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Posts posted by Psythrandir

  1. Du scheinst das gleiche Problem wie wir zu haben. Leider konnten wir den Fehler noch nicht lokalisieren. Wir konnten lediglich die Dauer der Lags durch das Entfernen einiger scrips erheblich reduzieren. 

    Wir haben jetzt ein von Black Eagle modifiziertes VEMF, das A3AI 0.9.3 laufen und ein custom lootbox script laufen. Dadurch konnten wir die Dauer der lags auf wenige Sekunden reduzieren. Sofern wir beobachtet haben, tauchen diese Lags nur noch dann auf, wenn ein Spieler das spawnen der Bots aus dem VEMF script triggert.


    Google transaltion:

    You seem the same problem as we have. Unfortunately, we could not locate the fault. We were only able to significantly reduce the duration of the lag by removing some scrips.

    We now have a modified Black Eagle VEMF that run A3AI 0.9.3 and running a custom script lootbox. This allowed us to reduce the duration of the lag of a few seconds. Insofar as we have observed, these lags appear only when a player's spawn the bots from the VEMF script triggers.

  2. Since we've disabled the halojumps in the custom spawn script the lags are gone.
    In the last days we had one lag which was caused by a player trying to connect with our server. This guy is playing in our group so he is online more often. Usually no lags happen when he is connecting. Meanwhile he has serveral succsessfull connections to the server without producing any lag. I think/hope this one Lag was an exception. Other players (some of them were new) who have connected don't produced any lags.

    BTW: We have enabled the parachute drops by A3EAI but it didn't work. We have 80% chance of such droppings and a 50-60% chance for Chopper reinforcements but it seems that this isn't working too. Any other make such expiriences with

  3. Now we've reduced the A3EAI spawns but that did not solved anything.

    We've got 3 very big lags today. ALL of these lags happend when a player tryed to connect to the server.
    At this Time I've found following in the RPT:


    21:38:23 Server: Network message 2409ff is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a03 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a04 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a05 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a06 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a07 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a08 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0c is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0c is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0e is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0f is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0f is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a10 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a10 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a11 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a11 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a14 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a33 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3c is pending


    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored
    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored
    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored

    (about 30 or more times)

    This kind of error messege I did't seen before I think.


    The custom spawn script we are using has the option to spawn with an halojump by using a parachute .... A3EAI has an option with parachutes too (Helicopter patrouls and helicopter reinforcements) which we have enabled.

    May be the lags have something to do with the parachutes??


    (sorry for just copying my post from the A3EAI thread but this issue makes me mad und we want to figure out whats the reason for)

  4. Now we've reduced the A3EAI spawns but that did not solved anything.

    We've got 3 very big lags today. ALL of these lags happend when a player tryed to connect to the server.
    At this Time I've found following in the RPT:


    21:38:23 Server: Network message 2409ff is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a01 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a03 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a04 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a05 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a06 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a07 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a08 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a09 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0a is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0c is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0c is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0d is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0e is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0f is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a0f is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a10 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a10 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a11 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a11 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a13 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a14 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a32 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a33 is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3b is pending
    21:38:23 Server: Network message 240a3c is pending


    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored
    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored
    21:38:17 No player found for channel 1358753728 - message ignored

    (about 30 or more times)

    This kind of error messege I did't seen before I think.


    The custom spawn script we are using has the option to spawn with an halojump by using a parachute .... A3EAI has an option with parachutes too (Helicopter patrouls and helicopter reinforcements) which we have enabled.

    May be the lags have something to do with the parachutes??


    jaspoe ... do you have enabled parachutes on your server too?


  5. Today we've added a custom spawn script and A3EAI too and the lags are back!

    Maybe the new custom spawn script is the reason, But I don't really think so. Seems to a problem with the AI.

  6. No we don't using HC or something else.

    Our Support created a new Server with a fresh DB and the same settings like the vanilla testserver. ATM we don't have any lags.
    We've added an older release of VEMF and and it seems all is running fine atm.

  7. THX for your support! 

    Our Provider has create us a new vanilla server on the same machine where our mainserver is running. 
    We're testing it since Sunday evening and until now we can't recognize any lags.

    The support is trying to copy the settings of the testserver onto our mainserver. We hope this will fix the issue.


    BTW: Because we're not the only ones who have that kind of problem I'm in a discussion about this issue with others in this thread too: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31551-a3eai-roamingvehicle-ai-patrols-discontinued/&page=47


  8. GTX has made us a server which is running on the same machine where our "real" server is hosted. This new test server is running on vanilla.
    We are testing it since Yesterday evening and don't had any lags yet. We will test it until tomorrow. If all is running fine than the GTX support wants to copy the settings of the test server to our main server in hope that this will solve the problem.

    I hope this is working.

  9. did you check the basic.cfg settings? sounds like you should give that a try.

    We didnt changed anything with this file. It should be vanilla.


    First you need to fix those errors, could you make a pastebin of your entire rpt?

    Yes I'll do that later when I come home.

  10. We have still the same problem although we done the following things: 

    We are using Build 1 atm.


    We had wiped our DB - doesn't helped
    We had disabled all scripts and customizations - 
    doesn't helped
    Our provider moved us another server wich is runnig onto another machine too - doesn't helped
    Our provider has doing maintance work on the server serveral times. - doesn't helped

    We now running in vanilla but still have massive lags/desynchs. 

    I recognized following errors in our RPT:

     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_90) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_91) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_400) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_90) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_91) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_400) not found.
     5:17:10 Server: Object 2:1699 not found (message Type_327)
     5:17:31 Server: Object 2:1703 not found (message Type_327)

    (Kind of the errors above are very very often in the RPT)


    6:01:53 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:01:53   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:01:53   Error Zero divisor
     6:01:53 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:01 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:01   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:01   Error Zero divisor
     6:02:01 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:18 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:18   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:18   Error Zero divisor
     6:02:18 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:26 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:26   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:26   Error Zero divisor







  11. I'm have to correct my last post :(

    Wiping of the DB did NOT solve the problem!
    We have still this lags! 



    We now have restored our old DB and try to run the server on vanilla.

    I'll keep you informed...



    Deleting ALL scripts and customizations didn't solve the problem too!

    I'm beginning to think that this caused by Epoch or Arma3 itself.
    We had wiped DB - doesn't helped
    We had disabled all scripts and customizations - 
    doesn't helped
    Our provider moved us another server wich is runnig onto a other machine too - doesn't helped
    Our provider has doing maintance work on the server serveral times. - doesn't helped

    Its not my intention to speak bad about the provider where we have hosted our server but I would like to know from which provider the other admins who have the same problems their server got.
    Is your server
    coincidentally hosted by GTX too??? 




    I recognized following errors in our RPT:

     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_90) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_91) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:132 (type Type_400) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_90) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_91) not found.
     5:16:17 Client: Object 6:133 (type Type_400) not found.
     5:17:10 Server: Object 2:1699 not found (message Type_327)
     5:17:31 Server: Object 2:1703 not found (message Type_327)

    (Kind of the errors above are very very often in the RPT)


    6:01:53 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:01:53   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:01:53   Error Zero divisor
     6:01:53 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:01 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:01   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:01   Error Zero divisor
     6:02:01 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:18 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:18   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:18   Error Zero divisor
     6:02:18 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_handle_say3D.sqf, line 14
     6:02:26 Error in expression <= _this select 2;
    _sound = EPOCH_sounds select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:26   Error position: <select _soundIndex;

    if (!isNil "_sound">
     6:02:26   Error Zero divisor


  12. I have like 8 missions up at one time and 3 milbases with A3EAI along with roaming ones. I just want to re-iterate that there are no freezes with this setup for my server after a wipe of the database. I run my servers on nfoservers full-dedibox and infiSTAR.


    I agree that it is not this framework. Had the same issues. Even disabling A3EAI didn't solve it. Wiping the db did it for me. The error messages pointed to corrupt player data. Also A3EAI doesn't write to or read from the db as far as I am aware. 

    We have wiped our DB too. Server runs with more than 100 AIs (Missions, patrouls, etc) from A3EAI and a  secondary mission script (VEMF).
    We've played for about 5 hours and got an avarage of 30-50 server FPS and we had NO LAGS/FREEZES! 

    Seems that wiping of the DB is helping.
    We hope that this will not only help temporarily.  

  13. These lags arent caused by A3EAI! We deleted the script from our server and we have got still those lags. It seems that one of the other scripts we are using is the reason. We are using VEMF (tested without the script but still lags), igiload, heli crashsides, custom crates, a briefing and a welcome script.

    We will try to run our server vanilla to figure out if one of these scripts is the reason for the lags. I recommed to do the same if you got the same problem.

  14. The @A3EAI folder needs to go in the folder that Arma 3 is installed in.

    and -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@A3EAI;


    should be -mod=@Epoch;   -servermod=@EpochHive;@A3EAI;


    assuming you have the correct ip and port in there as well.


    We have the same problem.

    Added the @A3EAI folde in to the main dir. 

    With -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@A3EAI; nothings spawns.

    and with -mod=@Epoch;   -servermod=@EpochHive;@A3EAI; server isnt starting.

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