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Posts posted by prominentalex

  1. This is running fine on my server with just a slight problem..


    The key panels do not open gates or turn on lights or operate roofs. Besides that it works awesome. There is a tutorial on how to install it on the community git hub inside the epoch folder in the download. Go here.. 




    EDIT: I have since discovered that my dayz epoch buildables are shifting since installing this. Looking for a fix if any one knows one?


    Look in that thread, look for my posts. Someone found the fix!

  2. Hey, few bugs with your action menu for me at least:


    1) for some reason I was getting lots of "Action Menu" appearing when I was in the vehicle, didnt stop adding until I left. So I've changed the way the action appears as a temporary fix.


    2) Setting viewdistance resets after a few minutes and also it removes all darkness / drearyness and makes it bright when used.


    Any ideas bud? :)


    The vehicle thing, has to do with the updated Actionmenu_activate.sqf Nox provided me with.


    The fog, my guess is that your dynamic weather is resetting it.

  3. Replace your actionmenu_activate.sqf with this:

    waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; 
    sleep 15;
    wardrobe = -1;
    while {(alive player)} do
    	if (wardrobe == -1) then
    		wardrobe = (vehicle player) addaction [("<t color=""#00FFFF"">" + ("Action Menu") +"</t>"),"actionmenu\actionmenu_execute.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
    		_veh = vehicle player;
    	if (_veh != vehicle player) then
    		_veh removeAction wardrobe;
    		wardrobe = -1;      
    	Sleep 2;


    Awesome fix, but it doesnt seem to be showing for me!

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