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    Nasdero reacted to KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    Moving AI already works, only a few small fixes and new features need to be added.
    The next Update will be released approximately this WE.
  2. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Nic in Shelves and lockbox despawn   
    Every week, the items that are not used are deleted so it increases server performance and opens up more slots for other people to place stuff down. If you haven't touched a storage device in a week, it doesn't seem like you need what is in it very much. 
  3. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from Pinkyizthebrain in Will there be Taviana Map for Epoch A3?   
    How do they spawn, did you change allready something?
    They original script is looking for cities in the follow part, isn't it?
    _selectedCity=_allCitysDync select(floor random(count _allCitysDync));         if(!isNil "_selectedCity")then{                      _find=_allowedTypes find(getText(_selectedCity >> "type"));             if(_find >-1)then{                 _cityPos=getArray(_selectedCity >> "position");                 _range=getNumber(_selectedCity >> "radiusA")*1.3;                 _nearBy=count(_cityPos nearEntities[["LandVehicle","Ship","Air"],_range]);                 _limit=_spawnPositionSize select _find select 1;                 if(_limit > _nearBy)then{                     _roads=_cityPos nearRoads _range;                     if(_roads isEqualTo[])then{                         _allCitysDync=_allCitysDync-[_selectedCity];                     }else{                         _road=_roads select(floor random(count _roads));                         if(!isNil "_road")then{                             _position=getPosATL _road;                             if(_nearBy+1==_limit)then{                                 _allCitysDync=_allCitysDync-[_selectedCity]                             };                         };                     };                 }else{                     _allCitysDync=_allCitysDync-[_selectedCity];                 };             };         };         count _position==3 || diag_tickTime-_start>0.8 Wouldn't it possible, that we make a table with for example 15 rows with the coordinates from areas where vehicle can/should spawn (like the coordinates for the shipping container) and the script use this instead of the cities?
  4. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from Pinkyizthebrain in Will there be Taviana Map for Epoch A3?   
    I got a server ready, with the tradercities from Altis, but until the problem with the cars spawning in water, I will not start a public server, everything else is running, loot spawning in most of the open building also tav/origin buildings, sorted the kind of loot to the kind of buildings and I got the SEM missions running.
    So any news about the car spawn?
    Is there a classname for the lootable trashcan,fountain, garbage bags and water barrel?
    I'd like to place some on the map, on the new island on tavi are some trashcans, but not on the old islands.
  5. Like
    Nasdero reacted to speaR in Will there be Taviana Map for Epoch A3?   
    Epoch Taviana 3.0 ATM's
    These ATM's are placed on the following places:
    train stations (small and big ones) bus stops supermarkets (taviana and standard ones) pubs gas stations ​There are placed 117 ATM's over the whole map (the Origins islands included)
  6. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Angrygargamel in Earplugs for vehicles...   
    guys... just to make it clear....
    im not interested in discussions with you IF we need this...
    fact is... we WANT it... and i asked for a way to make it work...
    so save your comments... i dont care about your alternatives...
  7. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from Drunkie in Chernarus Failure   
    Did you use the old database? Then this is the prob, you have to start with a new one, you can not use your altis DB on chernarus!
  8. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from waltermydoinhere in 2.5.1. Food & Drinks   
    The cooked meat should give much more hunger, I guess it was 500 or so, if I eat so much meat, I'm full for a half day ;).
  9. Like
    Nasdero reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.2.5 Patch Changelog   
    [New] Custom single seater "Mosquito" Light helicopter. [New] Consumables can now give the player multiple attributes on use. [New] Honey can now be consumed and an empty jar is returned. [New] Empty Food cooler added. To be used with food crafting. [New] Metal Scraps added and can be found in many places as well as crafted into Salvage Metal. [New] 3 new Soda cans some with unique attributes. [New] Player Krypto account added. Accessed by pressing the Inventory key next to a phonebooth or an ATM. Larger the transaction the longer it takes. [New] Custom Weapons: AK47, M14, m249, m107, m4a3 ported from Arma 2. [New] Camo version of female wetsuit. [New] Female Ghillie Suits Tan, Light Green, Dark Green. [New] SteamAPI support added for future features and VAC ban check system. [New] In-game Admin Panel cleanup and features added: Spawn Menu, 3D ESP, Map ESP, Basic Admin levels. [Changed] Removed all "Take" and "Rearm" actions to prevent taking items from locked vehicles. A new take option will be added soon to allow item access underwater. [Changed] Sledge Hammer damage increased 2x. [Changed] Loot now spawns more readily. [Changed] Loot table tweaks to increase building materials. [Changed] setTimeMultiplier 4x enabled by default. Can be changed with timeMultiplier in epochconfig. [Changed] Shelf, tipi, and Frequency Jammer are now built using the physx build mode. [Changed] Combat Logging: Players now leave a Doppelganger behind for 60 seconds after disconnect. This can be changed or disabled in epochconfig.hpp server side. [Changed] Death trigger now spawns shark if player is killed at sea. [Changed] Added Override vars to epochconfig that control object expiry. vehicle, building, storage (7 days), players (30 days). [Changed] Vehicle slots limit now based directly on total of per vehicle counts in allowed vehicles list. [Changed] Reworked backend of NPC trader mechanism to be more accurate and optimized. [Changed] Land vehicles now spawn in cities near roads instead of anywhere on roads. [Changed] Many performance and security changes server side. [Changed] Vehicle save queue system for better performance. [Changed] Seasonal items like Meeps and Halloween masks removed from loot tables. [Fixed] UAV's are no longer static and now move like they are supposed to. [Fixed] Fully disabled thermal equipment for all vehicles. [Fixed] Geometry of walls changed to help reduce glitching. [Fixed] Disallow Holster and GetOver action near base walls, to reduce wall glitching. [Fixed] Global setdamage event with Communication towers. [info] Reworked server configs. InstanceID is now set in EpochServer.ini and the rest in epochconfig.hpp now found in @EpochHive folder. [Known Issues] Weapon attachments get wiped when player to player trading. (workaround for now take the items off the weapon first). [Known Issues] Moving a painted corrugated wall causes it to lose its color.
  10. Like
    Nasdero reacted to vbawol in [Feature Suggestion] Mute Arma 3 SFX Keybind   
    Thanks for the feedback, this should be easy to implement so we will look into adding this.
  11. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Richie in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    This thread has so many great ideas but far too much bullshit, let's be civil people and keep things on topic and mature :)
  12. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from cring0 in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    I do agree!
    We had on our server the indestructible building, I didn't liked this idea, but the behavior of a lot of player didn't let us a chance, they stroyed the building just for fun, not to get stuff, just to annoy other player. Ok I never played vanilla A2 Dayz Epoch, on the most not vanilla server it wasn't that difficult to get the material to build. I played a lot of time A3 Epoch vanilla and I will tell you what time I needed to build our base:
    1. 9h to get the material for the frequency jammer
    2. 5 days each 2-4h to get 1 wooden wall with a locked door, 1 garage door locked, approximately 5 wooden walls and approximately 5 cynderblock walls
    So let say ~25h, this on a nearly empty server, so I was able to loot a lot of shipping container, on a server with a lot of players, you will need much more time for sure.
    I don't think, it is ok, that other player can destroy this in seconds or minutes. The player who build a base is a player who plays regularly on this server, the guys who destroy the base, mustn't be a regular player on this server, he just found a car and a weapon, found a base and placed the car close to the wall and let it explode and can destroy a base where the basebuilder put a lot of effort in!
    The argument, that this will fill the server with a lot of objects, when the base is not destructible, doesn't count, you have to maintain the base, so if you don't play any more, then the base will disapear.

    There are still options to raid a base, wait until someone open a door and shoot him, or take a chopper, do a parachute. This is much more interesting than just destroy something to get in!
    Maybe create an other object, like a ladder, maybe craftable, should be very rare, this ladder should be long enough do get over a wall and should be also useable when a jammer is nearby, or something like a grappling iron with a rope.
    I hope you guys, think about it.
    Kind regards,
  13. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from MGT in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    I do agree!
    We had on our server the indestructible building, I didn't liked this idea, but the behavior of a lot of player didn't let us a chance, they stroyed the building just for fun, not to get stuff, just to annoy other player. Ok I never played vanilla A2 Dayz Epoch, on the most not vanilla server it wasn't that difficult to get the material to build. I played a lot of time A3 Epoch vanilla and I will tell you what time I needed to build our base:
    1. 9h to get the material for the frequency jammer
    2. 5 days each 2-4h to get 1 wooden wall with a locked door, 1 garage door locked, approximately 5 wooden walls and approximately 5 cynderblock walls
    So let say ~25h, this on a nearly empty server, so I was able to loot a lot of shipping container, on a server with a lot of players, you will need much more time for sure.
    I don't think, it is ok, that other player can destroy this in seconds or minutes. The player who build a base is a player who plays regularly on this server, the guys who destroy the base, mustn't be a regular player on this server, he just found a car and a weapon, found a base and placed the car close to the wall and let it explode and can destroy a base where the basebuilder put a lot of effort in!
    The argument, that this will fill the server with a lot of objects, when the base is not destructible, doesn't count, you have to maintain the base, so if you don't play any more, then the base will disapear.

    There are still options to raid a base, wait until someone open a door and shoot him, or take a chopper, do a parachute. This is much more interesting than just destroy something to get in!
    Maybe create an other object, like a ladder, maybe craftable, should be very rare, this ladder should be long enough do get over a wall and should be also useable when a jammer is nearby, or something like a grappling iron with a rope.
    I hope you guys, think about it.
    Kind regards,
  14. Like
    Nasdero reacted to MGT in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    Exactly, we have a core of about 15 players who have been on the server since April 2013 and it's about getting the balance right. Blowing shit up is fun, but not if you've spent weeks gathering and building and come back to find everything ruined.
  15. Like
    Nasdero reacted to SkyDogs in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    This is exactly my point! And boy, the fun we had doing those things you mention, Dave; much more fun than blowing shit up while nobody is home to fight back. ANd there wasn't many server rage quits, despite us evicting a fair few of the base cowards.
  16. Like
    Nasdero reacted to MGT in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    On our A2DZE servers we have indestructible cinder and metal floors, everything else can be destroyed, so if you put the effort in to make a base from cinder and metal you will be rewarded with a bit more protection. 
    That indestructibility doesn't stop base takeovers, but removes the easy "blow it up" method to gain entry. You have to be clever like camp it from a distance until someone is opening a door, or drop in from a heli and camp it out until the owners return.
  17. Like
    Nasdero reacted to CordIAsis in What's the point of building when people can destroy your base with c4   
    The attitude is probably because they spend day after day, working hard as hell to fix things, implement things and just make things better. Then people come one here, seemingly oblivious to the fact that IT'S NOT EVEN NEARLY FINISHED YET and start talking in a disrespectful way toward the devs and the mod. It can get tiresome when you feel unappreciated by the very community members you are building something for.
  18. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Defent in Altis map Sucks   
    I think they will use other maps later. But it's just easier to use Altis right now as it's default and would not come with unexpected errors. Better to make it stable first then start adapting to other maps. I hope that they make it default in the mod though so that we dont have to run additional mods and force players to add extra launching options like with overpoch..
  19. Like
    Nasdero reacted to FPSTrollywood in Helicopter transforms into space shuttle   
    Nuff said...
  20. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Knawx in the great king dean hall has called upon thee   
    The stand alone engine is garbage. Arma III Epoch runs way better than the stand alone.
  21. Like
    Nasdero reacted to vbawol in Discussion: Official Server Files Release Date!   
    Its not that we want to limit the modding community but want to see actual mods made instead of just changes to our existing code. We will release documentation on our backend systems so that everyone can take advantage of what I think is a really powerful and flexible system.
    I would like to also provide examples of how to make a proper server side mod for Epoch with example usage of our backend. The end goal is to make Epoch a framework that people will want to run along side their own mods just for what it offers.
    If everyone makes mods that work this way it will be easier for everyone to update and as a result cause less support issues in total as well as allow us to make sure the core of Epoch is error free and flexible. A lot is possible with server side mods and mission files and as the distribution issues get sorted out (steamworks) we may see client side mods use Epoch much in the same way people use CBA today.
    That said keep in mind that we are still only 20% feature complete and will be adding many more features so for most people it may not be a good idea to jump into making a mod for Epoch just yet.
  22. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Saltzman in DAFUQ is with the new helis, dem mechanics though   
    Smokie you actually took the time to post and cry about how bad of a pilot you are.........  :lol:  Go play COD
  23. Like
    Nasdero reacted to Silent_Sniper in Is there anyway for the dev's to remove advange flying.   
    As I said in my earlier post, This Is a Simulator Game, NOT CALL OF DUTY !  

    I get so tired of seeing people pulling air stunts or fast dive strafe runs that can not be done all together with out your main rotor failing or breaking. I really like the new flight model, and yes for those of you who are saying the engine sounds like it going to stall is because you can not fly like it's an arcade game. Spend some time practicing in the editor or get Take on Helicopters, either way this was a much needed add to the game. I'm looking forward to seeing the real pilots show up and not the average player playing CALL OF DUTY crap gaming  run and gun, and 90 degree strafe run dives. As far as Locking first person view, No it's a game and to be honest that is what a Hard Core server is for. 
  24. Like
    Nasdero got a reaction from Oshydaka in Is there anyway for the dev's to remove advange flying.   
    I hate that every kid can fly a chopper in Arma.
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    Nasdero reacted to ToejaM in Is there anyway for the dev's to remove advange flying.   
    I can see this being akin to first person/third person and that many servers will have to have the bambi mode to be popular, which is a shame. BIS should never have made it optional.
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