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Posts posted by classified787

  1. Viper this is a zombie script. Like the A3AI there are no markers to be had. If installed correctly though they make plenty of noise. You can create markers for the Zombie to spawn at but I dont think they are the kind that show on the map. I am sure someone that know a bit more will correct me if I am wrong. The only way a marker shows on the map is if you add it to your Mission SQM.

    This is a great script though. Useful that the zombie and ai go at it. Helps in locating the AI. LOL

    To make AI or zombies spawn on markers you do put the markers in the mission.sqm and you make them "empty" and they will not show up on the map. Such as,

    class Markers

      items = 1;
      class Item0
       position[] = {6318.23,5.99569,2343.52};
       name = "sec1";
       type = "Empty";
  2. Ok I have done a lot of editing to test it shut BE we need filters for this you also get hit in god mode zombies spawn everywhere now they do a lot less damage this may help you guys in your quest and mine I take no credit just a lot of tweaking and rewriting some of the code http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=09921468409580564425



    Thanks Black for the start of something big

    The link you put for the file location is reported as a Malicious website. My anti-virus detected 7 different malware attempts at installing themselves on my computer when I clicked on your link. Please post your script on GitHub. 

  3. I relocated the respawn_west location in order move the spawn box to a new location. I will spawn in the spawn box but there are no portals at all. I have tried moving the location again back to the original coordinates and I will spawn in the box at the original location again inside the spawn box but no portals. I edited the config/map/whatevermap.h file to match the new spawn box location but nothing I seem to do brings back the portals. Any ideas would be welcome cause I am sort of stuck on this one.


    I fixed it. Of course it was one little edit that I missed. And I thought of it after I posted.

  4. Suppe, Just wanted to say great script again. So far you are coming out with some really good ones. I'm still running your AI sector script and it is still working great, love the update you did and just added the crafting one to the server. Really nice work. We just purchased our own dedicated server so just got everything switched over and all the scripts are running error free and fast now. Great work again.

  5. I didn't realize it was the wrong ammo because I changed the loadout for the AI. Maybe that is one of the reasons I didn't have that issue. I gave mine some MAS weapons. Also, the AI on my server will climb buildings and take up positions on top of the buildings and whatever else they can find once the shooting starts. 

    Can't wait to try the update the older version worked great for me. Again great work, thanks for sharing. 

  6. Do you have this link? wouldn't mind seeing it against mine to see if there is a typo :/



    classified787 - are you sure that's for Chernarus? Looks like it is in the sea, on the edge of map and wayyyy up in the air?

    There is a dialogue at the bottom of the simplecache script that im not getting to tell me it is working. I do get the simplecache is starting thing though. Still no sign of AI.

    Im testing using this spot

    class Item0


    position[] = {12020,12685,250};

    name = "neaf";

    type = "Empty";


    which is the north east airfield (aka arma 2 plane dealer location). It is 150m up and I have increased it to 250 (got the same cpos errors you did Liquid so moved into the air.)

    my commands are

    nul = ["neaf",3,300,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[10,5],[3,0],0.6,nil,nil,nil] execVM "\x\addons\Sector_addon\scripts\LV\militarize.sqf";

    nul = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18],[player],1200,true,true] execVM "\x\addons\Sector_addon\scripts\LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf";

    Weird, just weird!


    This is the link to my github that I posted the mission.sqm for chernarus.

    And Guffmaker, I am running this on Chernarus on my Epoch dedicated server and my Epoch dedicated test server. So yes it is is for Chernarus. What I did with the mission.sqm is to make the AI just occupy one city and put a marker on the map as a military occupied zone. I am also running this with all my other AI missions and no conflicts or errors. I am running SEM, VEMF, and A3EAI, I also edited Suppe's sector map that he included with the script to add even more buildings to the cherno map. (Thanks Suppe for showing me a real easy way to add buildings, you are a life saver). If anybody would like to see it working on cherno I will be more than happy to open up my test server for all to login to take a look, but I have messed with the AI a little and they are very dangerous on my test server. I have them set at the default settings on the actual player server. If it will help I will post any files for cherno to github for download as I still haven't figured out how to do the spoiler thing in the forums.

  7. So i just got done running around looting in my underwear for the last few hours and nothing. Just some sappers and the drones. I got killed a few times and respawned at all three of the locations and started out from there going to the nearest towns and going through every house. No cultist at all.


    I went in and changed the spawn settings on the cultist to see if that might help and I am testing right now on my test server.


    I turned up the spawn on the cultist to 50 and went through the entire night cycle as a fresh spawn, looting and drones came in and I got killed a few times by the AI since I wasn't armed. But nothing else ever came in, no cultist at all.

  8. Not sure if this is the place to be asking, but I was just wondering if anybody else is having this issue. 

    I am running  my main game server and my test server and after a couple of weeks I have noticed there has not been any cultist spawning. I turned up the spawn rate on the antagonists and I get a lot of sappers but still have not seen any cultist.



  9. Can you post your script line with your ai skill set change.



    This is located in the scripts\LV\fillhouse.sqf about line # 102 (using Notepad++) The one for the militarize.sqf is located at line # 129. I just changed them up to .6 right now. I tried them higher but in all honesty that makes them pretty deadly.


    _unit setSkill 0.6;
    _unit forceAddUniform "B_soldier_AR_F";
    _unit addVest "V_21_EPOCH";
    _unit addWeapon "arifle_MXC_Holo_pointer_snds_F";
    _unit addMagazines [("30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"), 6];
    _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Holosight";
    _unit setCombatMode "RED";
    _unit enableAI "TARGET";
    _unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
  10. If it will help, I have this running on my cherno map right now with no problems. And by the way on my test server I turned up the skill level on the AI to .7 and I would not recommend it, they will own your butt. lol
    I will post my mission.sqm for cherno, but I have the markers set for just the main large city Chernogorsk on the bottom of the coastline. If you want to relocate them to a different location drop this mission.sqm in a folder "chernosector.Chernarus" for example. Start up ArmA 3 and go to the map editor (have AllinArmaTerrain, Epoch, and whatever other mod you want active) load up the mission.sqm select markers and then just drag them around to where you want them.


    Not sure how to do the spoiler thing. So I will upload it to my github account and post it there if you want to see the mission.sqm



  11. Suppe,

    I did just that to run it on my test server for chernarus and all I have to say is You are the Man!!!

    I am loving this script. It gives you the option to turn an area into a military occupied zone. The guys I have on my server are going to love this. I am already using sem's missions and the A3's AI town invasions but I like all the options this gives you to set static zones. Great work and thanks for sharing.

  12. Great script and really great idea. I am going to install this on my test server first to have some fun with it before i push it to my actual game server. I noticed in the Sector_addon.pbo/mapcontent/sector.sqf it is only for Napf. If I am not concerned about the additional buildings do I have to change all the map coordinates in that file for the specific map I am running. In this case Chernarus. Or can I just comment out the sector.sqf without causing problems.

    As a note I have already added several new houses and military buildings to the map, towns, countryside, etc..

  13. I also wanted to ask you, did you manually enter all that into the script or did you use a tool to export and it formatted it that way?

    I am using the new x-cam to do map editing but it doesn't really format it correctly for me, well at least not the format I am used to using. I am more familar with how you have yours but I haven't been able to find something that has the correct output format, so I end up having to do it all manually.

  14. I did go to several of the sites coordinates within the sqf files. Found nothing. This is on my test server so I am running a lot of stuff just for testing. This is the only pbo I am trying to run that adds buildings. I am going to remove everything but vemf, sem, and my loot spawning script for mas weapons and see what happens then. Sorry for the delay in response I have had a rough week at work. Let you know what happens.



    UPDATE: I took everything that I had running on my test server off and all the buildings showed up. I then put everything back on one at a time and the buildings are still there. So got it working, not sure what was causing the interference but everything is working fine now.

    Great job by the way, really fits in with the Cherno and with EPOCH. And as far as loosing your players I know your pain, I have a wasteland server, besides the EPOCH server, and I was getting nothing but great reviews but then all my players left. I still have the server and I just can't get rid of it because of all the additions I have made to it. I also have a website and I have no problems advertising your server on there with mine if you want.

    Again great job, and thanks for sharing.

  15. I downloaded and just dropped the PBO that comes with the download in Epochhive/addons folder and nothing. I checked my rpt logs and I get no errors from it at all. But I also get no indication that it is actually running either. My other scripts, such as VEMF.PBO, SEM.PBO and a few others are running fine. Again I did not unpack the PBO that came with the download I just put it in the addons folder as is and started up my test server and didn't find any additional buildings or bases at any of the locations.

    I really appreciate how hard to release all your hard work like this cause I have done a lot of building bases into the script for ArmA 3 and it is a lot of long hours. Much appreciation and thanks for releasing your work. I would really like to see the final product. Thanks. 

  16. I am trying to run this on my Cherno server, Checked RPT files and it shows it is loading, does not crash my server, I can join just like normal but no zombies ever spawn. I have gone around the map for an hour to different towns and just wondered around but nothing. I get no errors at all, and all my other stuff is running normal on the server. Roaming AI, AI missions. Look forward to when this can be fully functional and hopefully I can get it working.

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