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    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    I am so sorry, now it works great and thank you, He-man :-)
  2. Like
    Kenobi reacted to He-Man in Error   
    You have changed this?
    BRPVP_processZombieHit = compileFinal ' params ["_uTarget","_damage"]; _hits = getAllHitPointsDamage _uTarget select 2; _uTarget setdamage ((damage _uTarget) + _damage); {_uTarget setHitIndex [_forEachIndex,_x + _damage,true];} forEach _hits; '; THis should not change anything in the behavior. Or are there any errors in rpt?
  3. Like
    Kenobi reacted to He-Man in Error   
    For the damage:
    Epoch Debug only check "damage Player".
    In this scripts, you do "sethitindex" for all hits, but do not change the overall damage.
    That is the reason, why the damage is not displayed.
    If I have checked it correctly, you can change:
    {_uTarget setHitIndex [_forEachIndex,_x + _damage,true];} forEach (getAllHitPointsDamage _uTarget select 2); to
    _hits = getAllHitPointsDamage _uTarget select 2; _uTarget setdamage ((damage _uTarget) + _damage); {_uTarget setHitIndex [_forEachIndex,_x + _damage,true];} forEach _hits;  
  4. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    Hello Donnovan,
    noticed, that admin menu owners in epochAH.hpp can't see zombie map icons. How to fix it?
    And like Cubitron wrote, fix for damage Epoch system would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
  5. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    Small changes I have done,
    and now it is for me as I want.
    If anybody want try..
    In brpvp_zombies_loop.sqf
    _proneFactor = if (_stance == "CROUCH") then {0.5} else {1};
    _proneFactor = _proneFactor min (if (_stance == "PRONE") then {-0.15} else {1});
    _proneFactor = if ((_stance == "CROUCH") && (speed player < 13)) then {-0.2} else {1};
    _proneFactor = _proneFactor min (if (_stance == "PRONE") then {-0.4} else {1});
    These changes with BRPVP_zombieFactorLimit = 35; giving this result:
    Increase spawning (running straighten up, walking straighten up, running CROUCH mode) - One red zombie icon in 8 seconds.
    Decrease spawning (walking CROUCH mode) - One green zombie icon in 28 seconds.
    Decrease spawning (PRONE mode) - One green zombie icon in 14 seconds.
  6. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    Okay folks, I have made some changes (will update the first post with them) based on suggestions and good video reports from @Kenobi- Cheers mate!
    First, a small change to the take clothes code in CfgActionMenu_target.hpp so that the option to take clothes will not be provided when looking at dead things with no uniforms, like the vanilla Epoch adversaries like sappers, cloakers and zombies and the Ryan's Zombies zombies (which are not the same):
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; The definition of the base classes for west, east and guer soldiers should catch most AI wearing uniforms from any mod. That definitely is the case for CUP.
    Changed the custom/TakeClothes.sqf script to set a variable on the corpse so a uniform can only be changed once, even if you subsequently take the uniform off them (thanks @Ghostrider-GRG) and present a message to the player if they attempt to take it again:
    /* Author: Grahame Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target","_player","_target_uniform","_player_uniform","_target_carried_items","_player_carried_items","_clothes_taken"]; _target = _this select 0; _player = _this select 1; _target_carried_items = []; _player_carried_items = []; _items_to_add = []; _clothes_taken = _target getvariable ["CLOTHESTAKEN", "false"]; if (_clothes_taken != "true") then { _target setvariable ["CLOTHESTAKEN", "true", true]; _target_uniform = uniform _target; _player_uniform = uniform _player; _target_carried_items = uniformItems _target; _player_carried_items = uniformItems _player; _items_to_add = _player_carried_items + _target_carried_items; _target forceAddUniform _player_uniform; _player forceAddUniform _target_uniform; { _player addItem _x; } foreach _items_to_add; } else { ["Clothes have already been taken from this body", 5] call Epoch_message; }; As a result of that change you will also need to add !"CLOTHESTAKEN" to your setvariable.txt BattlEye filter.
    Please let me know if you find any other issues.
  7. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    Steps to reproduce copy issue ;-)
  8. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    My friend told me this issue, I tryed reproduce this on my test server but negative. I ask him for video, so maybe later I can post some stuff :-)
  9. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  10. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  11. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    Thats a main point all around my idea. The condition must be done for speed and coincidently for crouch mode. Runing in crouch mode with shift pressed give almost full max speed. If condition will be for crouch mode + speed max 12-13, then movement will be what i have on my mind. Player will moving silently and zombies will not spawns. I think everybody will want moving fast, everybody will want to kill zombies :-) But if player will want play silent assassin role, zombies will sleep deep under grass. Maybe I will have to forget about this feature. For me it is hard to explain in english this stuff. Google translator helping me every day. I hope you understand what i have on my mind. In all case, this script is very good and i want to add this one to my server. Thank you again.
  12. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    Thank you. I found epoch CfgRemoteExec in:
    Solved issues 4 and 5 that I mentioned.
  13. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Donnovan in Error   
  14. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    UPDATE: I got some time before heading off for meetings and tested the below "solution". Can confirm that admin's viewdistance is now limited as a player's is... Other admin tools seem to be fine too. If others can also test then I will work on adding a variable to epochAH.hpp, the reading of same in server_securityfunctions.sqf and then wrap the added lines in an if based on that variable. Hopefully the devs will accept that back and people will not have to maintain custom code each release...
    Would inserting the following:
    [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; setViewDistance "+str _skn_viewDistance+"; setObjectViewDistance["+str _skn_viewDistanceObects+", 100]; setTerrainGrid "+str _skn_terrainGrid+"; }; before line 1271 which reads:
    uiNamespace setVariable['ESP_mainMap', findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51]; in server_securityfunctions.sqf do the trick. Might have time to test this evening. Basically though, the admins have a separate code path for AH initialization than non-admins as shown in the following code:
    531 EPOCH_server_pushPlayer = compileFinal (" params ['_playerNetID','_playerUID','_C_SET','_fsmHandle','_player']; if (_playerUID in "+ str _skn_adminUIDArray+") then { _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_Admin_Code+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_adminLog+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_hackerLog+"'; _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_Admin_Init+"'; } else { _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_AH_Init+"'; }; [_fsmHandle,['_C_SET', _C_SET]] remoteExecCall ['setFSMVariable', _player]; true "); So basically the _skn_code_antihack function that includes the viewdistance settings for normal players is replaced by _skn_admincode for admins and the proposal above runs the viewdistance related code in the admin function too...
  15. Like
    Kenobi reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    Restart batch files are an important way to get everything up and running properly.
    I have built over the years a nice startup that will handle most hosts needs.
    Once the server is started, we can rely on Epoch's built in shutdown timer.
    Thus using a monitor will allow for a smooth restart every time and within a few minutes of shutting down.
    Firewall rules can be very easy or it can feel very difficult and frustrating.
    Its always safe to just open up the Firewall Rules in Windows and just add your new rules.
    After a few years I choose to use a firewall toggle within my restart batch files.

    Example files(Edit to your needs):

    By default Epoch will perform as intended with the base Epoch and A3 assets.
    If you would like to use a mod Epoch has setup already for compatiblity
    These configs are here: 
    For example if you would like to add CUP weapons and vehicles to your server use this:
    forcedVehicleSpawnTable = "allowedVehiclesList_CUP"; forcedLootSpawnTable = "CfgLootTable_CUP";
    If you are using another mod/addon with assets for these categories you can customize the lists in these files here:

    Vehicles default array:

    Loot default array:
    Other Loot default array: <- includes everything else Epoch allows you to loot, ie animals, ambient objects, missions, etc
  16. Like
    Kenobi reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    A lot of people have confusion on ports, there should not be any at all.
    ARMA 3 for this example GAME PORT is 2302
    Query Port which is for server lists, gametracker, battlemetrics, etc
    BE Port which was recently added is dedicated to battleye traffic and will help ease the load on our other ports.
    RCON Port this is setup by you and can be several different choices.

    Game Port: 2302 (Your Choice)
    Query Port: 2303 (A3 Default is Game Port+1)
    BE Port: 2306 (A3 Default is Game Port +4)
    RCON Port: 2307 (suggested Game Port +5)

    battleye config: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/example-beserver_x64.cfg#L1-L2
    epochserver.ini: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini#L1-L8
    Redis database needs to be running for the server to start up properly.
    I recommend a relaxed importance on restarting this redis instance.
    I restart redis about once every week or two.

    EpochServer.ini: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini#L10-L14
    redis.conf: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/DB/redis.conf
  17. Like
    Kenobi reacted to DirtySanchez in [DEC2017] Arma 3 EpochMod Server Installation and Setup - [NOV2020] FireDaemon Tutorial Link   
    Server Installation
    [NOV2020] Thank you @PAL-18 for the DM with a link to your newly updated info for Arma 3 Dedicated Server Setup Under FireDaemon Pro

    [DEC2017] Instructions below
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Time to invest: Depends upon knowledge of Arma 3 but should be a few hours with 20/20/20 breaks
    ** 20/20/20: Every 20 minutes, get up and focus on something 20 ft away for at least 20 seconds
    1. Download Arma 3 Server files by going into Steam -> LIBRARY -> TOOLS
     This will download to your Steam Library folder. (most likely in program files -> steam -> steamapps -> common)   OPTIONALLY you can install SteamCMD and download arma 3 server from there Create a folder for SteamCMD (e.g. C:\Servers\SteamCMD) Create a folder for your Server (e.g. C:\Servers\EpochServer) Download SteamCMD: http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip Paste the SteamCMD.exe into your created SteamCMD folder Create an empty file "Update_Arma.bat" in your SteamCMD folder Open this file with notepad(++) and paste this code into this file: @echo off @rem http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your install SET STEAMLOGIN=mylogin mypassword SET A3serverBRANCH=233780 -beta :: For stable use 233780 -beta :: For Dev use 233780 -beta development :: Note, the missing qotation marks, these need to be wrapped around the entire "+app_data......" :: There is no DEV branch data yet for Arma 3 Dedicated Server package !!! SET A3serverPath=C:\Servers\EpochServer\ SET STEAMPATH=C:\Servers\SteamCMD\ :: _________________________________________________________ echo. echo You are about to update ArmA 3 server echo Dir: %A3serverPath% echo Branch: %A3serverBRANCH% echo. echo Key "ENTER" to proceed pause %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath% +"app_update %A3serverBRANCH%" validate +quit echo . echo Your ArmA 3 server is now up to date echo key "ENTER" to exit pause  
    Enter your Steam Login and optional your Server / Steam path (folder) Save this file and run it to install / update your Arma3 Server 2. Setup a new folder on your drive (Skip this when using steamCMD)
    If only hosting a single server, simply "EpochServer" is fine If needing to install multiple server, you can alternately name this "EpochServers" and make a subfolder "EpochMapName" for the server     * FOR THE REST OF THIS SETUP WE WILL REFER TO THE SERVER FOLDER AS "EpochServer"

    3. Move your Arma 3 Server files over to your new folder to start building your Epoch Server (Skip this when using steamCMD)
    Copy and Pasting these files will work just fine
    4. Copy the Client Files to your Server
    Copy your @Epoch folder to the "EpochServer" By default it should be located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@Epoch" Optionally you can download these files also from http://epochmod.com -> Downloads -> Client
    5. Copy the Server Files to your Server
    Download the Server files from here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch Click on the green button "Clone or download" and download the Zip file Unzip the downloaded file and go into the Server_Install_Pack folder Copy the contents of the Server_Install_Pack into your "EpochServer" main root
    6. Setup your preferences of your epoch server
         A. Location:  "EpochServer"\sc\server.cfg
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/sc/server-example.cfg Rename server-example.cfg to server.cfg and configure it setup your server name, passwords, mission file name (optional: difficulty and other config entries)      B. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochAH.hpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/epochah.hpp#L2 turn on/off the antihack-admin panel      C. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochConfig.hpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp Server settings for restarts, time and other important settings      D. Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epochServer.ini 
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/EpochServer.ini Very Important: Battleye RCON and Database port/password settings (See next post for more)
    7. Setup your database config
        Location: "EpochServer"\DB\redis.conf
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/DB/redis.conf port and password change here
    8. Setup your preferences of your epoch server
        Location: "EpochServer"\sc\battleye\beserver.cfg or beserver_x64.cfg
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/example-beserver_x64.cfg Which depends on what x86/x64 server executable you are running. Should be self explanatory which is needed when? right? If not, x86 means 32bit and x64 means 64bit
    9. These below are part of epoch_server_settings.pbo.  The links provided are to the source files on github for example purposes.

        Location: "EpochServer"\@epochHive\epoch_server_settings.pbo\
       A. config.cpp
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/config.cpp more server settings    B. configs\maps\yourmapname.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/maps/tanoa.h Only if using a map other than Altis do you need to use a yourmapname.h file (ie. tanoa.h) Default Map Configs    C. configs\CfgLootTable.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgLootTable.h Defined Base Loot Tables (if you use Apex, use CfgLootTable_APEX.h)    D. configs\CfgMainTable.h
    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgMainTable.h Defined Loot per Crate (What kind of Loot will spawn in defined crate-Types)

    10. These below are part of mission file pbo.  The links provided are to the source files on github for example purposes.
        Location:   "EpochServer"\mpmissions\epoch.yourMapName

       A. epoch_configs\Configs\CfgEpochClient.hpp
    Most important configs needed Server and Client side
        B. epoch_configs\Configs\Cfg*.hpp <- refers to all the Cfg hpp files
    Look through these files. Most of them have helpful hints, how to configure
  18. Thanks
    Kenobi got a reaction from Berntsen in Epoch Loot System   
    Hi and welcome.

    In epochconfig.hpp:
    lootMultiplier = 0.5; // 1 = max loot bias. This controls how much loot can payout per Epoch loot container.


    lootBias = 40;
    limit = 3;

  19. Like
    Kenobi reacted to TheVampire in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  20. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from natoed in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    Optics must be in lootItem_list = [
  21. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Drokz in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    In specified category, doubling items is the only way to do this.
  22. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from Drokz in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    Optics must be in lootItem_list = [
  23. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from vbawol in Epoch Loot System   
    Hi and welcome.

    In epochconfig.hpp:
    lootMultiplier = 0.5; // 1 = max loot bias. This controls how much loot can payout per Epoch loot container.


    lootBias = 40;
    limit = 3;

  24. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from natoed in Epoch Loot System   
    Hi and welcome.

    In epochconfig.hpp:
    lootMultiplier = 0.5; // 1 = max loot bias. This controls how much loot can payout per Epoch loot container.


    lootBias = 40;
    limit = 3;

  25. Like
    Kenobi reacted to He-Man in [RELEASE] Status Bar With Icons & Server FPS display v1.36   
    Based on this Status Bar, I made a complete rewrite. (without a difference between PlayerBar / AdminBar, because it is not needed for us).
    - Completely removed external config file
    - Only 1 File for all
    - Config section on the top of the Script-File
    - Blinking Icons, if in a dangerous value
    - Easy changeable Status Bar Content
    - Toggleable between 3 Statusbar sizes (right shift key / configurable)
    - 0-No Status Bar
    - 1 Full Status Bar
    - 2 Half Status Bar
    - 3 Small Status Bar
    I made it only for our Server.
    But I want to share it now, if someone also want it.
    Download: https://github.com/Ignatz-HeMan/Ignatz_Statusbar
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