and as they say, everything good must come to an end. I still think we have been a success considering we are just a mod for a game. 
    Hopefully this post will help clear up some questions as this is starting to feel like ground hogs day. 
  18. Like
    Grahame reacted to axeman in [FEATURE REQUEST] Hoverboards (URGENT)   
    Could be done now: player attachto [UAV, [0,0,0.4];
    Might take some coding to auto attach the UAV control and move the camera back to the player. Not forgetting the insane power usage :)
    Damn, am going to try this now..
  19. Like
    Grahame reacted to rvg?! in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    So then tell me what you want, if i got some time, then i ll maybe change my King of the hill trader for Epoch.

  20. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    I couldn't agree more with those who've said that Epoch is far from dead. There is a small but steady flow of players finally making the switch from ARMA 2 and new server owners making the decision to invest their time in Epoch - which, IMO provides a better framework than Exile, even now.
    It is true that many script and mission developers have moved over there, but those of us who are slowly building our knowledge and experience will hopefully, in time, be able to contribute new features and functionality as we gain in experience and knowledge. In addition, several folks have taken some of the older scripts and missions and updated them to take into account the changes in Epoch and ARMA.
    I'd also point out that there is an increasing diversity of what is being provided by Epoch server owners. While the majority are still vanilla, others of us are providing diversity by developing our servers with Epoch, different mods, different adversaries - all, again facilitated by the fine work of the Epoch devs and based on the work of those who came before us.
    Just one side note to finish off: while I agree that if all you're doing is providing lots of loot and little else there is not a lot of challenge and players may drift off but, just because a server does have high loot does not necessarily mean that it is easy. That depends on the challenge provided in the environment and sometimes you do need to let players find more than the average loot in order for them to stand a chance of survival.
  21. Like
    Grahame reacted to mgm in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    He said this is what I like.
    Then he smiled like a cute 6 year old boy at the candy shop.
    Glad my limited Russian skills finally found a use.
    Epoch best mod btw.
  22. Like
    Grahame reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    The one thing that I don't like about Epoch, and I've posted about this before, is the trader categories. There needs to be a better way to sort everything. I do like Exile's trader interface. It lets you display only items that are compatible with your current weapon, plus it shows stats (Weapon specs, backpack size, etc). If the traders could be revamped, that would be a big plus for Epoch. 
  23. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from mgm in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    I couldn't agree more with those who've said that Epoch is far from dead. There is a small but steady flow of players finally making the switch from ARMA 2 and new server owners making the decision to invest their time in Epoch - which, IMO provides a better framework than Exile, even now.
    It is true that many script and mission developers have moved over there, but those of us who are slowly building our knowledge and experience will hopefully, in time, be able to contribute new features and functionality as we gain in experience and knowledge. In addition, several folks have taken some of the older scripts and missions and updated them to take into account the changes in Epoch and ARMA.
    I'd also point out that there is an increasing diversity of what is being provided by Epoch server owners. While the majority are still vanilla, others of us are providing diversity by developing our servers with Epoch, different mods, different adversaries - all, again facilitated by the fine work of the Epoch devs and based on the work of those who came before us.
    Just one side note to finish off: while I agree that if all you're doing is providing lots of loot and little else there is not a lot of challenge and players may drift off but, just because a server does have high loot does not necessarily mean that it is easy. That depends on the challenge provided in the environment and sometimes you do need to let players find more than the average loot in order for them to stand a chance of survival.
  24. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from rvg?! in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    I couldn't agree more with those who've said that Epoch is far from dead. There is a small but steady flow of players finally making the switch from ARMA 2 and new server owners making the decision to invest their time in Epoch - which, IMO provides a better framework than Exile, even now.
    It is true that many script and mission developers have moved over there, but those of us who are slowly building our knowledge and experience will hopefully, in time, be able to contribute new features and functionality as we gain in experience and knowledge. In addition, several folks have taken some of the older scripts and missions and updated them to take into account the changes in Epoch and ARMA.
    I'd also point out that there is an increasing diversity of what is being provided by Epoch server owners. While the majority are still vanilla, others of us are providing diversity by developing our servers with Epoch, different mods, different adversaries - all, again facilitated by the fine work of the Epoch devs and based on the work of those who came before us.
    Just one side note to finish off: while I agree that if all you're doing is providing lots of loot and little else there is not a lot of challenge and players may drift off but, just because a server does have high loot does not necessarily mean that it is easy. That depends on the challenge provided in the environment and sometimes you do need to let players find more than the average loot in order for them to stand a chance of survival.
  25. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from axeman in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    I couldn't agree more with those who've said that Epoch is far from dead. There is a small but steady flow of players finally making the switch from ARMA 2 and new server owners making the decision to invest their time in Epoch - which, IMO provides a better framework than Exile, even now.
    It is true that many script and mission developers have moved over there, but those of us who are slowly building our knowledge and experience will hopefully, in time, be able to contribute new features and functionality as we gain in experience and knowledge. In addition, several folks have taken some of the older scripts and missions and updated them to take into account the changes in Epoch and ARMA.
    I'd also point out that there is an increasing diversity of what is being provided by Epoch server owners. While the majority are still vanilla, others of us are providing diversity by developing our servers with Epoch, different mods, different adversaries - all, again facilitated by the fine work of the Epoch devs and based on the work of those who came before us.
    Just one side note to finish off: while I agree that if all you're doing is providing lots of loot and little else there is not a lot of challenge and players may drift off but, just because a server does have high loot does not necessarily mean that it is easy. That depends on the challenge provided in the environment and sometimes you do need to let players find more than the average loot in order for them to stand a chance of survival.
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