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  1. Thanks
    Kenobi reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in VGFE (Virtual Vehicle Storage for Epoch   
    Epoch Mod Team for a great mod.
    He-man for many helpful discussions.
    RedBaron for helpful discussion and extensive debugging.
    Shix who's VG for Exile stimulated this effort.
    Description: provides a set of GUI and scripts by which players can store vehicles in a virtual garage that preserves fuel, damage, weapons loadouts and inventory. The position and orientation of the vehicle at the time it is stored is also saved.
    Optional storage points can be added by placing pre-specified objects and locations such as airfields and docks. By interacting with these objects, players can store vehicles in virtual hangers or dry docks. The idea of the hangers is that it allows players who like winged aircraft a chance to safely store their jets. A similar logic applies to the dry dock.
    Provisions to prevent using the virtual vehicle storage to teleport is built in.
    Some examples of what the player sees are included below.
    Download:  https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/Virtual-Vehicle-Storage-for-Epoch
    Installation: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/Virtual-Vehicle-Storage-for-Epoch
  2. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    I have Identified the cause of the dissapearing bodies which was due to how simulation was being managed. I just pushed an update to the experimental branch that disables the script that manages simulation along with a bunch of other minor bug fixes. I will get back to this after New Years to finish the remaining updates which deal with: new ways to identify locations to spawn missions; updated simulation management.
  3. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Helion4 in Dayz Epoch (2019)   
  4. Like
    Kenobi reacted to vbawol in Seeking collaborators to make Epoch Mod for DayZ Standalone   
    The development of Epoch Mod for DayZ Standalone has officially begun and we are seeking community collaborators to help develop Epoch Mod for DayZ Standalone.
    The goal will be to make an open source and a community developed mod licensed as DayZ Public License Share Alike (DPL-SA). We are looking for community developers that want to work towards a common goal: Everyone working together to make all their work properly compatible and in one place.
    If you want to become a Collaborator on the project you must:
    Have references showing some of your work. Be able to fork, compile, test, and merge your changes on your own.  Submit work via pull request to the experimental GitHub branch found here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ_SA_Epoch/tree/experimental Contact one of the Epoch Devs in discord to get added to the community dev roles on discord. Agree to the code of conduct and that your work will be released via steam workshop by EpochModTeam and licensed as DPL-SA . We are accepting merge requests for following features:
    Barter based NPC Traders - that only sell what has been sold to them and use in-game items as currency, Enemy Soldier AI, Trader Missions, Better Zombie AI, End game improvements, Lockable storage, Vehicle Ownership, Custom Items weapons, and vehicles of all types, End game improvements like skills and attributes. The development process is slower now due to the lack of documentation however progress should speed up with time. The first release of an experimental build should happen soon but we cannot give any time frames.
    Join our Discord:  https://discord.gg/p35Rr2P
  5. Thanks
    Kenobi got a reaction from NomadSG in Increase antagonists   
    there are other variables to play with...
  6. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in Unlock vehicles left in trader over restart   
    Not all trader camps have protection zones or props...
    Better way though for vanilla A3E users (rather than hard coding them) would be:
    private _config = configFile >> "CfgEpoch"; private _configWorld = _config >> worldname; private _A3E_SafeZonePosArray = []; { _A3E_SafeZonePosArray pushback [_x select 3, 200]; } foreach (getArray(_configWorld >> "telePos")); {   if (_vehicle distance (_x select 0) < (_x select 1)) then  { _vehicle lock false; diag_log format["Vehicle %1 left in trader unlocked @ %2", _class, mapGridPosition _vehicle]; }; } forEach _A3E_SafeZonePosArray; Then you get the locations from the map files in epoch_server_settings...
  7. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Brian Soanes in Unlock vehicles left in trader over restart   
    To unlock vehicles left in your traders over a server restart, open your epoch_server.pbo

    In epoch_server\compile\epoch_vehicle\EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf
    if (_allowDamage) then { Just above that, add this
    A3E_SafeZonePosArray = [ [[18451.9,14278.1,0]], //Altis East trader [[13333.5,14494.3,0]], //Altis Central trader [[6192.46,16834,0]] //Altis West trader ]; { if (_vehicle distance (_x select 0) < 200) then { _vehicle lock false; diag_log format["Vehicle %1 left in trader unlocked @ %2", _class, mapGridPosition _vehicle]; }; } forEach A3E_SafeZonePosArray; Pack pbo and you're good to go
  8. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    I am now finalizing Version 6.84. It is available on the Master branch. A changelog is shown below. There may still be some tweaking needed so I am holding off on changing the post on the first page of this thread.
    Added Option to load weapons, pistols, uniforms, headgear, vests and backpacks from CfgPricing or the Arsenal Pricing and exclude items above a certain price
        Add details on configs for enabling this and setting the maximum price
        NOTE: this function overides any loadouts you specify in blck_config.sqf etc.
    Added functions to despawn static patrols invehicles on on foot when no players are nearby. This tracks the number of infantry alive in a group and respawns only the number alive when the group was despawned.
    Added: Static units will now be spawned with gear specific to difficulty level (blue, red, green, orange) as specified in blck_config.sqf etc.
    Changed: Hostage missions redesigned to reduce chances of AI being glitched into containers and of mission objects flying about when spawned in.
    Fixed: Collisions between objects at missions caused issues.
    Fixed: Attempted a fix to reduce the chance that AI will spawn inside or under objects like rocks or containers.
    Fixed: Captive missions now complete properly.
    Fixed: Hostage missions now complete properly.
  9. Thanks
    Kenobi reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in IgiLoad / Updated Vehicle Tables / Epoch 1.2.0   
    I have been updating the tables of vehicles, cargo and such for our servers and thought I would share what i've done for those who might like to add or update this script for their servers.
    I take no credit for this script, which was originally written by igi-pl
    and reworked for Epoch here a while ago.
  10. Thanks
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in Water purification tablets   
    Water purification tablets are already in CfgLootTable @Kenobi
    class Medical { items[] = { { { "FAK", "magazine" }, 50 }, { { "Heal_EPOCH", "item" }, 2 }, { { "Defib_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 }, { {"atropine_epoch", "magazine" }, 6 }, { {"adrenaline_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 }, { {"morphine_epoch", "magazine" }, 3 }, { {"caffeinepills_epoch", "magazine" }, 10 }, { {"orlistat_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 }, { {"nanite_cream_epoch", "magazine" }, 3 }, { {"nanite_gun_epoch", "magazine" }, 1 }, { {"nanite_pills_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 }, { {"iodide_pills_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 }, { {"ItemWaterPurificationTablets", "magazine" }, 5 } }; }; but they are not in CfgPricing... that is the issue. I will get them added. In the meantime just add something like:
    class ItemWaterPurificationTablets {price = 10;}; And then they should spawn as loot for you...
  11. Like
    Kenobi got a reaction from He-Man in Water purification tablets   
    Our survivors are thirsty. They need water purification tablets because dirty water smells very bad and is full of parasites. When they can expect tablets to be added? :-)
  12. Thanks
    Kenobi reacted to Tarabas in Water purification tablets   
    There they are.. :)
  13. Like
    Kenobi reacted to DirtySanchez in [UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07   
    A little update here, a little tweak here and before I knew it I was reworking the entire script.
    Here is a breakdown of whats changed and available on a branch and pull merge request.
    Server Side
    [REMOVED] PublicVariable Event Handler
    [REMOVED] Spawn loop for generating keys for each 
    [ADDED] 3 new functions to handle the removed PVEH(ReadFrom/WriteTo/TrashFrom)
    [ADDED] 2 new functions to spit out client vgs key and client garage on join
    [ADDED] Debug config option to log every use/request
    Client Side
    [FIXED] Global.hpp missing and caused hosts issues getting the script setup and running
    [ADDED] Ships are now searched for and listed for storage in the garage
    [FIXED] System searched for "Air", but listed only "Helicopters" (now planes and VTOL will show up).
    [ADDED] Scroll Wheel config option to disable/enable
    [ADDED] Dyna Menu self interaction
    [ADDED] Jammer requirement config option along with max distance from jammer entry
    [ADDED] Scroll Wheel will follow Jammer Requirements and Max Distance if enabled
    [ADDED] Dyna Menu will follow Jammer Requirements and Max Distance if enabled
    [ADDED] Debug config option to log each client vgs event
    [ADDED] New Function to handle the receipt of data from VGS server
    [FIXED] Refreshing of VGS GUI on Move IN and Move OUT was not refreshing both sides properly.
    New Configs
    // Settings here
    debug = 0; // 1 = ON // 0 = OFF
    range = 25; // Vehicles within this range of player can be moved into garage
    useScrollWheel = 1; // Scroll Wheel VGS Menu
    requireJammer = 0; // 1 = ON // 0 = OFF
    maxDistanceFromJammer = 300; // meters, only applies if requireJammer = 1
    With new readme
    Branch here: https://github.com/ravmustang/Game_code/tree/VGS-Overhaul/ArmA_3/A3_EPOCH_virtualGarage

    Merge Request here: https://github.com/IT07/Game_code/pull/4
  14. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    V 6.81 build 124 now on Experimental branch.
    See the changelog there for details which include two new mission types and a bunch of bug fixes and other smaller enhancements.
  15. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in DayZ Style Morphine in A3E   
    In vanilla Epoch 1.1 the use of morphine basically is just as an FAK with a different name... it heals all damage with a couple of side effects on toxicity, stamina and blood pressure. I rather liked the old dayz where morphine was specifically required to fix a broken leg... so I changed some code here and added some there and... voila! Now you can have morphine that will only fix a broken leg and First Aid Kits that will not!
    First let's ensure that First Aid Kits do not heal broken legs. This is done by making them completely heal all body parts except for broken legs, which they will heal to a damage minumum of 0.51 (a broken leg in ARMA3 and Epoch is one damaged greater than 0.5). So, let's change the interaction for FAKs so that they will do this. Change lines 337-362 in epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf from:
    case 13: { //Heal Player _vehicles = player nearEntities[["Epoch_Male_F", "Epoch_Female_F"], 6]; _vehicle = cursorTarget; if !(_vehicle in _vehicles) then { _vehicle = player; }; if (damage _vehicle != 0 || {_x > 0} count ((getallhitpointsdamage _vehicle) select 2) > 0) then { if (_item call _removeItem) then { [_vehicle] spawn { params ["_vehicle"]; if (player == vehicle player) then { closeDialog 0; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0'; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd'; uisleep 5; }; [_vehicle,["ALL",0],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2]; if (_vehicle isEqualTo player) then { ["Healed yourself", 5] call Epoch_message; } else { ["Healed other player", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; }; }; }; to:
        case 13: { //Heal Player         _vehicles = player nearEntities[["Epoch_Male_F", "Epoch_Female_F"], 6];         _vehicle = cursorTarget;         if !(_vehicle in _vehicles) then {             _vehicle = player;         };         if (damage _vehicle != 0 || {_x > 0} count ((getallhitpointsdamage _vehicle) select 2) > 0) then {             if (_item call _removeItem) then {                 [_vehicle] spawn {                     params ["_vehicle"];                     if (player == vehicle player) then {                         closeDialog 0;                         player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0';                         player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd';                         uisleep 5;                     };                     _currentDMG = 0;                     {                         _currentDMG = _x;                         if (_forEachIndex != 10) then {                             [_vehicle,[[_forEachIndex,0]],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2];                         } else {                             if (_currentDMG > 0.5) then {                                 [_vehicle,[[_forEachIndex,0.51]],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2];                                                         } else {                                 [_vehicle,[[_forEachIndex,0]],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2];                             };                         };                     }forEach ((getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle) param [2,[]]);                     if (_vehicle isEqualTo player) then {                         ["Healed yourself", 5] call Epoch_message;                     } else {                         ["Healed other player", 5] call Epoch_message;                     };                 };             };         };     }; Now if you have a broken leg and you use a First Aid Kit then it will still be broken. If your leg was not broken you will be fully healed.
    So, with that done, let's turn to the morphine. All this now will do is heal a broken leg... nothing else. If your leg is not broken you will get a message informing you of that and you'll keep the injector. Change lines 383-414 in epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf from:
    case 16: { // Morphine _vehicle = player; if (damage _vehicle != 0 || {_x > 0} count ((getallhitpointsdamage _vehicle) select 2) > 0) then { if (call _unifiedInteract) then { [_vehicle,_item] spawn { params ["_vehicle","_item"]; if (player == vehicle player) then { closeDialog 0; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0'; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd'; uisleep 5; }; private _out = []; { if (_x > 0) then { _out pushback [_foreachindex,((_x - 0.2) min 0.45) max 0]; }; }forEach ((getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle) param [2,0]); if (_out isequalto []) then { if ((damage _vehicle) > 0) then { _out = ["ALL",0]; }; }; if !(_out isequalto []) then { [_vehicle,_out,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2]; }; [format["Used %1 on yourself",_item call EPOCH_itemDisplayName], 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; } else { [format["%1 is not needed at this time",_item call EPOCH_itemDisplayName], 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; to:
    case 16: { // Morphine _vehicles = player nearEntities[["Epoch_Male_F", "Epoch_Female_F"], 6]; _vehicle = cursorTarget; if !(_vehicle in _vehicles) then { _vehicle = player; }; _legDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; if (_legDamage > 0.5) then { if (_item call _removeItem) then { [_vehicle] spawn { params ["_vehicle"]; if (player == vehicle player) then { closeDialog 0; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0'; player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd'; uisleep 5; }; [_vehicle,[["HitLegs",0.5]],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2]; if (_vehicle isEqualTo player) then { ["Injected yourself with morphine", 5] call Epoch_message; } else { ["Injected other player with morphine", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; }; } else { ["Nothing needs morphine at this time... shame!", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; You will need to subsequently use a First Aid Kit to remove that last 0.5 of damage on your legs... the morphine just makes it feel like you are healed fully, and boy, does it!
    That's it... DayZ Style morphine with two simple changes.
  16. Thanks
    Kenobi got a reaction from Grahame in [Release] Sector Addon 0.5.0 - Framework for StaticMission (Millitarize area, Taviana Sector B) rewiten august 2015   
    Heli is out of fuel after some time so I added this code to file fnc_vehicle_patrol.sqf and now heli is flying all day long :-)
    Put code below anywhere between:   while{_run}do{   and last bracket:   };

    //    Refuell code START
        if (fuel _unit <= 0.2) then
            _unit setFuel 1;
            diag_log "***[Sector] Vehicle refuelled sucessfully***";
    //    Refuell code END
  17. Thanks
    Kenobi reacted to ReDBaroN in Fake Experimental branch   
    Happened to me as well. Not sure what I did but, must have loaded the server with the right key but, experimental client mod files when I investigated.
    You can see this by looking in your server's @epoch folder and checking the meta.cpp. if it says epochexperimental in this field:
    name = "Epoch"; ....then it's wrong. All you simply need to do is stop your server, grab the correct client mod from your steam workshop or, the epoch mod download options and replace the @epoch folder on your server.
    My guess is that maybe the experimental version of the client came through with the initial release of 1.1.0. But, I'm not complaining or pointing any fingers as it's up to us to check this stuff :)
    Also, worth noting that it will work on the vanilla arma launcher immediately but, can take a while to update in a3launcher.com 
    Let me know if this sorts you out though. Very quick fix and worked for me.
  18. Thanks
    Kenobi got a reaction from Helion4 in [Release] Sector Addon 0.5.0 - Framework for StaticMission (Millitarize area, Taviana Sector B) rewiten august 2015   
    Heli is out of fuel after some time so I added this code to file fnc_vehicle_patrol.sqf and now heli is flying all day long :-)
    Put code below anywhere between:   while{_run}do{   and last bracket:   };

    //    Refuell code START
        if (fuel _unit <= 0.2) then
            _unit setFuel 1;
            diag_log "***[Sector] Vehicle refuelled sucessfully***";
    //    Refuell code END
  19. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    Thanks @TarabasFirst post updated with the latest code
  20. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in A3E Take Clothes   
    New version of the script provided by @He-Man (cheers buddy!):
    private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Tested on my server this afternoon. If others can check it out and confirm no issues then I will update the thread's first post.
  21. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in New Missions for A3E Wicked AI   
    I have ported some of the Extra Wicked AI missions from ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch's Wicked AI system. They are a purely derivative product based on this work:
    Missions ported so far are: Abandoned Trader, Ambushed HMMWV, Army Base, Drone Pilot, Old MacDonald's Farm and Slaughter House. 
    I will be continuing this work with the others when I have time.
    NOTE: In order to use these missions you will require CUP Terrains Core on your server. For those running non-vanilla ARMA3 maps, for example Chernarus Redux that should not be an issue.
    (1) Copy the files in the downloadable archive to your Wicked AI's missions/bandit folder.
    (2) Add the missions to the mission array in WAI's config.sqf, for example:
    wai_bandit_missions = [ ["abandoned_trader",5], ["ambushed_hmmwv",5], ["army_base",5], ["drone_pilot",4], ["macdonald",5], ["slaughter_house",5], ["nuke",4], ["Mi_48",6], ["MV_22",6], ["sniper_team",8], ["rebel_base",5], ["medi_camp",5], ["dropside",5], ["comm_center",10], ["C_192",11], ["destroyed_ural",11] RePBO Wicked AI and upload to @epochhive/addons and enjoy!
  22. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in Deployable Sleeping Bags as Spawn Points   
    Another class of item added to EpochCore client-side in 1.1 are deployable sleeping bags. Here is the code for placing them and a suggestion (and code) for actually making use of them to provide greater flexibility at respawn for your players.
    Installation Instructions
    (1) Add the sleeping bag "kits" to your loot tables and trader price lists. The class names are KitSleepingBagGreen, KitSleepingBagBlue and KitSleepingBagBrown
    (2) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp:
    class KitSleepingBagGreen : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SleepingBagGreen_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitSleepingBagBlue : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SleepingBagBlue_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitSleepingBagBrown : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SleepingBagBrown_SIM_EPOCH"; }; (3) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgBaseBuilding.hpp:
    class SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH : Default { removeParts[] = {{"KitSleepingBagGreen",1}}; GhostPreview = "SleepingBagGreen_Ghost_EPOCH"; staticClass = "SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH"; simulClass = "SleepingBagGreen_SIM_EPOCH"; bypassJammer = 1; }; class SleepingBagGreen_SIM_EPOCH : SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH { removeParts[] = {}; }; class SleepingBagGreen_Ghost_EPOCH : SleepingBagGreen_SIM_EPOCH {}; class SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH : Default { removeParts[] = {{"KitSleepingBagBlue",1}}; GhostPreview = "SleepingBagBlue_Ghost_EPOCH"; staticClass = "SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH"; simulClass = "SleepingBagBlue_SIM_EPOCH"; bypassJammer = 1; }; class SleepingBagBlue_SIM_EPOCH : SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH { removeParts[] = {}; }; class SleepingBagBlue_Ghost_EPOCH : SleepingBagBlue_SIM_EPOCH {}; class SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH : Default { removeParts[] = {{"KitSleepingBagBrown",1}}; GhostPreview = "SleepingBagBrown_Ghost_EPOCH"; staticClass = "SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH"; simulClass = "SleepingBagBrown_SIM_EPOCH"; bypassJammer = 1; }; class SleepingBagBrown_SIM_EPOCH : SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH { removeParts[] = {}; }; class SleepingBagBrown_Ghost_EPOCH : SleepingBagBrown_SIM_EPOCH {}; So, at this point you can place sleeping bags and they look pretty nice, but what's the point. Well, say for example that you would like to seal your jammer away in a dark place in your base but don't want to respawn in that room, but do want to respawn somewhere in a base; or perhaps you are doing a mission or you're off hunting heroes and don't want to make your way from the coast all over again... well, you can set sleeping bags to be spawn points too!
    (4) Change the definition for the select_jammer class in epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/cfgActionMenu_target.hpp to:
    class select_jammer { condition = "((dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'PlotPole_EPOCH') || (dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH') || (dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH') || (dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH')) && (damage dyna_cursorTarget < 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec [""EPOCH_server_makeSP"",2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\player_inspect.paa"; tooltip = "Make Spawnpoint"; }; RePBO your mission file and upload it to the server.
    (5) Now unpack epoch_server.pbo. There is one file in there that needs a change which is compile/epoch_player/EPOCH_server_loadPlayer.sqf. Change line 145 from:
    _jammers = nearestObjects[_CheckLocation, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], 6]; to:
    _jammers = nearestObjects[_CheckLocation, ["PlotPole_EPOCH","SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH","SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH","SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH"], 6]; RePBO epoch_server.pbo and upload to your server. You now have sleeping bags that can be built anywhere and used as respawn points.
    Be aware though! Anyone can pick yours up in the wild (as they should be able to) and you will no longer spawn at its location!
    (Optional 6) Also note that should you give these as starting gear you may want to add energy to a player at spawn by changing the energy entry in the CustomVarsDefaults array in epoch_config/CfgEpochClient.hpp to something like the following (which gives 1250 energy to a new spawned player):
  23. Like
    Kenobi reacted to He-Man in Epoch 1.1.0 scrap metal bug   
    Yeah, was my failure. Fix will come soon, but you can add it earlier:
  24. Like
    Kenobi reacted to Grahame in DayZ-Style Portable Generators for A3E   
    I got certain configs updated in the EpochCore client files allowing a few extra nice features to be deployed in A3/Epoch, and I'll start off by posting the information to set up portable generators to allow fuel pumps to be used for refueling vehicles if auto-refueling is turned off on your server. 
    Installation Instructions
    (1) Add the portable generator "kit" to your loot tables and trader price lists. The class name is KitGenerator
    (2) Add the files in this downloadable archive to a folder in your mission called, for example, sounds:
    The license file is required! It is a Creative Commons Attribution Only license for the sound file.
    (3) Add the following lines to your mission file's custom description.ext (replacing the path for the generator1.ogg sound with the location in which you put it):
    // Portable Generator Sounds class CfgSFX { class Generator { sounds[] = {"Generator"}; name = "Generator"; Generator[] = {"sounds\generator1.ogg","db+10",1,200,1,0,0,0}; Empty[] = {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; }; }; class CfgVehicles // NOTE: CfgVehicles definitions are only permitted in description.ext for sound sources. It cannot be used for CfgVehicles customizations { class PortableGenerator { sound = "Generator"; }; }; (4) Create a file in the folder of your mission file where you store your own scripts, e.g. custom called PortableGenerator.sqf and paste the following code into it:
    (5) Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf (replacing the path with whatever you used in step (4)):
    if(hasInterface) then{ PortableGenerator = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\PortableGenerator.sqf"; }; (6) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp:
    class KitGenerator : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Generator_EPOCH"; }; (7) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgBaseBuilding.hpp:
    class Generator_EPOCH : Default { removeParts[] = {{"KitGenerator",1}}; GhostPreview = "Generator_Ghost_EPOCH"; staticClass = "Generator_EPOCH"; simulClass = "Generator_SIM_EPOCH"; limitNearby = 2; bypassJammer = 1; }; class Generator_SIM_EPOCH : Generator_EPOCH { removeParts[] = {}; }; class Generator_Ghost_EPOCH : Generator_SIM_EPOCH {}; (8) Add the following code to epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/cfgActionMenu_target.hpp:
    // Portable Generators class generator_refill { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorFueled"",false]) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 2] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\vehicle_refuel.paa"; tooltip = "Refuel generator"; }; class generator_start { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorFueled"",false]) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 1] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Start generator"; }; class generator_stop { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 0] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Stop generator"; }; RePBO your mission file and upload it to the server. That should be it.
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    Kenobi got a reaction from Donnovan in Error   
    I am so sorry, now it works great and thank you, He-man :-)
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