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    Ramitupem got a reaction from Kind-Sir in Base Building Feedback pt2   
    First thing why do placing building parts have to have a time limit at all its so freaking annoying. Raising the wall or floor to the require height takes up most of the time and by the time you have it almost positioned perfectly the time runs out and you have to start all ofver again. 
    A nice feature for the building would be a snap on function so when you place a floor then add a wall to it it snaps onto the floor and then is perfectly alligned. If building a base alone due to the fact you cant's see every angle its dam near impossible to get them lined up correctly. 

    Why not make floors and ceilings seperate items. So a floor will when in ghost mode appears at your feet, and the ceilings appear at head height thus giving you ample time to manuevre them?

    Also will we get roofs? would be nice to have a house look like a house. Could do this by building a roof frame and then have an upgrade option to add panelling or roof tiles. 
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