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    BigEgg got a reaction from _Lance_ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I have updated this after @iben brought to my attention a good performance booster. The script will no longer check for black listed buildings if the player has already been blocked in a black listed location. OP updated.
  2. Thanks
    BigEgg got a reaction from Bricktop in Epoch 1061 Clean up Scripts   
    Here is my collection of cleanup scripts:
    -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------Base Maintenance-------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Fix inventory on maintainable objects. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `inventory` = '[]',`LastUpdated` = `LastUpdated` WHERE `inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]' AND `Classname` IN ('BagFenceRound_DZ','CinderWall_DZ','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','CinderWallHalf_DZ','FireBarrel_DZ','GunRack_DZ','LightPole_DZ','MetalFloor_DZ','MetalPanel_DZ','OutHouse_DZ','TentStorage','TentStorageDomed','TentStorageDomed2','Sandbag1_DZ','Scaffolding_DZ','StickFence_DZ','StorageShed_DZ','WorkBench_DZ','WoodCrate_DZ','WoodFloor_DZ','WoodFloorQuarter_DZ','WoodLargeWall_DZ','WoodLargeWallWin_DZ','WoodShack_DZ','WoodSmallWall_DZ','WoodSmallWallThird_DZ','WoodSmallWallWin_DZ','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor','WoodFloorHalf_DZ','Fort_RazorWire','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','WoodStairsRails_DZ','WoodLadder_DZ','WoodStairsSans_DZ','M240Nest_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoor'); -- ---------------------------- -- Set 0.1 damage to objects daily. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `Damage` = IF( `Damage` = 0.0, 0.1, `Damage` + 0.1 ) WHERE `LastUpdated` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') ); -- ---------------------------- -- Set 0.1 damage doors/plots daily. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `Damage` = IF( `Damage` = 0.0, 0.1, `Damage` + 0.1 ) WHERE `Classname` IN ('Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ','CinderWallDoorway_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoor_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor','WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ') AND `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND `Inventory` != '[]'; -- ---------------------------- -- Set safe combinations to 0000 after 10 days of inactivity. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` = "VaultStorageLocked" AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL; -- ---------------------------- -- Set lockbox combinations to RED00 after 10 days of inactivity. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 10000 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` = "LockboxStorageLocked" AND `Inventory` <> '[]' AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL; -- ---------------------------- -- Delete empty storage objects. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') ) AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete inactive storage objects. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete objects that have 1 damage. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE Damage = 1; -- ---------------------------- -- Delete plot poles and doors not being deleted. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 11 DAY) AND `Classname` IN ('Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ','CinderWallDoorway_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoor_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor','WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete old stuff. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 21 DAY); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------Vehicle Maintenance------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Delete Bikes, ATV's, Mozzie's, 350z's, and Busses. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `Classname` IN ('MMT_Civ','Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1','TT650_Civ','TT650_Ins','Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1','M1030_US_DES_EP1','TT650_TK_CIV_EP1','ATV_CZ_EP1','ATV_US_EP1','CSJ_GyroC','350z','350z_red','350z_kiwi','350z_black','350z_silver','350z_green','350z_blue','350z_gold','350z_white','350z_pink','350z_mod','350z_ruben','350z_v','350z_city','350z_yellow','Ikarus','Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete useless vehicles with no keys. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 4 HOUR) AND `CharacterID` = '0' AND `Classname` IN ('AN2_DZ','GNT_C185U','GNT_C185','GNT_C185R','GNT_C185C','RHIB','Smallboat_1','Smallboat_2','Zodiac','Fishing_Boat','PBX','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Red','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Yellow','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Green','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Blue','CSJ_GyroP','CSJ_GyroCover','LandRover_CZ_EP1','LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1','HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1','HMMWV_Ambulance','HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1','HMMWV_DZ','HMMWV_DES_EP1','Civcar','Civcarbu','civcarbl','Civcarre','Civcarge','Civcarwh','Civcarsl','hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1','datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE','hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE','datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE','datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE','hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE','Skoda','SkodaBlue','SkodaGreen','SkodaRed','VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1','Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1','Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1','VWGolf','car_hatchback','car_sedan','GLT_M300_LT','GLT_M300_ST','Lada1','Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1','Lada2','Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1','LadaLM','SUV_TK_CIV_EP1','SUV_Blue','SUV_Charcoal','SUV_Green','SUV_Orange','SUV_Pink','SUV_Red','SUV_Silver','SUV_White','SUV_Yellow','SUV_Camo','UAZ_CDF','UAZ_INS','UAZ_RU','UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1','UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1','UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete useless vehicles with keys. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` IN ('AN2_DZ','GNT_C185U','GNT_C185','GNT_C185R','GNT_C185C','RHIB','Smallboat_1','Smallboat_2','Zodiac','Fishing_Boat','PBX','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Red','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Yellow','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Green','JetSkiYanahui_Case_Blue','CSJ_GyroP','CSJ_GyroCover','LandRover_CZ_EP1','LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1','HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1','HMMWV_Ambulance','HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1','HMMWV_DZ','HMMWV_DES_EP1','Civcar','Civcarbu','civcarbl','Civcarre','Civcarge','Civcarwh','Civcarsl','hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1','datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE','hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE','datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE','datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE','hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE','Skoda','SkodaBlue','SkodaGreen','SkodaRed','VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1','Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1','Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1','VWGolf','car_hatchback','car_sedan','GLT_M300_LT','GLT_M300_ST','Lada1','Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1','Lada2','Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1','LadaLM','SUV_TK_CIV_EP1','SUV_Blue','SUV_Charcoal','SUV_Green','SUV_Orange','SUV_Pink','SUV_Red','SUV_Silver','SUV_White','SUV_Yellow','SUV_Camo','UAZ_CDF','UAZ_INS','UAZ_RU','UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1','UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1','UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete server spawned vehicles. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND `CharacterID` = '0' AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest|killhouse|villa|castle|pub|shelter|stodola|garage|MBG|warehouse|sara'; -- ---------------------------- -- Delete all vehicles not touched in 10 days. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest|killhouse|villa|castle|pub|shelter|stodola|garage|MBG|warehouse|sara'; -- ---------------------------- -- Unlock purchased, inactive vehicles. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0,`LastUpdated` = `LastUpdated` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest|killhouse|villa|castle|pub|shelter|stodola|garage|MBG|warehouse|sara'; -- ---------------------------- -- Unlock vehicle's with no key. -- ---------------------------- UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Object_DATA`.`CharacterID` = 0,`LastUpdated` = `LastUpdated` WHERE `Object_DATA`.`CharacterID` <> 0 AND`Object_DATA`.`CharacterID` <= 12500 AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Tent%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE '%Locked' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Land%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Cinder%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Wood%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Metal%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE '%Storage%' AND`Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT IN ('OutHouse_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'WorkBench_DZ', 'Sandbag1_DZ', 'FireBarrel_DZ', 'DesertCamoNet_DZ', 'StickFence_DZ', 'LightPole_DZ', 'DeerStand_DZ', 'ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ', 'Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ', 'Hedgehog_DZ', 'FuelPump_DZ', 'Fort_RazorWire', 'SandNest_DZ', 'ForestCamoNet_DZ', 'Fence_corrugated_DZ', 'CanvasHut_DZ', 'Generator_DZ') AND FindVehicleKeysCount(Object_DATA.CharacterID) = 0; -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------Player Maintenance------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Delete player login data. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM `player_login`; -- ---------------------------- -- Delete dead characters. -- ---------------------------- DELETE from Character_data USING Character_data, Character_data as tempchartable WHERE (Character_data.PlayerUID = tempchartable.PlayerUID) AND (NOT Character_data.alive = tempchartable.alive) AND (Character_data.alive = 0); -- ---------------------------- -- Delete characters inactive for 30 days. -- ---------------------------- DELETE FROM Character_DATA WHERE LastLogin < NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY;  
  3. Like
    BigEgg reacted to _Lance_ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Ok I'm about to make a test run right now I'll add this in and let you know shortly, thanks!
  4. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    They wouldn't be able to build another plot and they wouldn't be able to build above the height limit that you set. Everything that was already built would remain at that height, but if they had for example a floor above your height limit, they would no longer be able to build on that floor, but that floor will still remain there as long as it is maintained.
  5. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in Let's see your basic.cfg!   
    Below is mine. I worked for several weeks to perfect it. At 46/46, there are no network messages being spammed in the rpt and no desync etc.... I compiled it from reading several posts about it.
    While idk which one is the best out there, this one has worked on every OVH server config I have ever had, so it should work on nearly every network speed setup.
    Let me know if you notice results :)
    language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1500000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; MinBandwidth = 1048576; MaxBandwidth = 524288000; MaxMsgSend = 1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 128; MinErrorToSend = 0.003; MinErrorToSendNear = 0.029999999; MaxCustomFileSize = 0;  
  6. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Hey Lance, I will have this updated in a couple hours when I am able to get on my P.C. Thanks for reminding me!
  7. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Not an issue at all, I do the same thing :) 
  8. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Good to hear - will update the post :)
  9. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    You will need to copy modular_build.sqf over to your mission folder and change the path in your compiles.
    In modular_build.sqf find:
    if(abs(_objHDiff) > DZE_buildMaxHeightDistance) exitWith { _isOk = false; _cancel = true; _reason = format[localize "STR_EPOCH_BUILD_FAIL_HEIGHT",DZE_buildMaxHeightDistance]; detach _object; deleteVehicle _object; if (_VectorWorkAround) then { detach _object2; deleteVehicle _object2; }; detach _objectHelper; deleteVehicle _objectHelper; }; Under it add:
    if (LimitBuildHeight && (((abs(_objHDiff)) + ((getPosATL (vehicle player)) select 2)) > MaxBuildHeight)) exitWith { _isOk = false; _cancel = true; _reason = format["Building is restricted above %1 meters.", MaxBuildHeight]; detach _object; deleteVehicle _object; if (_VectorWorkAround) then { detach _object2; deleteVehicle _object2; }; detach _objectHelper; deleteVehicle _objectHelper; };  
    That should work (haven't tested - will update the post when I have).
  10. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I have a fix in mind for this - I will post an update for it which should work (not home atm). Check back later.
  11. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    If you already have that in your dze_buildChecks.sqf, add this at the bottom:
    if (_cancel) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _reason call dayz_rollingMessages; [false, _isPole]; }; Above:
    //When calling this function in another script use a silent exitWith, unless you have something special to say. i.e. if (!(_canBuild select 0)) exitWith{}; [_canBuild, _isPole];  
  12. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    This does nothing but check to see if you want to block the height - you will still need to add the code above, or else those two variables have no effect at all.
  13. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from Hooty ุ in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Restrict Building is part of Epoch now.
    While there may be some extra features built in to that restrict building, I needed more options.
    What this does:
    Allows server owners to restrict entire zones of the map (for example - no building within 1,000 meters of Balota). Allows server owners to restrict building near certain buildings, and allows them to define the distance and name of each building they are restricting.  
    Step 1:
    In your init.sqf find:
    // EPOCH CONFIG VARIABLES END // Directly under it, add:
    // Restrict building near specific buildings BlacklistedBuildings = [ // ["What text will say", "Class name of building you want to block", Distance around that building to block (radius in meters)] ["Fire Station", "Land_a_stationhouse", 250] ]; // Restrict building near map areas RestrictedBuildingZones = [ // ["What text will say", [Choords of place to block], Distance around that area to block (radius in meters)] ["Balota Airfield", [5158.72, 2518.75, 0], 600] ];  
    Step 2:
    In your custom compiles.sqf add (NOTE: CHANGE THE FILE PATH TO FIT YOUR NEEDS):
    dze_buildChecks = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "FILE\PATH\HERE\dze_buildChecks.sqf"; into the if (!isDedicated) code block. Example:
    if (!isDedicated) then { dze_buildChecks = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "FILE\PATH\HERE\dze_buildChecks.sqf"; };  
    Step 3:
    Create an SQF file, in the path you have designated above, and name it dze_buildChecks.sqf.
    Step 4:
    Paste the following code into dze_buildChecks.sqf and save the file.
    Be sure to configure the settings in your init.sqf to your liking.
  14. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I mean, that would be weird. @Anhor, could you also post your dze_buildChecks.sqf?
    @juandayz, here is the code that sets dayz_actioninprogress to false.
    if (_cancel) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _reason call dayz_rollingMessages; [false, _isPole]; }; All of the restrictions that I added in this script go through this block of code if they are met. 
  15. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    If there are no errors then I honestly wouldn't know where to begin. I am not having this issue, nor is anyone else. Would you mind posting your client and server rpt logs (be sure to use spoilers)?
  16. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    And you are positive that you haven't changed anything in fn_selfActions? No matter what you should be getting the options, so this is clearly an issue with it.
  17. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I would double check, as those options are strictly controlled by fn_selfActions and should not be effected by these additions.
  18. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    This would be an install issue if you are being able to go 60m up, as countless people have installed this. Please be sure you have done everything correctly.
  19. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    If you'd like, I could get in contact with you sometime tomorrow and take a look, as something simple like this should not be causing these problems.
  20. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    This is the correct format (example pulled from my server):
    BlacklistedBuildings = [ ["Fire Station", "Land_a_stationhouse", 250], ["General Store", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", 250], ["Hospital", "Land_A_Hospital", 250], ["Fuel Pump", "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", 250], ["Fuel Station", "Land_fuelStation_army", 250], ["Fuel Station", "Land_fuelstation", 250], ["Fuel Pump", "Land_Ind_FuelStation_Feed_EP1", 250], ["Fuel Pump", "Land_ibr_FuelStation_Feed", 250], ["Fuel Pump", "Land_fuelStation_w", 250] ];  
  21. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I don't know if this could be causing the problem, but do you have this in as well?
    I apparently forgot to add this to the original post sometime back, but it prevents you from raising it above the height while building.
  22. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    They wouldn't be able to build another plot and they wouldn't be able to build above the height limit that you set. Everything that was already built would remain at that height, but if they had for example a floor above your height limit, they would no longer be able to build on that floor, but that floor will still remain there as long as it is maintained.
  23. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from GgeGib in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    Hey Lance, I will have this updated in a couple hours when I am able to get on my P.C. Thanks for reminding me!
  24. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from hootytherednecknigger in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    I mean, that would be weird. @Anhor, could you also post your dze_buildChecks.sqf?
    @juandayz, here is the code that sets dayz_actioninprogress to false.
    if (_cancel) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _reason call dayz_rollingMessages; [false, _isPole]; }; All of the restrictions that I added in this script go through this block of code if they are met. 
  25. Like
    BigEgg got a reaction from hootytherednecknigger in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    If there are no errors then I honestly wouldn't know where to begin. I am not having this issue, nor is anyone else. Would you mind posting your client and server rpt logs (be sure to use spoilers)?
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